So, what now about Clemens?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Poeman, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. themantda

    themantda New Member

    Sep 7, 2006
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    hah hysterical i had a few miller lights...
  2. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    I just do not see that. I think Chad will be the QB of the Jets for one more season max, if that. He won the starter position and played well enough for us to get to the playoffs. Schott did an awesome job of creating game plans that cater to his strengths. But much of the Schott offense is not implemented with Chad. With Chad, it plays a lot like a West Coast offense, but the offense is really intended to be more vertical, with a lot of mid-range passes. Mangini has been very careful of what he has said about Chad. He will say he is a hard worker, and smart, and he is our QB "now" but he stops short of giving the long term torch to Chad. I think that there are a lot of little clues that Clemens IS viewed as our future. The position will be open again next spring and Chad will have to win it again. Chad will likely play better next season, but with teram events, mini-camps, training camp and voluntary workouts Clemens will be much farther along. Don't be shocked if Clemens starts from game 1 next season. And I just do not see Chad being with us past next season as the starter.
  3. GreyhoundJet

    GreyhoundJet Active Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    I am probably one of the biggest Pennington supporters on this site and I want him to keep the job until he proves that he doesn't deserve it. I would be very concerned at a mutiny on this team if Pennington was not named starter next year. These players love Penningotn and the way he fought back from seemingly career ending injuries and I think we should feel the same way. The guy was left for dead and he valiently fought back and led us to a surprising 10 win season. I believe that Penninton will be named starter before training camp next year and will keep the job through that season as long as he plays the same or better as this year.
  4. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    the Defense let us down today. You can't blame Chad for this loss.
  5. jetiron

    jetiron New Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Chad played a decent game for the most part but for all the cerebral accolades he gets for being a smart QB, he should've been the first person to go after loose ball after the lateral pass he threw. The QB should be the first to know whether the pass was behind him especially when he just threw the damn thing 5 yards. Just sick watching him not reacting to his own pass. That was the beginning of the end right there.
  6. Imagesrdecieving

    Imagesrdecieving Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Perfectly said.

    And to the poster that pointed out the great D avg QB situations(like Dilfer and the Ravens) - Pennington doesn't make avg QB money.
  7. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    seriously i believe everything you said, if we are down by 10 in the 4th with 5 minutes to go, i know we are done

    if we had a gunner, id know wed still be going for the win at the end

    hence, Clemens
  8. FITM

    FITM 2006 Best Photoshop Artist Award Winner

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Some of you people are unbelievable. You're the most optimistic and always backup the players on the team, but when our future QB is put in a spot where he could possibly has a chance to take away the starting spot from Chad, you throw him to the curb. I mean, I am in favor of Clemens, but I don't want to get rid of Chad. He's a great QB to help teach the game at the pro level and an excellent second option. In no way do I want to get rid of Chad, but as others have said, he doesn't have the zip and arm strength to make it to the Super Bowl. In reality, Chad only had a mediocre season, stat wise. 17 TDs, 16 INT isn't that impressive...and the only reason he passed for a career high amount of yardage is because he actually played 16 games.
  9. Dinobot 2

    Dinobot 2 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Oh well. Case closed!!!!!

  10. AlToon4prez

    AlToon4prez Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Im with the Pennington supporters on this one. Clemmens will get his chance at some point but there is no need to rush anything. The Jets bigger concerns are stopping the run, and running the ball effectively. I think its exciting that the Jets were able to accomplish so much in this first year of a new regime with so many new players. Pennington is a good fit for this offense, and I would love to see the chemistry he has developed with Coles, and Cotchery continue to develop. I really think the Jets could be scary good after a productive off season in the FA market, and draft.
  11. BenGrahamFan

    BenGrahamFan Member

    Sep 4, 2006
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    No offense but how would you know? Did Brian Shottenheimer tell you his offense is really intended to be more vertical? I find it funny you talk like you actually have a clue
  12. travis_muckle

    travis_muckle New Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    It's tough when you have a weak-armed QB who is not mobile! Wouldn't Chad's lack of arm strength be easier to swallow if he was a threat to run? Traditionally, the non-mobile QBs all had rockets. Not so with Chad...

    Plus, it would be nice to have a QB who can put a little fear into the opposition if we're behind by 14-20 pts. You know, someone who can stretch the field and score quickly. And maybe having someone who can throw deep will help unbunch the DLine and help our running game.

    Not to pile on him - he played well today and most of the season. But to get to the next level? Not sure he's the guy...

    But it was a great season and I'm psyched for 07!
  13. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    the success in 02 and 04 go largely to curtis martin. seing that we didnt win a playoff game in 06 due to lack or running. and curtis has always been a top RB as chad is a top competitor but no top qb.
  14. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    I can't agree with that, Martin, for all that he won the rushing title, was not the vital cog in 2004. I don't remember a lot of matchups where he took the game on his shoulders and dominated, bar possibly the rout of Miami.
  15. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    what he did was constantly make defenses aware of a possible run, letting penny pick apart d's without the interceptions we see now. which is why he looked alot better in previous years and the TD to INT ratio was much more impressive.
  16. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    That's true.
  17. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    He can get it done? Tell us when it will happen please. He needs awesome players surrounding him in order to be agerage! By the time we get the players he needs, he will be too old to play!
  18. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    If Kellen starts next year, Jets are 5-11.

    Mangini WILL START THE QB WHO GIVES HIM THE BEST CHANCE TO WIN! What part of this statement don't you guys understand?

    IMO, right now Chad gives the Jets the best chance to win and until Kellen can beat him out, he will continue to start.

    For the special people who say "Chad can't get it done". You have to look at the whole picture:
    Chad is running the offense WITHOUT a running game
    His Offensive line is YOUNG and MEDIOCRE

    Once you establish consistency in the running game. Chad will have an easier time hitting his receivers. You don't need zip or a laser arm to get the ball to an open receiver. It's hard to find open WR's when you have a 8 guys in the secondary.

    I hope Clemens turns out to be a pro bowler. But if he can't beat Chad, he's holding a clipboard, cause that's all he'll earn.
  19. JetsTillDeath

    JetsTillDeath New Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Honestly, it does not matter what any of us say. Chad will be the starting QB of the NYJ for the rest of his career unless he is injured again. Mangini loves him, as does Schott. Do you think someone who works as hard as Mangini does not love and respect a man of Chads approach, hard work and preperation. That are very similar people.

    I for one am glad, i would like to keep Chad around for as long as possible, we are a much better football team with him than without. We made the post-season this year in large part due to him, not everyone has a Palmer type arm, not everyone is as good a leader as Chad.
  20. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    well its pretty dumb to have 4 wr sets and have them all run routes 15 yards and under, constantly expecting great YAC from the WR's. especially being that his biggest teacher was Steve Spurrier.

    he made some changes for chad in this system, I would easily say its sposed to be more open. it also relies on better run blocking to keep defenses honest so the intermediate routes catch them off guard.

    but thats a whole nother topic

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