
Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JethroTull, Jan 22, 2018.

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  1. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Not really.

    Rex’ teams were good and could have won it all. Completely different on field personel than the Parcells era.

    Mangini and Edwards had hold overs but it wasn’t the exact same team as the 99’ one.

    They all made the playoffs at least once. Things went the most downhill once they started listening to outside advisors for everything.

    I believe it started with Idzik, and rolled into Bowls and Mac. Since Idzik, the Jets are 33-50
    #1181 Jets81, Sep 24, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
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  2. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Tannenbaum was the GM for both the Mangini and Ryan playoff teams. Tannenbaum was recommended to Woody by Parcells. Idzik was the first GM hired by Woody that he brought in independent of the last Parcells regime. Tannenbaum drafted and aquired almost all or Rex's playoff teams. The key players for Ryan's playoff teams were drafted by Tannenbaum and Mangini. Mangini was forced out by Woody.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  3. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Cman I think this is what you meant ;)
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  4. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    No matter which way you choose to look at it, once they started using external sources to source the GM/coach, the record has been horrendous.

    If you want to attribute everything prior to Idzik to the brilliant ownership tactics of Leon Hess then by all means, but I look at Woodies ownership and the results from the point when it actually began.
    #1184 Jets81, Sep 24, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
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  5. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I don't think Woody cares one way or another. Lets face it he bought the team for 645 million. The team has a net income somewhere around 50 million per (The Packers are public and is just under 40 million) and has a valuation just under 3 billion dollars.

    When he bought the team he had one football asset Parcells/Belicheck. He secured neither of them before completing the transaction. Belicheck was stolen under his nose by Kraft. That tells me that Woody could care a lick about the team winning or losing. This is an investment for him and his family. He basically allowed Parcells to pick his successor and GM. Since both of them have left the team has fallen into disarray. The income and asset however are still growing.

    Anyone who thinks Woody is remotely as smart as Leon Hess is out of their minds. Hess didn't give a lick about the NY Jets. Once Werblin gave up control of the operations the Jets were done. Hess at least was smart enough to know that when he wanted to win before he died to get the best football personal money could buy. He identified it and went out and got it. Bob Kraft did the same thing. The current owner let his one football asset leave during the transaction to buy the Jets. That tells me he didn't care one lick about the football team in terms of wins an losses.
    NYJetsO12 and ColoradoContrails like this.
  6. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I won't be here in two years.
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  7. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    You also left out the obvious: Woody is a rube and fukking idiot for ever getting in bed with the Maras in The New Dump. They also convinced him to cheap out on a retractable roof. While I don't mind the weather being an element of the game, with two teams playing in the same venue, and for that money, that's the kind of Stadium we got? It has the appeal of a morgue, and every time I went to a game I was half-expecting to get tapped on the shoulder by someone from the coroner's office to identify a body. I can't tell you how hard I was praying (I'm not a religious person, mind you, I was mostly praying to the universe for some kind of karma/justice) that the next incarnation of the Blizzard of '69 would dump 20' of snow on NY and NJ and the Super Bowl would get crippled and delayed for days and create a financial and PR disaster. <==Not a run on sentence. It's a challenge, but I'm pretty good at it, and I love when I pull it off. ; ) There were also some pretty serious wildfires near The New Dump some years ago, and I was all burn, baby, burn. Oh, well.

    For all of his wealth, Woody Johnson has no business acumen. Zero. I understand that all he has to do is sit back and rest on his laurels and the money will continue to roll in, but fukk that guy. He managed to alienate one the biggest Jets fans in the world: me. I would venture to say that Leon Hess, mope/dope that he was, DID care about the fans. The Jets were perennially bad, and as a show of loyalty to the fan base and lifers, he didn't raise ticket prices for YEARS, which was practically unheard of. I shouldn't even say practically. It WAS unheard of. He could have rolled us at any time, but refused to do so. We also weren't forced into buying pre-season games let alone at full price. That all changed when Fat Bill The Quitter Who Gave Me Nothing came in. So yeah, for all of Hess's idiocy and perpetual comedy of errors, he did treat us very nicely in spirit . . . until he started getting dementia.

    Hess, even with keeping prices the lowest in the league, still made boatloads of money no matter how absolute garbage the Jets were. If both Shea and The Old Dump were half-empty in lean years, it was still sold out. Shea and The Old Dump were ALWAYS sold out, and people were on the season ticket waiting list for years. I'm talking years. Those were the people who bit on the PSLs initially in sections they could afford (or barely afford). Well guess what Jets, your shitty FO should only wish they had a waiting list now. People have left like the Jews in Exodus when Moses parted the Red Sea, and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the product on the field. As if fielding a poor team ever had anything to do with people bailing. It's the lies and the mistreatment from the Jets FO that finally forced my hand as well the hand of many others.

    Now they've been reduced to begging people to come back, including little piss-ant me, who they couldn't give two shits about until after I left. With a heavy heart, I told them to fukk the fukk off, and after 55 years of those tickets being in my family, I let them go. It was extremely difficult because of the bond I had with my Daddy and my promise to never give them up. I 'consulted' with him in an internal conversation, and I'm OK with it and came to peace with it. I put a little Jets flag on his grave in 1996. He died that August. I said, "That's OK, the Jets would have killed you, anyway." And like clockwork, the Jets went 3-13 after going 1-15 the year before. I also left a flower on his seat after the home opener that September. Fukk you, Woody Johnson.

    EDIT & P.S.: Old interesting read on Jiminy Cricket. Lupica also calls him Leo Hess, so there's always that. More later, and nice to see you WinstonBiggs. : )

    #1187 jetophile, Sep 24, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
  8. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I couldn't afford to own season tickets in NYC. Shea had a standing room section that I utilized for years. For some reason I was alway standing behind Andre the Giant (Cheap Bastard). Shea was a pit to watch a football game. Of course having Namath and a good football team made up for it in spades. I actually liked going to games at the old "Giant's" Stadium. It was a dump but it had better site lines to watch a game than Snoppyville.

    From what I can tell their are 2 sections in the new stadium, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. On the plus side is you can watch the Eagles on your NFL app from the upper deck as a local game when the Jets are getting blown out. The new stadium sucks and was built to rip off the fans.

    I live in AZ now. The stadium is small, loud, great site lines no PSL's. Having a dome is a big deal. When you're getting hosed for 10 games it's nice to be comfortable. I bought season tickets out here the first year I moved out. Gave them up last year. They have raised the prices every year, put a worse product on the field every year and want to lock you in to a longer commitment every year. I can buy tickets to any game any section for a lower price than the pro-rated season tickets cost. Fukk Woody, Fukk Bidwill and fukk the commissioner. FYI the first time I went to use a stall in the mens room, A guy in a Brady Shirt walks out and had pissed on the toilet seat. In Arizona. Fukk Brady, Kraft and NE...
    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.
  9. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Agreed, the NEW GIANTS STADIUM was built to rip off fans in a very big way. Even by New Jersey toxic swampland standards, it is a horrific eyesore. Jets ownership has made no effort to drain the swamp and the results show on the field year after year. The NFL is losing fans because the millennial generation realize that is a rigged money making endeavor for billionaires and millionaires. Just another disreputable way of getting more money into the hands of the wealthy.

    From the 70s to 90s, NFL football was an exciting sport to follow. Now you have ten lousy primetime games a week and a countless number of talking head idiots in the media covering nonsense about the game 24/7. Thanks, but not interested in sitting around for 3.5 hours watching 25 moronic penalties being called with 90 minutes of idiotic commercials thrown in. All you have to do is take a look at some these NFL owners and you will realize that this sport will continue to decline. As if there were not enough fixed games in the past, expect more and more rigged outcomes with sports gambling being legalized.
    Cman68 and ColoradoContrails like this.
  10. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I don't have an issue with anyone making money hand over fist. It's the American way and I'm all for it; but it's become more than obvious that everyone is schtupping everyone else in the NFL at the top of the food chain. As to to the Jets, Woody could've have still made piles of cash without treating his long term customers like a pile of moldy newspapers left out in the rain. Fukk the Jets FO. I mean it.

    It always amuses me how Cheats fans hate Goodell. Guess what you idiots, tapes were stomped, burned, and hit with hammers because there was nothing to see there. You should all say a Novena, light candles, and pray to the Patron Saint of Cheating. Goodell, who is also a major idiot in his own right, went after Tom Brady because he was incensed with being dissed over the favor. And the case wound up in federal court. LMAO. The FBI could have easily subpoenaed Tom Brady's phone records after he destroyed his iphone over Deflategate, but just more waste of taxpayer money.
    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.
  11. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Looks like we need a “Woody” thread, or maybe a “Johnsons” thread.

    I can certainly see it staying erect for a very loooooong time.
    NYJetsO12, HomeoftheJets and FJF like this.
  12. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Standing room section in Shea, Holy Crap, HAH, I can only imagine. I didn't even know it existed. Must've been worse than a mosh pit. My Daddy and Uncle had been going to games since the Titans in the polo grounds and then bought in permanently in 1963. We had excellent seats, but I can't tell you how many times I got hit with peanut shells and Rheingold caps. People would even throw beer bottles. GLASS BEER BOTTLES. Basically anything not nailed down got winged. And the ushers (like in a movie theatre) would say, "You there, you stop that" - even it was a major brawl. Yeah, that worked. And the ushers were all over 80 years old, haha. Great memories, but Shea was a sick gig, lol. And that's an understatement.

    AZ, really? What's the general vibe about Rosen?
  13. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Hah, we're not de-railing, it just came up and it momentarily went that way, but team ownership definitely has merit when discussing a HC and a GM.
    Jets81 likes this.
  14. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    So sorry Biggs ..you do have some good points once in a while..

    I happen to like your avatar and SMs movies

    Sometimes we all get a bit emotional...myself included

    But you should know I grew up in Brooklyn with tons of ethnic neighborhoods..so I am hardly a "redneck"
  15. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Calling Todd "a lazy slob" is racist ..really ??

    I believe people should be banned if they are really out of line but my point was speaking to what 75 per cent of the rest of this Board has assessed TB to be ...unprepared for games and and undisciplined (eg lazy and sloppy in his Coaching)

    BTW Biggs MOST posters here have a MIXTURE of fact and subjective opinion ALL the time..like what else is new on a Fan Board?
  16. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    It's one thing to say that players seem unprepared and undisciplined and that's on the coach. That's far different than calling the coach a lazy slob.

    Perhaps we all need an instructive moment. My first reaction and post wasn't right either. I should have called you on it and explained my thinking instead of react in anger and attacking you. I apologize for that.

    I get your point. I hope you got mine. Whatever any of us think of the coaching job Todd Bowles is doing, he is a man who has moved up the ladder because he deserved to. He deserved to get a HC gig in the NFL. That doesn't mean he's going to be an elite NFL HC or even a very good one. It doesn't mean you can't criticizes his coaching. It also doesn't mean you get to characterize him personally because we live in a political climate where that seems okay. It's not okay.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  17. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Idk if Bowles works really hard or not. I sure hope so. But when a team and staff makes the same mistakes 4 years running, the coach is going to get called lazy for not fixing them. fat rex got called lazy all the time


    he's FINALLY taking playcalling duties away from Kacy Rodgers btw. How is that just happening now? better yet, why is Rodgers still employed when Bowles has had a revolving door at the other coordinator spot and every one of those coordinators has been better at their respective job than Rodgers has
  18. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Coaches coach the same thing every single year. They may have different philosophies but blocking, tackling, route running are instructed to players over and over and over again and low and behold no matter how many times they instruct players who have been doing it all their lives they still have training camps and still instruct the players. Amazingly tackles are missed, blocks are missed, penalties still happen. It's unfkbelievable.

    One constant of NFL teams both good and bad is coaches will move on for other opportunities or be fired. Coaches like teams are generally on the ascent of on the descent. Both of those actions have implications for coaching staffs.

    I suspect Rodgers was hired because they thought he would work out. I suspect it's not. That's an organizational reality all over the league.

    Stop acting like you live in a bubble and this stuff isn't normal throughout the league, all leagues, College, high school and sports generally.
  19. statjeff22

    statjeff22 2008 Green Guy "Most Knowledgeable" Award Winner

    Jun 4, 2005
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    I see that Adams has publicly acknowledged that the Jets had absolutely no contingency plan in place in case Mayfield came in the game. How anyone can not view that as coaching incompetence is beyond me.
  20. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Live game tape on Mayfield, none existent, check. Short week, check. On the road, check. Dropped INT. check, Rookie QB stoped by a good D in the second half, Check. 3 turnovers on the road 2 by a rookie QB Check.

    Are you seriously contending that on a short week on the road we should have had 2 game plans ready to execute as a sign of competence? For a stat guy the hyperbole is a little over the top.

    You probably think it's a coincidence that Darnolds best game to date happened when the opposition didn't have any game day tape on him.
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