a 90 passer rating as of now would rank 16th so average is fair. it would put him ahead of guys like cousins, burrow and Stafford too. passing rating is kinda a misleading stat anyway and favors easy to complete short passes
funny thing is they are Running their variation of the Shanahan offense with Getsy at the helm. They just have a severe lack of weapons. Plus bear fans said his playcalling is very mediocre so far and they don’t give fields a chance to pass
this is why when you sort for QBR on ESPN he doesnt show up in the top 34 but his QBR is above 50 and would put him in the top half of NFL starting Qbs
he pulls it down and runs way too much is what i obserfved LAST year... havent watched him any this year
Fields biggest problem is fumbles and sacks. Last year he had 12 fumbles in 10 games and this year he has had 6 in 5 games. Mark Sanchez was the all time NFL fumbles per game leader after 4 seasons and was only fumbling 10 times per year. Fields is almost doubling Sanchez. The lack of pocket presence, sacks, big hits and fumbles is what really concerns me about Fields. He also has 22 sacks already this year or on 14 percent of his passes. He had the same issue in college and it is something that will kill his career. It might not show up in the stat line or in his QB rating but Fumbles and sacks are huge. But as you point out a lot of his lack of stats is context and a bad supporting cast. I hope the kid finds a way to turn it around. He is in a bad situation and is one more big hit from missing a big portion of the season. Edit:My Fields sack numbers are wrong and it is 18 this year. I looked at an October article which said 22. Unfortunately, it was an October, 2021 article. My apologies.
I have him at 18 sacks. Are you sure it's 22? Either way I feel bad for him. Nagy was a horrible coach and they've done nothing to help him.
Opps sorry you are right. I thought I saw 18 the other day but did a quick search and found this article which said 22. I just did not look at the date. Thanks for catching that. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.c...g-sacks-like-no-other-quarterback-in-the-nfl/
Exactly the point I was making. There are other ways to judge a QB other than TD's thrown.......how about TD catches Zach has one of them.
he just processes too slow and IDK if it's fixable. it's the issue with 1 read Qbs in college. his release was slow, he's worked on it but now his accuracy has been poor. I really just don't think he has what it takes
He is now backing out of what he said. He said this team was going to be 0-9 or 1-8 and looking for their next QB.
Okay, if you want to be picky, maybe the phrase "racking up" was inaccurate, but I meant that Zach isn't concerned with what his stats look like, which shows maturity and awareness of what's important, especially since he's recently come out of college where stats DO matter to ensure the best chance of being drafted, and being drafted as high as possible. I made this point in response to those here who keep throwing up Zach's "average" (or below) stats as "proof" that he sucks. In fact, it's proof that he's growing.