I don't know whether she's a bigger psycho or he is a bigger moron. She tried to kill you, bro. Are her blowjobs really that good?
Q: What doesn't belong and why? . a. Woman . b. Blowjob . c. Drum A: Drum? WRONG!! you can beat a woman, . you can beat a drum, . BUT: . you can't beat a blowjob... .
Yeah, Lori Vallow Daybell guilty of all charges. This idiot will do what these doomsday religious freaks do all the time. The date will come and go so they come up with some delusional reason why it didn't happen and pick a new one. This fckwad is a classic case in point: Wayne Bent a/k/a Michael Travesser. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19369687/suicide-cult-leader-sex-abuse-virgin-teens-last-words/ So back to Lori Vallow Daybell. She and her previous husband adopted Joshua "JJ" Vallow. The kid was autistic. What a surprise he wound up murdered in this bitches backyard. She couldn't deal with him, but went along with the idea that he was possessed by demons and would turn into a zombie. Well, you killed him and the zombie part didn't happen. Or whatever these turds think. The daughter was protective of this kid, and I don't know their fcked up reasoning for murdering her, too. I never knew I could detest someone I never met this much. I detest this woman.
She had to go. What a monster. She always has this condescending smirk on her face because she knows the truth, you don't. I don't mean the truth about what she did, I mean some God bullshit truth thing she thinks she has going on. No remorse. This awful woman believes that murder is not punishable in the eyes of God or whatever the fck she thinks when it's for some twisted greater good. therefore, not even murder. I think her presentation is total horseshit. What I think is that it was easy for her to brainwashed into the reasoning behind the murders. It gave her the excuse she needed to get rid of both children because she didn't want them anymore. When I read how this poor kid was bound and buried like trash I said what I've said a million times: evil is real. I don't know why some folks get so obsessed with assigning evil to an entity outside of us that makes us do bad things. Evil is a real, tangible, touchable, physical, choice fueled thing right here on Earth with out any outside imaginary help. You wanna talk pure evil? Pure evil, what an oxymoron that is; but CHRIS WATTS. Holy Shit, I viscerally shudder. His daughter knew she was next and she said, "Daddy, please, no" right before he smothered her with her own security blanket. I cannot wrap my fucking mind around it. It's time like those I wish I believed in Hell.
Yeah, that's a hot one. It's like "love and relationship coaches" who are divorced giving you rocky marriage advice, like those jackasses John Gray and Barbara DeAngelis. It's laughable, but I guess the bright spot is they didn't go the murder route.
I wonder if we will start getting more people opening up in Moscow id, as the year ends, some graduate and don’t have to go back, and feel like they don’t have to adhere to any code of silence anymore. I know there is some court stuff coming up, but I imagine there are quite a few students that k is things(sone came to the house that am).
I don't think the people who haven't spoken up yet are likely too. If they wanted the attention the opportunity was there already. We've already seen a few people get pushed down hard because they spread rumors they could not back up. The one about Kohberger being a regular at the restaurant two of the victim's waited at got pushed down in a particularly strong fashion by the owner of the restaurant. She said that she and the FBI had interviewed everybody who worked there over the 4 months in question and nobody remembered seeing Kohberger there at all. She said the time wasted in sorting this out both by her and her employees and by law enforcement was considerable. My guess is the sources of the rumor got very unfriendly visits by the authorities after the fact just to *verify* that the rumors were unfounded.
I think it may be more of a conscience thing, than attention. Having to keep their mouth shut per pi-phi code, or just being afraid in general. That was such a popular house, and there have been a few people related , that are saying the word about the deaths had been circulating around since 930am. Lots of time to clean up drugs around the house before calling the cops (just speculating of course). But I can’t help but to feel it’s even more f—k ups situation than presented so far.
https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/22/us/lori-vallow-death-penalty-idaho-ruling/index.html "The death penalty should be dismissed because of media saturation, multiple discovery violations by the government, Vallow’s mental status and the inability of the state to effectively administer the death penalty should the jury decide to impose it, the defense motion said. On Tuesday, Fremont County District Judge Steven Boyce ruled in favor of the motion to dismiss." What they're veering away from is that her fckd up belief system involves Jesus, which always gives fckd up incidental and unintentional credence to fckd up shit in the minds of many. Well, she's crazy yet sane and believes in zombies, but Jesus was also a zombie, if you roll with the Jesus story in the first place. They didn't know what to do with it, so they opted for the "Christian" thing by not putting someone to death who believes in zombie Jesus. It posed a bit of a conundrum. The flip side to their "compassionate" argument and reasoning is to shed light on the inability to put a human being to death humanely by lethal injection, which amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. It's a test case, believe it, that defense attorneys will run with if it sets precedent. Oh, and she's also crazy after the fact, so here come the appeals with even more vigor. Dogs, cats, horses, etc. are euthanized humanely every day. People can easily be anesthetized to death. The problem is that Big Pharma doesn't want death drugs with their name on it to do the job. Any livestock or equine vet worth their salt can make it less than painless if it was permitted. What happens is that prisons are left the cobble together lethal cocktails with mostly expired drugs that are insufficient and cause death by painful poisoning. They pretty much just make it up when it doesn't have to be that way. Big Pharma knowingly kills people every day without a shred of conscience yet there they are saying they are morally opposed to having the drugs they make available for the express purpose of killing people. In other words, they won't directly supply drugs for human euthanasia. Hypocrites of the highest order. None of this is pro or con death penalty. Just the facts.