Training Camp Thread 2.0

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KY Jets Fan, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I don't think Schweitzer is a below average OG. Based on what I've heard and read about him is that he's been pretty solid, and at least average throughout his career. If he is below average, then I agree to an extent, but the problem is that RT is more important than RG. We could get by with below average play at RG, but not at RT. Also, now that Tippman is taking snaps at OG, he could perhaps take the RG spot while AVT goes to RT.

    I don't think we can afford to trade for a an OT, either because of cap space this season or because of next season with all the FAs we're going to have. More than likely, we're going to have 21 players who make the roster become FAs next offseason. We're bound to lose some due to not having the cap space to re-sign them, so we're going to need every draft pick we can get to try to replace players we lose. Just as importantly, I don't think any team is going to trade an above average OT. It's not like there are a lot of those running around. Certainly no AFC team is going to trade a starting-caliber OT to us. As another poster said recently, OL in the NFL are basically good players or dog shit. There's not a lot of in between.
    #981 NCJetsfan, Aug 16, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
    joelip likes this.
  2. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Does anyone really believe Becton is going to last the year? We'll need a solid backup ready to go when the time comes.
  3. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    NC, your takes are just so over the top. Just relax, buddy.
    #983 bicketybam, Aug 16, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
    KingRoach and IIMeanDeanII like this.
  4. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Maybe you're fine with Saleh making dumb decisions that are based on bias for/against players, that hurt the team, and have the potential to sabotage the season, but I'm not. It pisses me off. I never wanted him as HC to begin with. His stupid decisions almost ruined Zach. Now he's playing stupid games with the OL that's endangering Rodgers health and the season. I have every right to be pissed, and you should be too.
  5. joelip

    joelip Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Well, we have a player reportedly coming to camp in Brown who has played LT all his career, and he can be the experienced LT backup if/when Becton goes down. Hopefully, between the two walking wounded we get decent LT play this year!
    egelband, KY Jets Fan and NCJetsfan like this.
  6. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I do. IMO if his knee is going to give out, it would give out now, or he'd be having lots of problems with swelling or having to sit out practices. He hasn't had to sit out a practice in weeks. We'ver heard nothing about his having problems with his knee swelling. They've been cautious with him in TC. I think as his confidence in his knee builds, and he continues playing and practicing, his knee will get stronger and stronger. The only reason he wouldn't last the year is if he gets another injury.

    Every position on the team needs a solid backup, not just for Becton.
    bicketybam likes this.
  7. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Exactly! IMO the starting job should be Becton's at this point, and Brown should be considered the backup LT. That is what would be best for the OL, offense and the team. Anything else is detrimental to the team and is on Saleh.
  8. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    You're certainly entitled to your opinion. I've told no tales. I've merely stated what I see as the reality of the issues. I will relax when Sales wises up or is gone.
  9. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    I agree with the LT stuff. I was talking about RT, since that seems to be where he's trending. We just need more quality tackle depth period.
    joelip likes this.
  10. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I do. He may not take every snap but I think he plays the majority of the season.
    KY Jets Fan likes this.
  11. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    I'm with @bicketybam on this one, friend.

    Why would Saleh purposefully start someone that's inferior than another option that is readily available? Do you think he's pumped that the OL is the biggest question mark on the team right now? Do you think it improves his job security to intentionally put out an inferior product on the OL during TC?

    Of course not, he's trying to see what combos work best with what's available to him. We still have 4 1/2 weeks until the first game. Brown will hopefully get off the PUP list soon. Laken and AVT have both already been given the day-to-day tag meaning they don't have serious injuries but just like I felt with GW not that long ago, I'd put those guys in bubble wrap for as long as needed. No one should care this much about how the OL looks on August 16th with 3/5 of our starters out IMO.
    bicketybam likes this.
  12. joelip

    joelip Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2013
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    You make some good points about Tippermann, etc. I don't agree that the Jets are unable to afford a trade though. For example, an up and coming athletic tackle like Josh Jones of Arizona would cost us 2.8M left on his current contract (apart from signing bonus), and we may be able to pick him up for, say, RB Carter plus a 2025 4th round pick.

    Let's not forget regarding the cap next year that players like Brown and Whitehead can be cut with no dead money ($8M savings between the 2 of them) and contracts such as the $21.5M owed to Mosley can be renegotiated. This is apart from a likely cap increase.
  13. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    With all due respect, you are a very knee-jerk reactionary type of poster. You go from zero to 100 in a nanosecond. I think Saleh is what he is: a third year coach that is still young and learning. This is the guy your boy Joe Douglas picked to lead this team. By all accounts the players love him. Do you think he's going to lose the locker room by not declaring Becton the starting LT on August 16th? Saleh isn't a complete idiot, regardless of what you think. He knows that his job is on the line and at the end of the day he will play the players he thinks are best.

    P.S. Saleh didn't ruin Wilson. Whoever decided he was the defacto starter before he even took a training camp snap is more to blame than him and my guess is that guy was Douglas.
  14. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    What else do you call playing Turner and Mitchell at LT? Neither are capable of playing it. Both are turnstiles. That should be glaringly apparent to anyone who has ever watched football or knows anything about football. If Saleh sees it and does nothing to change, then it's either his rigid rule about Becton being able to play a whole game before he gets reps with the 1s, which is illogical and makes no sense, or there's some other reason/factor at play. If it's the rule, that's putting a rule over common sense and who is playing the best, and it's a stupid decision. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you have a great player (which Saleh has said about Becton), then he should be on the field and not on the bench. If he can only play 75% of the time, that's better than none at all and it's better than 100% of Mitchell or Turner. The more he plays, the stronger he'll get and the more confidence he'll have in his knee, which will only make him play better. Meanwhile, he's building chemistry with Tomlinson and the rest of the OL mates, and Rodgers will have time to make throws and the RBs will have a hole to run through. If it's something else, then it's that he's purposely withholding Becton because he either doesn't like him or thinks Brown is owed the starting job for playing last season injured. It's no longer 4 1/2 weeks until the season starts. Their first game is Sept. 11. That's closer to 3 1/2 weeks.

    To be fair, it may not be purposefully. Coaches have their blind spots and they sometimes arbitrarily have rules or things players must do in order to play. They're also blinded by their feelings towards or against players which biases them and colors how they see them perform. We saw a lot of that with Parcells. He had "his guys." If another player made a mistake, no matter how talented or how well he had played otherwise, that player wound up in Parcells' doghouse, and few ever got out of there. We saw Hugh Douglas get traded. We saw Terrence Mathis leave the Jets and go to the Falcons and become a star. There were others. HCs can make a lot of head scratching moves for a variety of reasons. They're not immune to making bad decisions or putting their ego over what's best for the team.

    Fans accuse GMs of putting their egos over the team with regards to holding onto players he drafted that aren't doing well. If the GM can make mistakes like that, how is it that HCs can't?
  15. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    I call it the same thing I called it in the post you just replied to, trying out different combos to see what works best with what's available to him.

    Saleh knows how talented Becton is but he's also seen him go down in Week 1 or during TC and be lost for the rest of the year. Surely you can understand his trepidation in relying on someone with that track record until they've demonstrated some ability to stay healthy, right? Now that they've seen him stay healthy for the entirety of TC, I'm assuming they feel better about him and his knee and they're going to start giving him reps at RT. I don't think Becton is in Saleh's dog house or anything like that, I think Saleh and the rest of the CS were hesitant to depend on him as a starting OT with how important this season is and his injury history. I fully expect Becton to take a stranglehold on the RT job soon, and 3 1/2 weeks (sorry, you were right, I was looking at my calendar wrong) is plenty of time to develop some chemistry with the rest of the 1's.

    Since you bring up blind spots and being blinded by feelings, do you think it's possible you're letting your personal feelings interfere with how you view Saleh? Just some food for thought.
  16. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Aaron Rodgers may not be worried about the O-line... but I am.

    That said... ain't it great to have a well spoken experienced quarterback?
  17. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Literally 3/5 of their OLine didn't play today
    KY Jets Fan and bicketybam like this.
  18. Ptflea2

    Ptflea2 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2015
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    Is it me or is Corey Davis getting an unusual amount of "personal days" off?

    Hope everything is kosher in his personal life.
  19. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    A week or two at most should have been enough to see that neither Mitchell nor Turner should be playing LT. I know that they've been cautious with Becton, but by this point he is clearly demonstrating that his knee is holding up and that he's more and more reliable. There are no guarantees that AVT or any other OL will be able to stay healthy this year, so at this point Saleh should be over whatever concerns or fear he has. The only way he'd be able to know that Becton can play a whole game, however, is to put him in with the 1st string and let him play. He's finally going to let Becton move to the 1s, but at RT. IMO that clearly shows to me that he has no interest or desire to play Becton at LT, that the job is Browns whenever he gets back. IMO that is wrong and detrimental to the team, and his comments about being "fair" are hypocritical at worst, and childish and dumb at best. I expect that Becton will take a stranglehold on the RT job as well, but I also think he would do that at LT, but Saleh just doesn't want to give him that opportunity. His intent all along was that Brown would be the LT and Becton the RT.

    No, it's not possible that I'm letting my personal feelings interfere with how I view Saleh. I've already thought about that, and took a look at that perspective. While I never wanted Saleh as HC, and feel like his decision to hire MLF and a rookie QB Coach was totally incompetent, I decided to not hold it against him, as it was understandable and a "rookie" mistake that he made. I think he has done a very good job in terms of having the team prepared to play each week and the team never quits. There have been few HCs in the Jets history that we can say that about, so I give him kudos for that and his positivity. He is a likeable guy, and I have come to like him, even though I think JD made a mistake in hiring him over Daboll. I've been rooting for Saleh, since that's what's best for the team. I intensely dislike stupid decisions made by Jets HCs, as I've seen enough of that in my 58 years of being a Jets fan. That's what's mostly at play here. I think his decision to just hand the LT job to Brown is stupid, his continuing to trot out Turner and Mitchell at LT is stupid, and that his comments about Brown and Becton competing for the starting LT job and Becton having to earn the LT job were disingenuous, if not outright lies.

    While I like that he called out the OL because it's showing that he's holding players accountable, I think it's more than a little hypocritical when his decisions are a big part of the problem. He has put the OL in a position NOT to succeed with relegating Becton to the 2s at LT and clearly thinking of him at RT, and with continuing to trot out Turner and Mitchell at LT. His supposed competition at C was a joke as well. In a true competition all the players involved get snaps with the 1st from day one of TC. That didn't happen. I believe it was 2 weeks before Schweitzer ever got a snap at C, and it was what, two days ago that Tippman got his first snaps with the 1s. I can understand Tippman not being ready to compete for the starting job the opening week of TC, but if not, then why say he's part of the competition? It makes him look like he's a liar or has no clue what he's doing, and can't remember what he said, because his actions don't back up his words.

    The biggest things at play with this are Rodgers' health and the success of this season. I truly think that we could have a very good OL and could win the SB if our OL is very good. I see Saleh's actions endangering all of that. If his actions weren't endangering it, I wouldn't have a problem with him, even if his words did come across as hypocritical. Most HC say things they think are necessary or to soothe everyone's ego. As fans we have to learn to take what a HC says with a grain of salt. It's Saleh's actions that I think are harming the play of the OL and could cost us a SB victory this season.
  20. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    they don’t play every day

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