Replacing one player who requested a trade with another player who requested a trade doesn't make me feel particularly enthusiastic..
2 guys who are getting treated like the raw prospects they are by the adults in the room.. here's ur shot Mimsy
Good info, thanks for that. Still mims will be wr4/5 in 11 personnel we’ll probably see mostly cd,gw, bb in the slot I’d imagine
I just hope the CS is learning a lesson, from the fact that two young highly-drafted WRs, have publicly wanted out from their offense, in a coupla months. Not to mention that QW had that lil thing with a coach, on live TV, a few weeks ago. They need to be more flexible with their schemes, & listen more to their players. The Punt block last week, was because a player - - I think it was Will Parks - - brought something GB was doing, to a coach's attention. And that Breece TD run, was a busted play, which he had the wherewithal to adjust, & turn into a score. These players are not only talented, but students of their craft, which the coaches can learn from too.
I'll hafta make a list of all WRs drafted in the 2nd rnd since 2000 it'll make you weep. yall think 2nd rnd WRs are some sorta LOCK? ffs. how fucking naive can Jets fans be??
I applaud the coaches decision to sit Moore and bring up Mims. All the attention Mims gets might get Denver to double team him. If all he does is draw coverage and throw some good blocks he has fulfilled his purpose as a team player. I don't give a shit how they do plays, passing plays, safeties, field goals. JUST GET THE WIN!!!!
I'm happy for Mims and as well would think this is a great opportunity to see if the "putting his head down working hard and taking advantage of an opportunity" is realized. As well, would love to see Moore respond properly, eat some humble pie, come out of the situation with an acknowledgement of something like "look, I want to play, and I spoke to rashly, I am willing to shut up, and do what I'm told, and look forward to contributing to this team" type of attitude. Then, going forward, seeing that these two players are ready and available to contribute at any time, giving us great depth, and talent. What a great problem to have!!
The narrative Mims wanted out of this offense is trolling. Mims wants to play. Moore was a starter Mims has been inactive. Be careful Moore Mims just might show up.
Mims knows this is his last chance to show the Jets and the League what he can do. He played it smart, kept his mouth shut. Too bad it took EM's meltdown for the OC to give him a shot as I highly doubt MLF would have done it without an injury. Not to say Mims will be targeted as they'll could just play him as a decoy like they did Moore.
If Mims can walk out of tomorrows game with more catches than penalties then he’ll finally start that upward trajectory.