I have such contempt for Belichick and that franchise...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by allan1, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. allan1

    allan1 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    That this game on Sunday is literally my personal Super Bowl...maybe some of you feel the same way.

    After all the crap Belichicken pulled, after all the biased officiating that went their way, after all the Super Bowls we had to watch those scumbags win and rub in our face....wouldn't it be sweet to walk into their shit hole, with the anti-Belichick on our sidelines, and stomp out that stinkin' dynasty once and for all.

    I almost feel like it's meant to be. We were the franchise that started it, we have to be the franchise to end it. I know this Jets team may not be ready, I know it may be too much too soon for us....but man I want to beat them soooooo bad. If we lose Sunday but rattle off a dynasty of our own starting next year, it STILL won't feel complete. I want to beat those bastards in the playoffs for closure...then I want to see Kraft choke on his cheese square and tumble out of his luxury box while Bill Belichick slips on a banana peel and falls face first into the mud while trying to give Mangini a cold fish handshake.

    The Patriots are so due for a big dose of retribution, they are so due to have all this crap slung back into their faces. We are the team that has to do it, it has to happen Sunday. We have to end it once and for all.
  2. Namath2Kolber

    Namath2Kolber New Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    I have contempt for the Pats franchise and Bellzibub too.

    But I have the most contempt for Patriots fans. I went to school in Boston and I have to say that Patriots fans are the absolute worst. If they win, they'll throw it in your face and won't shut up. If they lose, they just remind you of the last time they won. I can't wait for the Jets to win on Sunday so I can rub it in all their faces.
  3. allan1

    allan1 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    I fear them, I respect them...but I also realize they are ripe for the picking. Dillon is old and slow, Maroney banged up, they have no receivers, none who can stretch the field and we don't allow big plays anyway. I know the Jets probably aren't ready for this, but this is not a Super Bowl caliber team we're playing. We CAN BEAT THEM. This is not the 2003 or 2004 Patriots, they're not as good, they're vulnerable top to bottom.

    I don't expect us to win...but losing would be unbearable.
  4. AlToon4prez

    AlToon4prez Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    I feel the same way, but my contempt comes from the NE fan base and the fact Ive been in NE most of my life. I would give almost anything for a Jets win
  5. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end...

    I have a good friend who is a Pats fan, I don't begrudge him anything, now I don't like the reptile as much as anyone but all of this hatred is not good for you, especially on New Years Day...

  6. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    By start it do you mean them having most of our defense from the year before or Mo Lewis nearly killing Bledsoe and opening the door for Brady?
  7. allan1

    allan1 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    Combination of everything. Belichick went there and took our future success and gave it to them, they had a whole bunch of our players, and the Mo Lewis hit...and that comeback game at the meadowlands in 2001, 17-16.

    When the patriots went to the super bowl in 2001, they got closure for the Sugar Bear Hamilton play along the way with the phony non fumble against Brady. Now it's our turn to gain closure against the Pats. I has to come against them.
  8. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    As much as you hate them, year in and year out those phuckers just keep winning, I mean look at them this year and they ended up 12-4!!!!! Franchises have their glory days and then their rebuilding years, but they are always great, not good, great, every year. One good thing though is we have someone who knows the blueprint of that franchise and we are fllowing it exactly, just look at our draft class this year. We are a handful of players away from taking them down.
  9. JeTsFaN_in_SoUtHFloRiDa

    Jul 28, 2004
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    J E T S Jets Jets Jets
  10. scoochydawg

    scoochydawg Active Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Why does everyone expect us to lose this game? we beat them once already in their house, so whats the problem?
  11. PatsRule

    PatsRule New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    It is very hard to win twice in the other teams home field...The fact that the Jets won once in Foxboro makes it that much harder to do it again,especially with Maroni and others thaty did not play last time..I expect a tough hard fought game but I think NE will win..
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Actually the last 2 times that a wildcard team wound up on the road against a division rival AFTER winning in that same stadium during the regular season they won both of the games.

    Pittsburgh @ Cincinnati in 2005: Steelers 31, Bengals 17.
    St Louis @ Seattle in 2004: Rams 27, Seahawks 20.

    The other recent wildcard team on the road vs a division rival was:

    Minnesota @ Green Bay in 2004: Vikings 31, Packers 17.

    3 times in a row the road team has come in and beaten their division winner and the average margin of victory has been 11.67 points...
  13. PatsRule

    PatsRule New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    There are the three exceptions, but what about the all the others that did not pull it off..It is fine to post examples to make your argument but it's only fair to post both sides of the stats..
  14. ScotlandJet

    ScotlandJet New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    I love this post, I too think that there is almost an uncanny situation brewing where 'Devine Retribution' will play it's part, we are the team, Belichicken will be mad as hell that the cards have fallen this way, there is no out for him.
  15. L3JET

    L3JET Active Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    allen1, excellent post brotha!!! :up:
  16. ny2dave

    ny2dave New Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Its not good football logic,

    but, yeah, this is THE game for me. I hate these bastards. If we win on Sunday and go on to lose to Baltimore or SD I will still be ecstatic about this season. We're not ready to challenge for the Super Bowl yet. But we can take out the Pats.
  17. PatsRule

    PatsRule New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    Listen to yourselves,your consumed about beating the Pat's and forgot about the bigger prize..I remember the Pat's in 2001 when they beat the Raiders in the snowstorm against all odds.I knew right then and there this team was special and we had a chance to win it all,now the rest is history.The Jets remind me of that Pat's team they have a chance to go all the way.Why such hatred for Belichek if he had stayed in New York and won 3 Superbowls you would be anointing him King,he left for a better situation more stability do not begrudge him that,Think Big Jet Fans and here is to a great game on Sunday and Im sure it will be....
  18. ny2dave

    ny2dave New Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Right now, its hard to even dare thinking about four wins in the post season this year......
  19. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Our coach has trained us to take this one game at a time. :)

    Personally, I don't harbor any contempt at all for the Pats and Belichick. In fact I think you have to admire them some in how they built a dynasty team in the age of parity in the NFL. I wasn't happy about how the BB thing unfolded and his leaving the Jets, but in the long run I think you need to embrace this as the right thing to happen. There is no guarantee he would have been able to bring us to 3 SB's at that time. And there is a good chance we got one of the brightest apples from the Parcells/BB coaching tree. If you are going to hold contempt for Pats, how can you cheer for EM, who is in the process of bringing a similar type of atmosphere to the Jets? The Pats had a good run, but it is starting to look like the paint is pretty chipped and they have holes in the walls. This game is very cyclic in ways, and perhaps now is the beginning of Jets time.
  20. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I couldn't have said it any better then that.

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