Kind of have mixed views on him but he's pretty much surpassed Fireman Ed as the face of the Jets fanbase (I think) He's a legit fan from childhood. Suffered and bled with us. No fake bullshit with him regarding that Came from a wealthy family. Not immediately wealthy but by the time he got involved they were well off. Already had some millions. To his credit though he improved upon things greatly. I think he's some sort of tough love spouting motivational speaker. Wants to buy the Jets (doubt he ever will) but it's a nice dream he hangs onto. Spouts a lot of cliche's regarding "hustle" "killing it" "love the dirt" etc. Seems to have an almost unnatural amount of energy(adderall?). Not sure where it comes from but I certainly couldn't (and don't) want to match it or work that much. He seems to revel in being a workaholic. As a motivational speaker he is becoming pretty well known. He definitely spews the kind of stuff that naive young entrepreneurs want to hear. Most of whom will end up broke but they eat it up anyway
I always think the motivational stuff is cheesy (for anyone for that matter), but he seems to be a real fan and doesn’t appear to flaunt his wealth both during games or outside the stadium, though I’m sure he’s got great seats. Will he become the next fireman Ed? I doubt it. Maybe he’s a minority owner once/if the Johnsons sell the team?
Surpassed Fireman Ed as the face of the franchise? I don’t agree. Read his company’s Glassdoor and you’ll get insight into him.
I really enjoyed his wine show he used to do back in the day. I really got educated from his show and it helped me develop my palate for wine. I don't know why in the hell would he defend that moron AOC.
Been a Gary V follower for some time... He's a JETS fan. That's pretty much it. No reason to make it into something. He's said that when he gets enough he'll buy the team... We've ALL said that so ...yea,
I don't mind that he's trying to motivate young, bright entrepreneurial people...the world needs more young talent trying to build businesses. I just personally find him kind of unlikable. He's a bit too rara, seems like he's on adderall all the time. I kind of support his dream though? Ideally, the owner of the Jets would be a huge Jets fan and not some majority owner of a massive company who only cares about his bottom line.
Gary V seems like he'd be an early George Steinbrenner type owner. Genuinely wants to win but constantly meddles and makes the GM do stupid shit.
I think he was either the guy at the 2009 draft who didn't like the Sanchez pick, or he was the other guy standing next to him -- his brother -- who REALLY didn't like the Sanchez pick. The gif of their reaction to the pick was ridiculed for a long time on this board because the Jets were winning. But then it turned out that Harry and Larry V-chunk were actually right.
I'm clearly biased (check avatar), but the amount of hate and negativity towards Gary on this board is just weird. If anyone actually kept up with his content they would know that he's about empathizing with people, trying to spread positivity through inspiration, hard work, and giving back more than you receive. I could understand not liking the way he delivers his content, but not liking who he is or what he is about is disturbing. Then again I do have to expect a sizable portion of the Jets fandom to be nihilists.
It took me a while to connect him and his bro to the infamous Sanchez displeasure gif on draft night. I have no gripes with the dude.