Saleh was scheduled to meet with the press at 3:15 and be on Michael Kay’s show at 4:30 and skipped both. Something is going on. My bet is they’re going to bench ZW this week. If he’s skipping just to avoid questions then Saleh’s just as guilty as Zach for lack of accountability
Looks like when Saleh made the Mike White comment yesterday he didn't know about what Zach said after the game. I am sure he is as pissed as any of us.
If I can like this 10 times, I would. I remember Bill doing that on a nationally televised game. Fuck the coddling
About fucking time I honestly do t have a problem starting Zach but if we continue to see this shit for about a quarter or more I’m bringing in White…no later than halftime enough is enough with this worst in the NFL QB that we have coddled he needs to either put up or get the fuck,outta here
The big question now is how Wilson will react. Does he pout like a spoiled, entitled brat or does he get the message and clean up his act? Only time will tell. Saleh had to say what he said today. If he didn't, he'd lose the locker room, and coaches who lose the locker room quickly become ex-coaches.
i think the 103 yards comment may also apply more widely to the coaching staff, but that's a separate issue All that said, even if they use Zach in Chicago this statement has benefit. it means Chicago will have to game plan for a guy who may throw to open receivers If Zach had a string of excellent games and then laid an egg this approach might be inappropriate, but given what we have seen he needed to do this or the locker room would have been royally pissed at Saleh for all his accountability stuff on guys like Mekhi, Mims and Moore -- none of whom is perfect but neither is Zach
It's a good thing we played Mike White the first three games of the season so we could figure out what he had there. Oh wait.