NE's Chances versus Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sean_in_titletown, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You have to be worried about this game. I'll be frantic come kick-off.
  2. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Here's my problem with the move: your players just played well below their capabilities at home against a division rival in less than ideal conditions.

    Do you -

    a) Figure out what wrong with the game plan and play that day and try to fix it?

    b) change the field?

    I just think the first option is what a first-class coach does. And I think Belichik is a first-class coach so I can't make any sense of it.

    His approach, btw, helped the Jets out in this rematch. The Patriots got let off for their poor showing in November by having the field scape-goated, and being let off is a weak response. And the Jets quick players (Justin Miller, Leon Washington, Laveranues Coles and Brad Smith) just got a much more favorable surface on which to display their skills.

    Maybe I'm wrong. We'll see on Sunday.
  3. Sean_in_titletown

    Aug 18, 2005
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    Guy, I can't even chew gum and walk at the same time..I'm just a little on edge over this game. I really am nervous about it bt it's just sports. It should be a good game..Like I said, I think NE will win but don't think it will be a blow out...
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Both sides will understandably be nervous over this game... you wouldn't be a true, knowledgable fan if you weren't. My biggest concern (and I hope I don't jinx everything here) is Bad Chad showing up. This is a huge concern of mine. I think everything else will be okay for the Jets, I just don't want to see reruns of the Chinese Firedrill or, God Forbid, the always-dreaded Three Stooges Syndrome.
  5. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Basically, I am mildly worried at this point.

    If anything, Brady in the postseason (and at home, too!) is as lethal as it can get. It will take, again, another well-planned and coordinated effort from the whole defense to neutralize him. Since it is post-season, it will be that much harder, mind you.

    I don't try to look that deeply into the field situation. If anything, it will help both teams, so while some feel this favors one team over the other, I do not think the field condition will tilt the balance of the scale so drastically, as to make a visible difference in the outcome of the game.

    The challenge for the Jets offense would be to establish running game. If they can do this, they have a fair shot at winning. If they can't... well, expect an old-school beatdown in the backyard. Expect a heavy dose of Chinese Fire Drill in that case, so-to-speak.

    If the Jets do win, it would be close - less than a TD's difference, I say - but if NE wins, it will be a blowout.
  6. The Mariner

    The Mariner New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    I'll agree that people are hedging their enthusiasm, but it means nothing when the game is actually played. I remember in 2004 the Jets were headed into Pittsburgh as double digit (I think) dogs and we were all thinking "so what if we lose? Pittsburgh is the best team in the league." I think we all remember what happened then.

    I will say two things for sure: I don't expect the Jets to win, but I do think the score will be a bit higher than most of these predictions. I'm going to guess 30-24 Pats, and hope I'm wrong.
  7. DevTeam

    DevTeam Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    You know, it's really hard for me to think that the Jets will win, which is always when they surprise me... also we're on a roll, in terms of a 3 game winning streak.
  8. patschick

    patschick New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    The Pats are also coming of a 3 game winning streak. But, last mention of the field (promise). I think the organization just got fed up with the field this year. Earlier in the season it was used for MLS games, the Stones concert and football. The weather hasn't been that cold, so it was a hard surface. The resodded in between the numbers and within a week it was destroyed again. I think the Jets game was the last straw, but it was being talked about before that game. I don't think it will give either team an advantage. Which will be nice. No field excuses after the game is over! May the best team ON SUNDAY win! Please refs - have a good game!
  9. patschick

    patschick New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    I just read how NE's Ty Warren was named AFC defensive player of the month. He didn't play in our last meeting - which played a large part of the Jets success in the run game.
  10. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Jets 27-24 in OT. Jets +1 in the turnover battle becomes the difference in the game.

    With that said, this game will NOT be a blowout. The first meeting looked like a blowout, but the team never stopped trying, making the final score respectable. Take the 9 points and place your Vegas bets on the Jets.
  11. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I agree that Mangini is using many of the same philosophies as he was learned in under Belichick, but I have a problem with the phrase 'Belichick taught Mangini everything he knows'. Chances are, Mangini learned most of what he knows about the pro game from assistants who learned from Belichick and probably a dozen other coaches. And veteran players. And scouts. And anybody else who talks to the ball boy. Belichick didn't catalog a capsule of knowledge and then bestow it upon Mangini. I doubt he knows what lessons meant what to EM. Or which ones he learned. Or who taught them. Mangini is not a clone of Belichick, he deals with situations differently because personality is a large factor in coaching.

    I'm not writing off the Pats, as long as they have Tom Brady and Bill Belichick, they will always be a huge threat in the league. But if there is a year that the mighty Pats can be knocked off their pedestal, it's this one. Yes, you have some key role-players back, but the Patriots haven't been playing with the type of chemistry I've gotten used to seeing. I saw that lack of chemistry in both the Jets-Pats games this season. Of course you have to factor in the way the Patriots play in the postseason since the turn of the millenium, and that probably means the Jets will get a shellacking, but don't feel shocked and cheated if the Jets pull out a win in Foxboro in the postseason.

    This team doesn't know they aren't supposed to win. Sound familiar?
  12. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I read something in a local paper here that was talking about how the Pats defense has only given up 10 passing TD's all year. And three of them came from the two meetings against the Jets. :beer:
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Oh, Abysmul, you have so nailed it on the head. My only wish is that I could have nailed it as well as you have. Kudos, my friend. Hammer away!
  14. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Thanks. My shots in the dark occasionally hit something significant. :grin:
  15. shut.thedoor

    shut.thedoor Banned

    Dec 27, 2006
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    they have as much of a chance of winning,
    as k-fed and brittnay getting back together!
  16. WWWestonC

    WWWestonC New Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    Brad Smith on a 3rd down gadget play drops back and throws a 40 yard bomb...what is Belibitch's answer for that?

    Is he going to request to put a retractable roof on Gilette Stadium monday...I guess we'll find out.
  17. patschick

    patschick New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    Believe me - I am not a Pats fan who will ever say we are definately going to win any game. The team that plays better on Sunday will win. I agree that a lot the chemistry has been missing this year, mainly because of new players trying to catch up. But, over the past 3 weeks that chemistry has been there, which is why we are excited. Do I think the Jets could win this game? Of course I do. I wouldn't be shocked at all. You or I could go back and forth for hours predicting who will win - but neither of us will be on that field Sunday. I love this match up. Two coaches that know each other so well - it will be like a chess match. Two good QB's. Two professional and mentally tough teams. It's going to be great! We should win this one, but you're right - I certainly would not be shocked if we didn't.

    As far as the BB teaching thing...I wasn't being literal. But Bill did take him under his wing - as a ball boy - and mentor him for a decade.
  18. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I share your enthusiasm and look forward to all future matches between these teams like I was never able to when Herm was coach. And I also understand the essential futility of these debates, but they can be fun!

    These are good times to be a Jets fan. I can't wait until Sunday.
  19. patschick

    patschick New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    Agreed! I'll be away from a computer for the weekend - but not a TV! And won't be back till next Tuesday - but I will come back, win or lose to see postgame comments (not to troll or eat crow).

    Please good refereeing and please no injuries! Whoever wins this game has to go all the way and represent the AFC east in the big show:up:
  20. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I would guess that Mangini learned plenty from Parcells, Weiss and Romeo as well. He was also a NT at Wesleyan, and a HC if a semi-pro team in Australia. Sure, Belichick taught Mangini a lot, but it's a given fact that there are things that each know that they other doesn't. BB didn't do a freakin mind meld with Mangini.

    Also overlooked here is what Schottenheimer brings to the table. He is creative as OC as I've ever seen in the NFL. Both Schotty and Mangini are willing to risk more in an attempt to win. As an underdog, like here, this is a good thing.

    As far as predicting an outcome.... Sean, you think that is some mark of validation of a fan's opinion? I see it as nothing more than trash talking for bragging rights after the fact. If I suspect the Jets will lose, that makes me less of a fan? Fact is, the Jets SHOULD lose this game. But, at the same time, they have a reasonable shot at an upset. The Pats will be prepared for what the Jets threw at them a few weeks ago. That is what good coaching and a smart QB bring to a team like the Pats.

    Granted, it hasn't been against many high scoring teams, but over the last 8 games the Jets defense has only given up less than 13 points per game. That includes the 31 the Bills put up on us. Take that game out, and it's 71 points over 7 games. 10 PA per game. Thsi defense has quietly improved a great deal as the season wore on, which was to be expected given that an entirely new scheme was installed.

    The key to the defense is how much pressure the Jets can get on Brady, and how well Dwayne Robertson plays in trying to stuff up the middle.

    On offense, it's all about Pennington. the Jets are 9-1 when he throws 1 or 0 INT's. The Jets are 1-5 when he throws 2 or more. I think Belichick knows that, and will take some risks in trying to jump those dink and dunk passes Pennington throws so well to some elusive guys that can get a lot of YAC like Coles, Cotchery and B Smith, not to mention Washington out of the backfield.

    Both of these coaches have one very strong similarity. They will try to dictate to the other team how to play. BB will do his best to take the short passing game out of the Jets' arsenal. I figure he thinks he can afford to challenge Pennington to beat his DB's deep, given Chad's less than stellar arm stregnth.

    I think Mangini will do his best to show defensive fronts that beg to be thrown on, not run on, and then blitz Brady like there is no tomorrow. Watson will get a shadow the whole game... probably Vilma with safety help deep. If Brady gets time, look out. Dave Thomas is a great looking rook. The WR's arent very good, but if left one on one, Brady can get the ball to them.

    Now, given all of that, I'm supposed to predict the outcome? Even if I am right about what I expect to see, aside from saying I see a game decided by 6 points or less, what's the point?

    I think the Pats will probably win. I think the Jets have a very good shot at the upset. That isn't fence sitting, it's a realists view of this playoff game.

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