Game of Thrones HBO Weekly Discussion (Enter at your own risk of Spoilers.)

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by gustoonarmy, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    the Sansa thing was stupid as well.

    she just decides she wants the North to be an independent Kingdom and everyone is cool with it. Makes sense huh?
    Noam likes this.
  2. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    she's a strong independent woman who don't need no king lol

    but yeah it made no sense at all. the starks were the real winners of the series all in all. sansa is queen of the north, bran is the 3 eyed raven and king of the 7 kingdoms, and arya is an assassin of the many named people or whatnot and apparently now a pirate explorer and landed the kill shot on the NK. jon may or may not be a stark but he gets to live free with the free folk in a simple life like he wants.

    the big winner is bronn though. he was just a hired gun who made deals with all the right people and wound up a lord
    Sam Hammer likes this.
  3. NYJ79

    NYJ79 Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2014
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    With KL destroyed and Cersei and Dany dead, I'm not sure why all of the kingdoms didn't declare independence, with some trade and maybe mutual defense treaties to bind them together. The last 300+ years of a single monarch in charge of the continent has not brought long-term peace or stability, and while Bran not being able to sire heirs was cited as a positive, are we really supposed to believe that factions won't develop, that the kingdoms won't eventually scheme to put their guy on the "throne", that there won't be a power vacuum and possibly civil war when Bran dies?

    Though honestly, the whole thing might collapse long before that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but IIRC the current wardens of the 6 kingdoms are Bronn (why the lords of the Reach agreed to this is anyone's guess), Gendry (who has no idea what he's doing), some rando whose name I didn't catch in Dorne, Robin Arryn (who is maybe less retarded than he was a child?), Edmure fucking Tully, and whoever the hell is running the Westerlands with Tyrion in the capital as hand. Does that sound like a recipe for a golden age of peace and good governance?
  4. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Three years ago:

    DD: how does it end, George?
    GRRM: not sure.
    DD: c’mon, you have to have some idea what happens to the characters at the end that you’re building to.
    GRRM: I have ideas, but none of them are set in stone until I get there. New ideas pop up while I’m writing that set the course of where the story is going.
    DD: you got to give us something, George.
    GRRM: I guess I’ve played with the idea that it could be interesting if Bran ends up the king, Jon just gets sent back to the night watch and decides to live beyond the wall with the wildlings, and Daenarys has a child with her dragon and decides to give up the Iron Throne to raise it on Mars. But, like I said, those are just ideas, not where the story may actually go.
    DD: got it. Thanks for the input!

    Last night, watching the finale:
    GRRM: holy shit, that is a terrible way to end the story. Glad they fucked up the show before I could ruin my books.
    The Dark Knight likes this.
  5. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Can we change the thread title to:
    Game of Thrones Season 8 HBO Weakly Discussed and Executed By the Writer's (Enter at your own risk of Disappointing Spoilers.)
  6. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Good thing for D&D is nobody gives a shit about Star Wars anymore so when they release the third straight terrible trilogy nobody will bat an eye at it.
  7. Cidusii

    Cidusii Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Jon and Tyrion should have been dead this episode, if the writing had been anything like the earlier seasons. No way that the Grey Worm we saw mere scenes ago would not just kill them, and instead imprison them for some lords and ladies he doesn't know to pass judgement. You can tell they had no way to getting that all to work organically, so they just skipped ahead a few weeks instead.

    The 6 Kingdoms really should be 4 at most. How the Iron Islands and Dorne didn't declare independence as well, I'll never know. At that stage, I doubt any of the Kingdoms would stay together for some crippled kid they don't know. Either way, what's left of the 6 Kingdoms will probably be bankrupt within a few years with "I don't know what a loan is" Bronn as Master of Coins.

    Oh well, can't wait for the mini series where the Unsullied sail to Naath, where there are poisonous butterflies that only the Naathi are immune to, and all die horrific deaths. And the followup mini series where a domesticated Dothraki learns how to bake from Hot Pie.
  8. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Days later, and I'm still so pissed with the way this show ended.

    And the part that's bothering me the most is this idea that Bran sits on the iron throne. Bran, being a three eyed raven, can see the past and the future and has signaled, multiple times, that he knows what is going to happen. So if this is true, Bran basically told Jon Snow about him being heir to the throne, knowing he would tell his sisters, knowing Sansa would spill the beans to Tyrion, knowing it would get back to Dany, knowing it would cause her to go ape shit and kill innocent people, knowing Jon would kill her and be banished back to the wall, finally knowing he would be asked to be king, but not want it? So the same guy who never wanted the power and always wants to protect the realm, knew all of this would happen. How the fuck does that make sense?
    The Dark Knight likes this.
  9. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Yeah, Aaron Rodgers brought this up yesterday. :D Bran is basically the main VILLAIN of the show. He set all this up. If he could see what would happen with each move he made, he knew people would die, he knew he would get the throne. He is a piece of shit. o_OCrazy writing.
  10. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    I still don't think Bran manipulated the entire thing. He might have known he would be king after he was able to harness his abilities properly, but the bigger concern was always the night king. 99% of his story was related to finding a way to save the realm.

    Yeah, he planted the seed of doubt in Jon's head, but it was true. Maybe he manipulated that part, but I don't think it's fair to say he was masterminding this whole thing from the beginning.

    I agree with the person who said that Cersia and the Night King should have been 2 separate story lines told over 2 seasons. After the Night King died, the rest of the show just didn't seem to matter.
    #2370 Sam Hammer, May 22, 2019
    Last edited: May 22, 2019
    The Dark Knight likes this.
  11. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    You can when, out of all the people, he becomes King. Everything had to fall his way for that to happen, and he set up most of the stuff. My argument is more about poor writing, than it is that Bran masterminded it all. With how it ended, you have to assume that. Plus his line: "Why do you think I came all this way?" leads you to believe he knew it all. It's just bad writing.
  12. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    I agree with the poor writing, but prior to last season he didn't have all his knowledge. He only had bits and pieces, so he couldn't have manipulated the entire thing from the beginning. He manipulated the Night King battle and Dany's demise for sure, but it was for the best interest of the realm and he knew it. I don't think it was just for the throne. It was for long term peace.
    The Dark Knight likes this.
  13. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Of course he manipulated it all. That was apparent when Tyrion asked him if he would be king, and he said some shit like "why do you think I came all this way?"

    It was so stupid. A guy with the least interesting story line and who has ZERO business sitting on the throne, becomes king and it ends there.

    Bran had been planning this entire thing. Spread the word that Jon Snow is Targareyn. Tell Tyrion your life story to get him on your side. Wait for the Jon Snow news to travel to Dany. Watch her become enraged and kill thousands of innocent people. Tyrion convinces Jon he needs to kill her. Banish him to the North without having to kill your brother. Say some smart ass remark when they ask you to be king. Then make Tyrion, the same guy you told your life story to and who helped you become king, your hand.

    Sounds pretty fuckin planned to me. And the sad part is, it seems that was the story line all along. Such a dumbass storyline
    The Dark Knight likes this.
  14. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    And let's not forget Bran letting Theon die and saying stupid shit like "you're a good man Theon".

    So basically he just fought his ass off to save you and you knew he was gonna die lol knowing Arya would come kill the Night King?

    I hated Bran's character a long time ago. I can't stand that Professor X wannabe mother fucker
  15. MoWilkBeast

    MoWilkBeast Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    The thing that bugged me the most was the North going to Sansa. I mean it would have been OK I suppose if someone else was on the throne, but Bran is the oldest, and only, living male heir of Ned Stark. The North is his by rights really, why wouldn't the northern lords support him. I know he had turned it down previously, but he took the throne...

    It just smacked of we need a woman in a power position at the end, almost as if they believed their own publicity about the strong female roles in the show.
  16. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    I’m surprised nobody has mentioned this but nobody should have even known Dany was dead. There’s no fucking dead body.

    Why wouldn’t Jon have just told everyone when they went looking for her that he was the rightful King and Dany split with her dragon once she was told and accepted it. Know what everyone would have said? “Well, we did just see the dragon leave, and never return. I guess she did take her dragon and split.”

    The only way the ending works is if Jon admits to killing her when nobody would have even suspected she was dead. And if he did, fuck him, he should have been sent to the wall for being such a dumb fuck.
  17. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    that wasn't explained but yeah it's likely jon told people what he did. that's his MO and plus at some point people would start wondering where she went and why the throne was burned. not to mention the dragon throwing a fit could have alerted attention. I agree though it should have been explained out more even if it was jon going to grey worm and telling him
  18. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Could've wrapped up like 20 of the plot holes you guys describe if they just had Dany kill Jon.

    Same scene, she coaxes him in with a kiss and except she stabs him and sits on the throne.

    the series ends with Grey Wolf and the Unsullied storming the north on Dany's (implied) orders with Sansa freaking out and obviously outmanned. Flip to Dany smiling whilst sitting on the throne. maybe you show a ragged Tyrion locked away as prisoner, sad. THE END
  19. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Agreed. I wish they actually showed that scene. I suppose he just admitted what he did to the guards when they came in, since he's honest.
  20. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Guards: what happened?!?
    Jon: Dany was just over there, chillin’ on her throne, and the dragon just came all up on her and burnt the bitch. Right to fucking ash. Then just flew the fuck off.
    Guards: well, that was unexpected. Glad you alright tho’.

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