The helmet color is great, but the logo is ass in my opinion. They resisted the 80s logo and they really shouldn't have. It would have been perfect. I am hoping they will revise that in update in a few years.
I like Zach's footwork in this video. He is never flatfooted and always on the balls of his feet looking to make a play. I'm so excited to see what this offense can do. I think we're going to be moving fast & attacking every play, instead of Gase and Darnold who were plodding along on each play.
It’s pretty cool how much energy the new coaching staff brings....great to see after years of freaking Todd Bowles and Adam Gase...neither of whom seemed like they energized anybody I get that coaching style is just that....clearly Belichick is not a rah rah guy and has done pretty well with his style, but I think this team REALLY needed this kind of jolt to change the culture.
IDK we had a really good 2 quarters to start off the 2019 season. then mosley went down and sam got mono and it all went to shit. still 2 quarters into the season of hope is further along then we got in 2020
This feels different though. Normally I have to find ways to justify to myself that the Jets can be good. I always find ways. This time I feel like I need to lower expectations because so many people are rightfully excited about Joe Douglas, Robert Saleh, Zach Wilson and this new era of New York Jets football.
1:52 I was already impressed with his throwing and mechanics, but his footwork looks REALLY good here.
I had my own qualms with Bowles and everything, but I have a feeling behind closed doors the guy had/has a ton of fire. He was just clueless as far as managing a game. Definitely enjoying Saleh's style so far though.
I'm excited to hear that Zach is taking the initiative in contacting his new teammates and is fired up and excited to be a NY Jet. Don't underestimate the impact that enthusiasm will have on the team, especially a team constructed with young, enthusiastic players. Good to see the leadership coming through. That was a "red flag." Hopefully he keeps it up.