Build around Sam

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Murrell2878, Feb 7, 2021.

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  1. The whole roster needs a fresh start though. Not just QB. If a QB isnt worth the pick why reach when the team has an abundance of other needs they could address w better value?

    Will it be worth the 2nd overalll pick just to get a fresh start if the QB isnt equipped to lead a franchise AND the offensive surrounding cast continues to be terrible? I dont need to hear from Wilson fan boys..bc we simply arent gonna agree

    QB is the most important position but not the be all end all.Not when the whole offense has been short on talent for a decade.

    Personally im dead sick & tired of having the 2nd best offense everytime we play & being out talented by even bad teams. How does a 1 year wonder at QB w non elite skill change any of that compared to trading down for more volume? Sounds like we’d continue to get out talented
    #661 KurtTheJetsFan, Mar 8, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2021
    tomdeb and The Dark Knight like this.
  2. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Keeping Sam gives JD his entire draft to, well, draft. Including our #2 overall. WRs, OLineman, DBs, Pass rushers, RBs, TEs, etc. Nothing gives JD more draft potential than keeping Sam.
    tomdeb likes this.
  3. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    8 teams. We need to move before next week to maximize value.
    The Dark Knight likes this.
  4. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    I'd like to see Sam traded to SanFran. He's a Cali boy and I think that's where he'd do his best. Plus I think Sam's better than Garapollo.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  5. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    He's a perfect fit there. I'd love to see him thrive in Cali of all places. And I'll root for him wherever he goes but I'd much rather root for him on an NFC team.
  6. Pepsiguy5

    Pepsiguy5 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    Sewell, who is actually my personal 2nd choice (after trading down) as a goal to target in this draft, is a good bet to be a Hall of Fame player at a position(s) that has absolutely killed the Jets the last few seasons. I'd be personally tempted to label that as "drafting smart" rather than "drafting scared" It sounds better at least :) By that same line of reasoning we could label using the 2nd pick of the draft on Zach Wilson as "drafting reckless" or "drafting desperate"

    And as an aside that scout apparently worked for the Giants for 32 years. Over that time they have generally been regarded as one of the model NFL franchises, and a cut above riff raff like the Jets. They must have kept him around for some reason. When he says things like he never sees Zach Wilson throw receivers open and that is a "recipe for disaster in the NFL" I wince a little bit on the inside. He could be completely wrong and Zach might end up being a fantastic NFL player but then again... you might be completely wrong as well.

    I also think back to a few years ago when we were in a similar position. I was an advocate of signing the boring Kirk Cousins, drafting Quentin Nelson, Chubb as a RB and whatever WR we were talking about at the time. Instead we in effect gave up all of that plus more and took the flashy at the time Sam Darnold instead. Now... I was actually elated to get Darnold personally, thats not the point. The point is to look back at how many billion times better off the Jets would be right now if they had drafted scared and taken the safe boring guys. Maybe we wouldn't have been lining up against Brady in the Super Bowl this year but the Jets would have been orders of magnitude better off than they are right now.

    At the end of the day though we're all in this together and we need to trust Douglas and Saleh. Because as Ralebird points out they have access to all the info possible and they are obviously trying their best.
    tomdeb likes this.
  7. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    The bottom line is that Becton isn't moving to RT and I doubt that Sewell would settle for playing RT either. Even if he did, they both are going to command top dollar and that will be too much cap space tied up in the OL. We've already seen several years ago how when the Jets had a ton of money tied up in their OL, they couldn't afford to pay topnotch skill position players on offense. If we draft a QB next year and he pans out, then he will need to be paid. Q. Williams will need to be paid. You yourself described drafting Sewell as being safer, more of a sure thing, and Wilson isn't a sure thing. That's fear. It's being risk averse, which can be a good thing to some extent as long as it doesn't become the overridgin factor in decisions in the draft. There's some degree of intelligence in going with a "surer" thing, but that's also taking the "safe" route when you don't have a QB, which is what Mac did. Nothing great happens or is achieved by "playing it safe." IMO taking that approach would have the Jets as a solidly mediocre team.

    QB is the most important position. It's worth taking a risk on, particulary with a player like Wilson who is so smart, makes good decisions, doesn't turn the ball over, and has so much arm talent. It's not like it's some wild-eyed crazy risk or gamble, either. Drafting Wilson is safer than it was drafting Sam or trading up for Sanchez. When Mac traded up, he didn't even know which QB he'd wind up taking. That's reckless, and it was reckless to take a QB with TO issues, poor decision making, and bad footwork, and then not building around him or trying to get the best coaches to help develop him. When you get the opportunity to draft a QB with the potential that Wilson has without having to burn a lot of draft capital to trade up, drafting him is the ONLY smart thing to do (aside from possibly trading for Watson), and it's the safest way to draft a QB. If you miss, you only lose one top draft pick instead of multiple top draft picks. There is absolutely nothing "reckless" or "desperate" about drafting a great QB prospect when he's sitting there at your pick, especially when you don't have a QB. What would be "reckless" would be taking Sewell or trading down for a "haul" of picks, assuming that we could get a QB next year, and having to trade a "haul" of draft picks to move up from the teens to the top 5 (if they could even find a team willing to do that) to draft a QB next year.

    With regards to the scout, he is a product of his time. He worked with Parcells who was notoriously conservative, especially with his QBs. That's what he was schooled in and what he still believes. It was a different era in football. I'm sure that he was probably a very good scout during the philosophy of that era, but the philosophy of the NFL has changed dramatically. It is more QB driven than ever, it is not 3 yards and a cloud of dust any more, and teams don't win much without a FQB or an elite QB. Todays' NFL is aggressive in throwing the ball. RBs are undervalued and QBs overvalued. It's just the reality that we have to accept and try to succeed in. The Jets have been behind the curve of the rest of the NFL for decades trying to win with D and playing conservatively and it hasn't worked, and it won't work in today's NFL. The fact that he said that Lawrence should be the only QB taken in the 1st round should have clued you into how out of touch he is with today's NFL. Even his friend and hostess, was shaking her head and laughing at him. The Giants have been known as a model franchise because of their history and the Maras. They were the buttoned up, conservative model of the league and where it was 20 years ago. The Giants have been as bad as the Jets have been lately, so it doesn't matter if they're still held up as a "model franchise," because that's laughable and not true at all any more.

    No, they wouldn't have been better off with Cousins at QB. They'd be mediocre at best, and it's much harder to improve from mediocre to great than it is from lousy to great due to draft position. They would have elite guard play at one spot, and probably not much more. Getting an OG should not be the #1 priority when building a team. That was one of the big problems with Mac. He never prioritized the most important positions: QB, LT, Edge, CB, WR, and OL. He just took whomever he thought was the BAP or the safest player left. It didn't matter that we already had DTs from his previous draft or that SS isn't a premium position, or that he had no clue how to build a team. If we had signed Cousins and drafted Nelson, we'd probably still have Mac as GM, and he would have continued to sign older FAs to horrible, big contracts, and would have missed on most of his draft picks. The team would never have made the playoffs with Mac continuing as GM and with whomever the Johnsons had hired as HC. We wouldn't be in the great position we're in now with so much cap space, lots of draft capital, a smart GM and a potentially great new HC and OC. The #1 thing that gives us any hope is that Joe Douglas is our GM and now making the football decisions for the Jets. We wouldn't have Douglas or that hope if Cousins had been signed and Nelson drafted.

    Yes, I agree that we need to trust in JD and Saleh, until they prove that they don't deserve that trust. Some here don't and are extremely negative and critical of JD and don't trust that he is or will be any better than Mac or Idzik. I think that's ridiculous. I'm one of the most optimistic and supportive of JD and the job that he has done so far, and I will continue to be unless he makes decisions that I think are unwise and not in the best interests of the team.

    To be clear, this isn't personal. I'm sure that you're a great guy and someone I'd enjoy talking with on any range of subjects. My problem isn't with you as a person, just that particular opinion or viewpoint.
    Bellys Lies and major33 like this.
  8. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I just had to scroll 4 times to get past that post.
  9. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    Your mission is to hop onto NFL twitter and convince another 8 teams that Sam has the potential to be Joe Montana. Actually, if we all do that and create a buzz, maybe some team will offer a first. I would also take a first next year. That might make more teams interested if they don't have to give up a pick this season. Imagine having 3 firsts next year. That's a lot of leverage and flexibility which could also be used in this draft to trade up if there was someone JD truly loved. There are so many players I like in the top 15 of this draft.
    REVISion likes this.
  10. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    If a QB is not worth the #2 pick, then Joe Douglas won't make the pick. I still trust that he knows the situation way better than any of us do. That is why I have supported his stance with moving on from Sam. If he evaluates all the QB's and feels sticking with Sam is the best, I would support that too.
  11. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    So who HAS been a "sure-fire NFL success story" before being drafted? Manning? There were questions raised about him and whether maybe Leaf was better. And while Andrew Luck was considered "can't miss", we all know that's a misnomer because there is no such thing - add up all the "can't miss" players who actually DID miss and it would far outstrip the ones who didn't. And certainly no one here on this board is knowledgeable enough and has all the data and info to make that judgment. I'm sure not saying Wilson (or even Lawrence) is "can't miss", but the fact is that we need a FQB, and while I still think Darnold could achieve that level, the odds are heavily against that happening, so unless JD is going to get Watson - who IS 'Can't miss" - my preference is to take the QB with the best potential, which IMP is Wilson.

    That said, I trust Douglas more than my own abilities to decide this, so if he thinks keeping Darnold and trading back for more picks to build of the talent is the way to go I'm on board (although disappointed), and will hope for the best.
    NCJetsfan and REVISion like this.
  12. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    So the choice is:

    Draft a QB (for you anyone BUT Wilson) at #2 AND have a lousy offense


    Trade back for extra picks which WILL produce a...what - great, strong, above average? - team.

    Those are the only two things that can happen? No chance that we draft a QB at #2, and using the picks we have plus presumably a good pick or two from trading Darnold, achieve an above average offense this year, and then make it better next year? No chance of that?

    Asking for a friend.
    REVISion and NCJetsfan like this.

    NYJFOREVER Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Why can't the Jets take a QB at 2 and build the supporting cast around him?

    The Jets have 5 picks in the top 100, most likely 6 if/when they trade Darnold. On top of those picks, the Jets currently have 77M in cap that can get as high as 87M with a Darnold trade and cuts to Lewis + Van Roten. That 87M is a huge chunk of change in an offseason where most teams are going to be over the cap or barely under it. Lots of very talented receivers in FA this year.

    Taking a QB at 2 and having the ability to surround him with talent aren't mutually exclusive.

    You just don't think any of the QBs are worth it at 2 (except Lance if I remember correctly), which isn't something I'm going to argue with because it's your opinion.
  14. Thatd be all well & good if the QB prospect was actually elite. Why start a brand new rebuild w a lesser prospect?

    There is no reason to reach on a player at any position if they arent worth the pick w where the Jets are at.ESPECIALLY at pick #2.
    BrooklynJetsFan likes this.
  15. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    I do not think Kurt implied those were the only two options/possible results.

    NYJFOREVER Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Fair enough.

    I personally would rather dish picks for Watson and stack the offense in FA or take Fields and again, spend every possible resource on offense.
  17. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Writing that someone is "full of shit" and is "totally dumb" and needs to "wake up" MIGHT not be the best way to make friends and influence people. You are better than that. I think it is fair for others to have an opinion.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  18. BrooklynJetsFan

    BrooklynJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    Everyone QB in this draft is a development prospect at best.

    Lawrence can start day 1 (he was born for this, arm, size and mobile) but he will still has his learning curve to endure. maybe Mac Jones in the right type of system too.

    All the others are not day 1 starters. they all played out of the shotgun exclusively, and will have major adjustments to the NFL.

    Too me all are Tua level prospects except for Lawrence, and Jones who might be the real steal.
  19. We’re on the same page w this.I dont think trading for Watson prohibits us from building around him.

    Nothing would thrill me more than seeing this offensive personnel be fixated on this offseason. Saying its long overdue is an understatement.

    I hope thats the plan but seems more likely theyll take a balanced approach guven the change in defensive scheme
    NCJetsfan and NYJFOREVER like this.
  20. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    You have to watch the games.
    abyzmul likes this.
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