Exactly. If somebody wants to say LaFleur and Zach weren't the best combo and didn't mesh pefectly OK thats fair game. I'd even agree 100% especially considering the Jets quietly got him out of here after last season. But thats as far as it goes. Wilson's problems clearly run a lot deeper and wider than not meshing 100% perfectly with his OC.
No one is saying it explains everything away. I've taken pains to acknowledge that Zach has had a part in his struggles, the same way that everyone who struggles has a part in theirs. But to downplay the impact that coaching has, especially coaching that tries to force a system on a QB that goes against his strengths is more silly.
We haven’t really seen the system fail to work for any quarterback in the league yet from the McVay/Shanahan tree so I’d tend to think that Wilson being the outlier is more at his feet than the system.
This is the biggest question going into next Sunday. Zach had a good game last night, but he's had a handful of these kinda games throughout his career and he usually comes back down to Earth shortly after. I'll say I'm cautiously optimistic when it comes to Zach and if he wants me, and many others, to get back on the bandwagon, he needs to string together a few more of these types of games consecutively. Strong showings @Denver and vsPhilly could set us up in a decent spot going into the bye and restore some faith in Zach.
The guy had the best game of his career. Now everyone is getting their hopes up that we're gonna see it every week for the rest of the season. You guys are setting yourself up for massive disappointment when he falls back to his regular form next week.
It'll always be a week to week thing with Zach until he puts together a string of good games. He's had a lot of bad games... it will take a while for the stench to fade away.
100%. Where was this guy a week ago against the Pats? I'm sure Bears fans are doing the same thing with Fields after he totally balled out yesterday with 4 TD's. Prisoners of hope!
It's your choice on what to believe. I do invite you to do some research on the types of plays that Hackett called and on what downs he called them. If you do, I'm certain that you will discover that in the first 3 games that the overwhelming majority of play calls on 1st and 2nd downs were runs and then passes on 3rd downs. Further, there were very few shots downfield, which allowed the D to stack the box with 7-9 defenders to stop the run. That's predictable and very few QBs could even survive much less thrive with playcalling like that. Then compare that with his play calls last night. You'll see a marked difference.
What system? There are multiple versions of the "system" going back to when Bill Walsh invented it, and they're all different to a greater or lesser degree, and not every QB who played in one succeeded. But the main point is that Zach had great success in college NOT in a WC offense - although there were facets of it used. If the Jets were bound and determined to run a WCO, WTF did they draft him? Conversely, if they believed he had great talent, enough to warrant turning down a king's ransom of picks to trade the #2 and instead take him, why did they stubbornly refuse to change the system they were trying to force fit into when it became obvious it wasn't working? Those decisions lie at the feet of the GM and CS. Again, not saying that Zach didn't have a part, but to his credit he kept his mouth shut and tried to be what they wanted him to be even though he was struggling and taking immense abuse from fans for his struggles. But the Jets organization had a bigger part than he did in all of this. They tacitly admitted as much by firing LaFleur - excuse me, letting him follow another opportunity - and hiring Hackett and moving heaven and earth to get Rodgers in to mentor Zach. And the WCO is NOT a simple offense to learn, let alone master. It involves a lot of pre-snap reads and decisions, and then quick decisions post snap. That requires a QB to know the system and the plays cold. Asking a QB who never played in anything like that to step in Day 1 and expect he would be any good at it, let alone the ridiculous expectations some people put on him is crazy. Rodgers sat for three years before they felt confident he could run it. Mahomes sat for a year, but he's a freak. Zach hasn't even played two full seasons yet, and for most of that he's played with less than mediocre talent around him, especially the OL. But somehow he was supposed to overcome all of that and be good? Coaching makes a difference. IMO it makes THE difference. And we can see just by looking at the decision made by Hackett last night to open things up how much of a difference it makes. And to claim that, nope it's always been Zach's fault, ignores this fact.
Yesterday the reads were simplified. Two reads maximum make some throws. What we should have been doing from the get-go IMHO.
Pats game plan do not to make mistakes we will win with defense. Chiefs we are down by 17 wing it. Zach played pretty well in the hurry-up against the Pats and Cowboys and they are incorporating that into the game plan.
Idunno what you’re talking about. Shanahan/McVay/Matt LaFleur all come from the same coaching tree as do their descendants in O’Connell (Vikings), Slowik (Texans), McDaniels (Miami) and Mike LaFleur who is now with the Rams. Obviously the systems aren’t carbon copies but they all have the same core principles. There is a lot of variation in the skill sets of the quarterbacks we’ve seen in these systems across all of these teams since McVay and Shanahan became head coaches in 2017. So you’re telling me a combination of LaFleur being a bad anal retentive coach and the pairing of Zach Wilson’s skill set rendered the system and coach to be a massive problem. When none of the other teams have experienced anything near the offensive deficiency or quarterback play we’ve seen the past two years? I’m calling bullshit on that one.
LOL! Did you even stop to consider what you wrote? You don't see the bold a a recipe for failure? And whose responsibility is that? A rookie QB who never played in that system before? I call bullshit on that.
When did Goff every play in McVay’s system before he got there? Jimmy G and Purdy before they got to San Francisco? Love before being in Green Bay? Stroud in Houston? Tua with McDaniels in Miami? I’ll buy your argument for Stafford and Cousins because Cousins was drafted by Mike Shanahan. But telling me it’s because he’s never played in the system before is quite silly.
I think there is a bit of revisionist history going on here. Sure, it’s possible that the version of the WCO that MLF ran wasn’t suited to Zach’s strengths. It’s also possible that the playcalling has more than a little something to do with Zach’s success last night…in terms of not running into the line for two plays and then having 3rd and 7 every fucking time. All may be true. However, let’s not forget all the MANY throws Zach made that were into the dirt, or 5 feet over receivers heads, or behind a receiver, etc. Those awful throws…and there were A LOT of them…weren’t about the system or the playcall … they were about Zach’s inability to make basic throws, or his inability to anticipate the receivers route and hit them in stride…those were on him, and regardless of the system or the playcalling, he was missing open throws that an NFL QB shouldn’t be missing to the extent he did…sure even Mahomes makes mistakes and doesn’t hit every open throw, but Zach was missing them at an alarming rate. That being said, it sure does feel like he’s not really missing those throws as much this year as he did his first two, and I’ll give him credit for that. I’ve watched every game, and off hand, from just a gut feel standpoint, that doesn’t seem to be an issue so far. So that’s good. I’m glad he’s playing at a basic low bar NFL QB level … hit the fucking easy layups. I think he still has trouble seeing the field, and the Pats game was a huge example of that…but he looked better last night. I do think coaching matters, and just like I still remember Parcells telling Vinny when he first got here and could still move…saying hey Vinny, hit the throw and if first or second read isn’t there, just run. And Parcells got the most out of Vinny. It kinda feels the same…it feels like maybe they did do what Collinsworth was saying…hey Zach, read 1, read 2, throw away or run. Also, he does seem to do better in the fast paced offense, so I’m not sure why we don’t run more of that… I think he was pretty good last night…not perfect, and the fumble was the huge mishap, but he played well last night. More of that and we can win some games
All we heard about MLF's system was about how easy it was for QBs. The problem wasn't the system with him. The problem was Zach not seeing open receivers and not hitting them when he did see them. Hackett, up until yesterday, was a much more predictable playcaller than MLF. That contributed to some of Zach's struggles so far this year. I will say though, Zach's been hitting the easy throws he used to struggle with last year so far this season.
The questions I asked were legitimate. If he can do it once it means he’s capable of doing it again. He almost had a 3 TD game which would have equated to a truly good game overall for a QB. I’ve always believed he’s had the physical tools and have agreed with those who state that the offenses were never tailored to his strengths, but he also failed to convert simple dump offs and screens on a regular basis, in addition to running in the wrong direction way to much. Last night he was doing things that he doesn’t typically do like letting the ball go before a cut or before guys we’re 100% open and trusting his receivers to make the play. Combined with the fact that he learned how to run forward on broken plays or when it’s just there, he’s showing progress. Still one of the worst QB’s I’ve ever seen but credit where credits due, my eyes are telling me that I’m seeing improvement. If it continues the Jets may be in the mix this season. Beat Denver, lose to Philly, and in theory the schedule gets a bit softer. Losing to the Pats may ultimately be the back breaker for the team even if they put it together and make a run.
His home/road splits are massive too. 210 YPG, 57% completion, 14 touchdowns to 12 picks at home. 32 sacks. 14 games. 149 YPG, 52%, 5 touchdowns to 12 interceptions on the road. 45 sacks. 12 games. I didn’t know they were that bad wow.