Quick Look at 2020:

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by The Dark Knight, Dec 3, 2019.

  1. J-Raw24

    J-Raw24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Think you start a few decades behind man. 2002 wasn't as bad. That said you make several good points.

    I think we have a good chance of beat Pitt. That offensive line can bully an opponent but our dline stacks up we against it. If we can shut doen the run and make Hodges throw we could win. It could go either way.

    If we do win that one we may not pick top 10 pick. It depends how the rest of the league plays. I don't see Lamb or Juedy outside the top 10 but it could happen. They are both elite prospects.

    If we draft and sing FA correctly, next year will be the test for Gase. If we show significant improvement he stays. If we're 6-10 and look like hot garbage hopefully he's gone.
    AJT73 likes this.
  2. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Lol. I need more coffee and for many reasons I'd go back to 2002. Correct some wrongs and enjoy the Jets more since the last 8 years has done nothing. Our biggest issue will be retaining Greg Williams. Hopefully no one hires him as a head coach. Without his defensive calling it could be worse. Yesterday the bend don't break plan. I'll let you get to the red zone but no tds. He knew he was limited. Don't take chance play your position and we'll be ok. Good game plan especially with Roberts playing safety because we know how that went last year.
  3. J-Raw24

    J-Raw24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Don't think anyone will givr him and HC job. Much the same reason everyone is passing on Kaepernick. Its to much drama and to risky. Its unfortunate because i thonk Kaep coild be a great backup with potential to start if he is in shape. Much like GW might be a good head coach. But their passes has ruined their future.
  4. FlaJet

    FlaJet Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    In a nutshell.
    Problem 1. Gase 2. Gase 3. Gase 4. the schedule.
    The Dark Knight and AJT73 like this.
  5. J-Raw24

    J-Raw24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    As much as I dislike Gase i disagree. 1 is o line. 2 us lack of talent at edge, cb, and wr. Then 3 and 4 are Gase.
  6. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    I agree with you on both. I've heard the Redskins might. I think they're the only team that would make a run for him. As for the Kaep situation I agree. He would've been a good backup for someone and maybe a starter. Williams I think has a chance with the Skins. If not he'll stay and that will be good for us. As for Kap I can see him going to camp with someone this year. I wonder if the time away hurts him. Can look great in practice but once you play 11-11 it is a different game.
  7. J-Raw24

    J-Raw24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    I think Skins will go woth MM or Riviera. Riverbot Ron would be good, has a winning record and better than GW. Mike McCarthy on the other hand has handled the development of a star QB. Granyed they didn't get along but Skins need to develop Haskins.
  8. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Riverboat Ron makes too much sense for them. Well respected coach. Can build a program. Worked well with Cam. If I were the NFL I'd be telling them to hire him but the Skins are worse than we are so we shall see. As for McCarthy I think he wants a specific job like last year. The only two jobs he wanted were the Jets and Browns and I think he'd look for something similar. Maybe the Giants young qb stable organization (at least perception is they are stable), Carolina again solid team who has had recent success (though I think Tepper is going to make a splash hire from college), Dallas everything is perfect for him but I don't see him and Jones. With some of the names out there it'll be interesting to see how it plays out with these coaches and teams.
  9. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Don't hold your breath on signing 2 veteran receivers. Have you looked at the potential WR FA class? It's pretty bad, and whomever is good among that group probably won't make it to FA. Demaryius Thomas will be a FA if Douglas doesn't re-sign him. There may be competition for him.
  10. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Why would it be asinine to trade Adams? He's a great players and leader, and I like him (although less than I did before the trade deadline fiasco), but he's our most marketable player. He's a bit of a luxury. With the picks we could get for him, it could make the team better overall, and there usually are some pretty good box safeties available in FA or in lower rounds in the draft.

    I won't be upset if we keep him, nor will I be upset if we trade him (as long as we get very good compensation in return and Douglas makes good use of those draft picks).
    #210 NCJetsfan, Dec 9, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  11. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    You kind of answered your own question. IF they got good compensation - at the very least two very high picks ( which a lot of teams would be hesitant to do for a safety ) and IF good use is made of the picks which is not a guarantee.

    My reasoning is if the Jets have a young stud all-pro player ( even if it’s not a premier position ) then why trade him away. That is exactly what the Jets are lacking - blue chip players. Let’s pretend the Jets acquire a superior EDGE player and a solid CB this offseason whether it is via FA or the draft. How does that defense look now? Solid DL, great up the middle with Moseley and Williamson. Jenkins and new EDGE player
    on the outside ( with good depth ), decent CBs and Adams the all pro with Maye.

    I’d rather stick with the known (all pro player) then create another hole. I can understand your reasoning I just wouldn’t do it. I just have my fingers crossed that JD is the right guy making the picks this year because this team needs it more than ever.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  12. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    We're not very far apart at all in our thinking. As I said, I'm not really advocating one position or the other. Prior to the trading deadline dustup, I was definitely in your camp, but soured on him for his immaturity and ego/insecurity following the news of Douglas listening to what other teams had to say. I understand not wanting to create another hole, and understand even more not wanting to get rid of one of the maybe only two young blue chip players we have. I agree, that it's unlikely that we'll get offered fair value for what he brings to the table in terms of play and maybe leadership.

    The thing is, however, that next season is the last year of his rookie contract. He may be tired of the losing, may not like Gase or think the Jets will win under him, and will possibly be starting over somewhat in 2021. Being from Louisiana, he may not like living in the NE that much. Douglas definitely needs to decide what he thinks Adams' value is to the team, the likelihood of Adams re-signing with the Jets once his rookie contract is up, and determine what he can get for him in a trade. Adams may still be upset or angry, just isn't talking about it. If he has any inkling whatsoever that Adams won't re-sign with the Jets, then he should either begin working to convince him to stay or decide to trade him if he gets anywhere near what he thinks the Jets should receive in return. Getting whatever we would get in a trade would be better than seeing him walk following the 2020 season, and getting nothing in return. That's the wild card imo, and will ultimately be the deciding factor. Ultimately it doesn't matter how much the Jets may want to keep Adams, if he is unhappy here or wants to play for a winner.
    mrjet80 likes this.
  13. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I think Adams has become an untouchable and if you really want to set a tone for the franchise they should give him his contract this offseason. Get him locked up and build around the elite talent that the Jets do have.

    The Leo trade is big, slated to have the 66th pick right now, that’s amazing. Hopefully they can also get another 2nd day pick for Bell. Of course it won’t matter if Joe D can’t draft but if he can Jets not as far away as some believe.
    FJF likes this.
  14. Beki

    Beki Active Member

    Dec 29, 2013
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    At the moment, 2020 schedule seems to be tough, but lot of things can happen till (new signings, trades, HC's, injuries and so on...), so I would focus now on our offseason. (I expect to lose our next 3 games: no chance vs BAL, a close game vs PIT but they will win, BUF game will depend on BUF standing before our match).
    So, we all know...Gase is going to be the Jets HC in 2020 (I really hope very max till end of that season).

    Here comes in to the picture: Joe Douglas.
    First of all: I don't believe he can fix all of our needs, but can touch the base with improving OL and CB position + depth signings.

    We will have fair amount of cap space to work with: ~71M using OTC calculator (cut Roberts, TruJo and Bellamy).
    I would not cut Winters till he won't have any replacement. So, 71M cap space is enough to re-sign some of our guys and sign 1-2 top-tier and some mid-tier FA's.

    - Poole: a must, very good slot CB for GW's defense
    - J Jenkins: very good vs run and can rush the passer, so let's do it
    - Robby: tough question, I'd see him requesting 11-12M / year salary ... I don't know...

    I'd focus on CB position first, we will need 1-2 starting CB depending on Austin's performance + depth
    In the meantime, exploring heavily OL market

    1st and 2nd round: OL picks without any question (if we believe we will have 4 new starters on our OL)
    twown likes this.
  15. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I agree with some things in your post, but have a few differences.

    For one thing, the amount we'll have to work with in FA. As of right now, the Jets have $7,606,368 in cap space left this season. I believe that will roll over. For next season, we have $62,121,439. Combine those two figures, and it's just under $70 million. The cap normally goes up $5-10 million a year, but I think someone said earlier that it's an uncapped year and will stay flat. If they were correct, that will leave us at that $70 million mark. We can greatly enhance that cap space by cutting Trumaine Johnson ($3 million), Avery Williamson ($6.5 million), Brian Winters ($7,281,250),and Darryl Roberts ($6 million). That will give us an additional $22,781,250 cap space. If Enunwa retires or we cut bait with him, we'd save another $2.4 million on the cap.

    Winters is junk. We could sign almost any 2nd tier FA OG and he'd be at least as good if not better than Winters. Hopefully, we'll be able to sign a 1st tier OG like Scherff.

    I agree that Poole and Jenkins are must re-signs, and that Robby is a tough question. If he wants too much, he's gone. Why cut Bellamy? Has he been ineffective on STs? We cannot replace 4-5 OL, a CB or two and 3-4 WRs. Bellamy's cap hit is only $2.25 million, and I see no reason to cut him.

    I disagree about what position should be the #1 priority. That has to be the OL and protecting Sam. There should be a pretty good group of FA OL and CBs available. Austin, Maulet and Poole have done very well this year, whereas our OL has been a disaster. I believe that we will sign a FA CB or two and maybe draft one in the 3rd or 4th round. That said, I don't see why Douglas can't contact both his #1 OL and #1 CB FA target at the same time, and even several other FA OL and CBs.

    In the draft, I don't think the 1st two picks will necessarily be OL. We need WRs for Sam, especially if Robby leaves. Thomas will also be a FA. We can't go into the season with Bellamy, Berrios, and Vyncint Smith as our WR corps!!! Even if we re-sign Thomas (which I think we should do) there will be next to nothing available in FA at WR. Therefore, WR has to be a priority in the draft, even moreso than CB, and pretty equal with OL. I think one of our first two picks will definitely be a WR.
    Douglas could still use 3 of our 4 first picks on OL, and if he trades down and adds another 2nd and maybe 3rd round pick, he could use even more picks on OL early.

    In addition to Poole, Jenkins, and maybe Anderson, I think we should re-sign the following players who will be FAs:

    Kelvin Beachum
    Neville Hewitt
    James Burgess
    Alex Lewis
    Arthur Maulet
    Lachlan Edwards
    Sam Ficken or another FA K
    David Fales
    If we trade Bell, Bilal Powell
    Frankie Luvu
    twown likes this.
  16. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Never seen two owners who know less about a sport in which they are so fully financially invested, AND who hire people (e.g. Idzik, MacIdiot) who know even less.
    NCJetsfan and ColoradoContrails like this.
  17. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Agree with all except Winters--he needs to go! Jets reserves have played better than Winters last 2 years.
  18. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Before figuring cap space the projected increase of 10-12 million should be considered. Of course that means that every free agent or resigner out there will expect to pick up four or five million of that himself.
    tomdeb likes this.
  19. J-Raw24

    J-Raw24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    All the big names will expect top dollar for sure. Good thing is I don't expect many of the ones we need to actually hit free agency. Clowney will make a ridiculous amount, but I hope its not from us.
  20. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    That may not be such a good thing. There are several players who are very, very good and who are fairly young who could help us for years that could fall into that category. Forget Clowney. He's more hype and potential than actual production. Yannick Ngakoue or Matthew Judon would give us the edge rusher we need. Brandon Scherff would go a long way towards solidifying our OL as would Andrus Peat or Blake Costanzo. At CB Marcus Peters or maybe Logan Ryan.

    In general, I'd rather use FA only for depth-type players and competition, but as poorly as we've drafted, we have no choice. Even if Douglas proves to have one of the best eyes for talent in the NFL and works the draft like a chess master, it would take 4-5 drafts to fill out our roster, and by then, several of the players we have now would be gone and have to be replaced. If we're going to be competitive any time soon, we're going to have to sign a big name FA or two. Add Ngakoue or Judon to our D, and suddenly we're a lot better vs the pass because we'll be able to generate serious pressure on opposing QBs. Add one of Scherff, Peat and Costanzo and say, Matt Skura, and our OL is looking a WHOLE lot better. Depending upon whether we get Jenkins and Poole re-signed before FA, we could have as much $90-$92 million to spend in FA if they cut Trumaine Johnson, Winters, Williamson, Roberts, and Enunwa retires. Trade Bell, and we will probably have more cap space. Trade Adams and we'd have $17 million more cap space.
    J-Raw24 and ColoradoContrails like this.

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