Moss waits for Chad

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by RDriven3, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. lightning

    lightning Active Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    He has admitting to not trying when things go well. It's not a matter of if we want him, because it is a fact that we will most likely get him because he doesn't put forth a 100% effort.
  2. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    I honestly think he could revive his career here and if he is a problem child, thats what great about the NFL, cut him (assuming we rework his contract).

    Moss would be so perfect to catch those underthrown bombs. He played with Chad and put up sick numbers, he knows how to play with Chad, the two of them would make the Jets into immediate SB contenders. Another poster made a good point with Dillion, before the Pats, that dude had a smiliar rep to Moss and hell Dillion is doing ok now.
  3. vinsjets

    vinsjets Active Member

    Sep 9, 2003
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    oh...your serious.:eek:hmy: Moss is wasted talent. Openly admitting he gives up on plays/games. i don't want to risk that.
  4. BigGreenUgly

    BigGreenUgly Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    This is BS. I far as I know Moss never even made the flight to NJ and he was no where to be found at the game.
  5. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    but how much is his undisciplined behavior a repercussion of the undisciplined coaches he has played for, specifically Dennis Green, whose initial influence on him as a pro-player set the course for his work ethic. sure, it is Randy Moss's fault for allowing himself to be influenced as much as he has, and his behavior is his responsibility, but I think he has the ability and awareness to change, if he so chooses.

    I think there is a huge difference between Moss's poor attitude, which I think is partly due to those he has been surrounded by, and TO, who has deep psychological issues that simply cannot be overcome. there is hope for Moss, and if he is receptive to it he can improve his attitude and work ethic immensely.
  6. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    do you have intimate knowledge of the Raiders travel itinerary? I am not sure what your position is based on. why would you know or not know that he traveled with th eteam. do you work for the Raiders or the Jets and know who was scheduled on flights or at the stadium? seriously, I am just curious.

    though the fact is the broadcast flashed to him on the sidelines several times.
  7. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    He was there, they showed him on the sidelines. What the hell is he talking about ?
  8. ColoradoJets

    ColoradoJets Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    Every ball Chad throws is a jump ball, and Randy is the man when it comes to pulling down the jump ball. I would be totally content with Randy, Chad, Coles, and Cotch next year.

    Mangini has already earned himself a reputation as a no B.S. coach that works his players hard. Randy would know what he is getting himself into if he wanted to come here. After suffering for a few years with the Raiders, he's probably ready to play for a championship rather than whine about not getting the ball enough.

    I've never been in favor of bringing him here but at this stage of his career I think he'll be ready to be a great teammate, I'm willing to gamble on him.
  9. L3JET

    L3JET Active Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    I agree with you 100%

    It?s amazing to me that (2) top WR in the NFL like Coles and Moss would want to play for a Quarterback like Chad Pennington?:up:
  10. 10nyjets87

    10nyjets87 New Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    something tells me moss wont except just being a slot receiver.
  11. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    nonsense. I admit he hasnt done shit without culpepper, but you really dont think theres another strong-armed QB who can chuck the ball up in theair and let Rndy run under it?
  12. JETSimpala

    JETSimpala New Member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Can't deny the fact that "when playing 100%" Randy Moss cannot be stopped.
    I have three questions though: I know there is great discipline with this NY Jets team, but how will Mangini cope with a situation where Moss is not pleased with play calling and such and creates a tantrum.
    Does Pennington have the same abilities he had at Marshall - physically. Two rotator cuffs does take a toll on ya, and Moss strives on the long ball.
    And how will Laverneus Coles react to this situation. We have a good WR core in Coles and Cotch, with Brad Smith and McCareins (right now) doing good damage. With Moss here, Coles and Cotchery won't have teh same stats as they had his year, how will they react and will lead to a Giants like situation, where there will be problems in the dressing room?

    It's a boom or bust deal in my opinion.
  13. vcoach

    vcoach New Member

    Jan 4, 2003
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    there are good stories about moss also

    moss is not all bad. this is just one example of the good side of randy.
    this was posted on a marshall board. several people here in wv have good-and bad- stories about randy

    I have heard other positive stories about Randy.

    One I heard personally from a lady that used to work with my wife.

    She was a passenger traveling to Chicago O'Hare airport when a tall man in a hooded sweatshirt sat beside her on the plane. As they talked she told him she was afraid she would miss her connection to Denver being unsure of where to go in the terminal. Long story short...he walked with her and helped her find the proper gate area and then volunteered to sign his boarding pass for her. She said he was "delightfull" to talk to.

    Yes, I know there are other sides to Randy that aren't as positive. But sometimes we need to know some good stuff too!
  14. Flippydaze

    Flippydaze New Member

    Mar 9, 2006
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    Random (after new year's, still drunk) thoughts on Randy Moss and the Jets:
    It always seemed to me his whole thing was mainly media driven. In a an off sorta way I see his problems as being a credit to him, it separates him from the robots. He's honest. Does he give a %100 every play? He said No when it woulda been easier to lie like everyone else. A sweep away from Cotch or Coles and do they block like it's there last play ever? No. And that's smart. Save yourself. Don't mistake activity for achievement. Does he smoke pot? Yes, once in a while. To me that's character, admitting something you don't have to admit. It's not like he got caught on a drug test and made some de facto admission afterwards. And the half of the league is blazing up and lying about it. I think Moss' rep is more of a media creation by his lack of media savvy. Take away his physical talents and game and he he wouldn't have half the rep he's got.
    Has he phoned it in this year? Yup and I can't blame him. Look where he is in his career. He's not some rookie or journeymen trying to make his name or next contract. He's Randy Moss and nobody doubts that if motivated and a QB, O-line and an offensive coordinator that wasn't running a b@b the last nine years, that he would dominate? Almost everybody needs to be motivated. In Moss' shoes, looking around the lockerroom: Tom Flores!!! Passing up Leinart and Cutler while Andrew Walters (seriously?)is the heir apparent while Aaron Brooks holds the fort? Art Shell? who I've never seen say a word while coaching a game(I actually think he's a low-end Art Shell clone they rolled out there). The front office and head sniping at each other... If I'm Moss do I put my literal body on the line for this? Nah, if I'm Randy I'm thinkin' there's a lot of football to played, but not here. Raiders/Moss is a bad marriage. Can you put a %100 into a bad marriage knowing that no matter what you do it is not gonna work out? Props then, your a better man than me.
    He says Chad is the best QB he's ever played with. This means he appreciates Chads strengths and acknowledges his weaknesses. It also means, to me, he has a higher football IQ then he's given credit for. On Chad, I think us as fans will never be able to understand what he brings to to the table. I think it has to be measured by the respect he gets from his teammates. I read in a article, and ever notice that none of his receivers (even before Mangini) ever showed him up after an underthrow or floater. There was a reason this soft tosser was a 1st rounder, personell guys know things, and the weaker his arm is the more complete the rest of his game must be. I think Chads weakness is obvious and his many strengths can't be seen except by the guys playing with him. Players aren't dummies.
    He's not a Mangini guy: I think 95% of the guys in the league are Mangini guys. Players want to win, granted, some more than others, or rather, they prefer winning than losing. I think the higher the chances of winning the more the players want it. I think that's what Mangini does. I don't find him particularly charasmatic or motivational or compelling but his players know that they got the best in the game X's and O's wise, that they're not gonna get outcoached. He's got major game, and he lets his game do most of his talking. He's like Martz or Belicheck, but he's gonna be better because he's not a social retart. Moss like all players will see a coach that puts them in the best position to succeed. I think the week in week out gameplan is all the motivation Moss is gonna need to do the work.
    I just think Moss needs to be evaluated fairly. Is he going to be a leader or the face of a franchise? No, and I don't think he wants to be. To me it always seemed like he shunned the media. To me he's a follower and not a leader (like most players and most of us) and that is nothing to be ashamed of. The momentum of the situation negative of positive dictates his response. He comes from 2 historically undisciplined organizations where work wasn't exactly a mantra. I think one of the advantages to the type of environment mangini has put together is to set borderline character guys like Moss in the right direction.
  15. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    hes not an anyones "guy". hes an asshole with more talent in his little finger than most people display in a lifetime, and he wasted it. people like him make me sick. he gets to play football for an unbelievable amount of money, and he cant be happy...he cant keep his nose clean. how can someone not be thankful for what they have...especially when its the kind of talent that would have made him one of the greatest to ever play the position....i can see a chip on your shoulder, but at somepoint isnt it time to grow up? pathetic...i pray they dont even consider looking his way. hes worthless.

    sonny says the worst thing in this world is wasted that standard...hes armageddon.
  16. MParty7441

    MParty7441 Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    If Chad says Moss will come in a be a team player, Mangini will listen. He trusts Chad.
  17. BigGreenUgly

    BigGreenUgly Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    I was wrong. I read that he wasn't even going to make the trip and did not see at all during the pre game. Then I watched the tape and he was indeed there at the game.

    I beg for forgiveness and throw myself at your mercy.
  18. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    changed from when? earlier this season when he was saying that since the raiders suck he didnt know why he should have to play hard? a leopard cant change his spots.
  19. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    i just posted what hes said this season (one of his many zingers at his team, the players around him, and the CS)

    he is a PoS! unless he came here for free, so we wouldnt get hit with a cap penalty when we released him by week 7 i dont want him....matter of fact, i dont want him for free either.
  20. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    i love it! only chadwick makes "underthrown bombs"....:beer: :rofl2:

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