New/updated uniforms (Poll Added)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by macbk, Apr 19, 2018.


Did you like the new uniforms and logo?

  1. Yep

  2. Nope

  3. Neutral

  1. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Can you post an example? I saw first hand the QBs wearing red jerseys at training camp.
  2. MoWilkBeast

    MoWilkBeast Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    They were on the Twitter feed, yesterday I think. They used the old red ones in camp but announced these as sharp and new non contact jerseys... I haven't tried posting a Twitter link before so I hope this works.
    Check out @nyjets’s Tweet:
    K'OB likes this.
  3. regan62072

    regan62072 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2017
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    I thought the same thing when I saw this on twitter, Eric Allen also pointed out that the uniforms will be NEW, yes he capitalized new for emphasis.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Interesting. That green on the numbers is definitely a kelly green type color.

    Not sure why they decided to use black, black in the summer sucks to wear. It's also not a standout color like red or yellow, like most teams use.
  5. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i hope its a full redo. i hope they change helmet color from white, i hope they get rid of the not even shoulder double stripes, i hope they get rid of the double stripe on the helmet, i hope they get rid of the helmet logo. i hope they do something new and great.

    however i understand that they are going to fuck this up beyond even my wildest dreams. get ready for silly helmet stripes that arent really stripes, crazy stripes on the pants and something extending from the shoulder across the chest ala seattle and cleveland. how does anyone think that looks good? it is possibly the dumbest thing i have ever seen on a football uniform. well other than the now non existent arms with the different color shoulder i guess you would call it cap. just leave the damn half circle the same color as the rest of the uni, it looks dumb when you highlight it.

    on a positive note, its not the off season anymore so hopefully we wont care as much about uniforms as we do now.
    GQMartin likes this.

  6. Love it. It looks nothing like the eagles & somethin about it screams Jets. I respect the old school green & white purists but if this color scheme was used in this same manner on the new unis i would be very happy.

    The very definition of “Jet” is bold.
  7. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    If the Jets seriously think those are hot looking then that explains a lot. Those are stupid and hideous. Darnold or not, if that's what their new unis look like, I hope they never win a game in them.
  8. :) Weve been on the same page about going w a new look from the get go.I guess this is where we part,lol.

    I should mention i love sports fashion & have an obsession w green uniforms. So ive seen alot of different looks.Ive been on the fence leaning towards no w prior talk of adding black and/or removing white to the jets color scheme. But this color combo is just spot on.It just screams Bold jets swagger. While alot of the green-white looks are generic..this right here is a brand. Whether its the jets brand is certainly debatable.But this is distinct & it has swagger. Its not old school Dallas Stars or recent Werder Bremen but just tasteful & B.A
  9. MoWilkBeast

    MoWilkBeast Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    The unis won't be like that and I don't dislike the way they look at all as training wear. I suspect this is the first step in rebranding a new modern Jets and we can probably look forward to Kelly green and black in the new unis next year. Kelly green is great. Far from convinced about black though.

    I do worry about the black standing out vs the red (although red/green colour blindness is fairly common so that would make some sense) and black in summer could be an issue.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  10. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    LOL I guess so. Where you say it screams "Bold Jets swagger," I say it screams hideously ugly. The two colors don't work together at all. They fight each other. Those unis make black the primary color, not even green, and the white helmets look totally stupid. Perhaps a green or black helmet would make it look better and everything would tie together, but right now it's just a chaotic, thrown-together look of odd and mismatched pieces.

    I've sold fine men's clothing before, and in men's clothing prefer classic looks over "the latest fashions," but in sports I appreciate some variation. I think GB's unis are "classic" and don't need changing. I think the old Seahawks unis were much better. I like the Jets unis of the 80s better than I do their "classic look." I like some teams' new look unis much better than I did their old ones, and others I like their traditional unis, and still others I don't like either their traditional or their "new look" unis.
    alleycat9 likes this.
  11. Im removing the helmet & pants from the equation they certainly dont match at all.Just isolating on the jersey colors.Black is similar to white wherein it can be a back drop for a more bold color.In this case it makes that kelly green which is absolutely perfect in this instance really pop. If the rest of the uniform is done properly green would still be the primary color.Same deal as now wherein most of the kit is white esp on the road but the primary color is undoubtedly green.

    Im in agreement that im always skeptical when a team goes w a modern look.It has to be tasteful to get my attebtion. But there have been some of the best Green unis in sports history made over the last 10 years or so..the jersey look above fits in w where things are going.
  12. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    We often agree Kurt, but on this, we definitely do not. To me, the black screams "Raiders wannabes!" My old high school;s colors were green and white, and our football program wasn't very good - sometimes we had a wining season, but I can't recall a championship. But a few years after I left the new coach changed the football jerseys to green & black, a la the Raiders - he openly admitted it - because he believe they were more intimidating. As it turns out they did go on to win a few state championships, but I always hated those uniforms, and thought they were just a gimmick. Even if that same result happened with the Jets, I would hate the uniforms. I'm anti-Raiders and always be. Why not change the unis to something like New Englands while we're at it?

    Give me a shade of green close to Kelly green - not neon Kelly green, but a little more subdued; white helmet with the old football shaped logo, or come up with a Jet that doesn't look like a beluga whale; no green pants!; green socks maybe; all white with green lettering for the road.
  13. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Oh no! Not you too! LOL

  14. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Well, I guess I could live with them as long as they were only used on the road - no all green pants/jersey - that make them look like they crawled from the Jersey swamp slime.:p

    At least we agree on no black.;)
  15. Totally understand the Raiders correlation but lets remember they are the “silver & black” not Black & silver lol. Alot of teams have black as a primary color.Steelers,Ravens,Falcons,Jax,Eagles while classic teams like Cardinals & lions have alternates they wear quite often w black. You may disagree but to me none of those teams look remotely similar just as a blue & white team like the Colts compared to the current jets look nothing similar. Based on just the color scheme of this jersey there is no other team that looks anything like this.

    Green & black does not always look good to your point.If the green is too light or too dark it looks like a the halloween aisle at Iparty. I just think this is spot on.If they got the rest of the kit & logo right this would be fantastic.

    Ive taken a liking to Werder Bremen in the bundesliga(German pro soccer). A new kit every single campaign w multiple other classic clubs w green as a primary color in the league. Somehow they always seem to be a cut above & as far as im concerned are the model green franchise uni wise in all of sports history.They went w a neon kelly very similar to this w a super dark olive almost black backdrop.I didnt think it looked good at the unveiling & thought it was below their standard.But when the games started under the lights man did it look unbelievably sharp.Wouldnt even call it intimidating just distinct bold & fresh. This jet color scheme is has the same vibe
  16. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    "I hope so. I hope they do not make any drastic changes. I loved when Parcells moved them back to the classic look. Get rid of the God awful green pants though."

    "This is why they don't need to change the uniform or helmet. The only thing to get rid of is the green pants."

    "Those pants are horrible. Agreed."

    "This is why they don't need to change the uniform or helmet. The only thing to get rid of is the green pants."


    Will you marry me? If not, I have a friend I can set you up with. Thanks.
  17. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    This thread is turning into 'The Thing That Couldn't Die'.

    #677 jetophile, Sep 4, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
  18. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I don't hate the all green look, but could live with green pants and white jerseys, so we aren't that far apart! LOL
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  19. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Actually, the Eagles primary colors are Green and Silver, not black.

    The Eagles used to be kelly green, but changed to a darker green. I think they call it midnight green. The Packers green is a dark shade, I think it's called forest green. To distinguish themselves, I definitely think the Jets should go back to the Kelly green color.
  20. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I do like the Werder Bremen unis. Maybe I would have to see an example using black and kelly green - the whole uni that you're thinking of. I used to coach a youth soccer team - we actually won the Soccer Hall of Fame Cup for the Under 10 Div. (and our oldest players were only 8!) - and I chose a white with Kelly Green uniform, and if I remember it was based on a Werder Bremen style. But there was no black in it. I just think a Kelly Green and White combo is sleek looking, which is how I think of the Jets.

    But in the end, I don't care what they wear as long as they win! (And there's no black! :p - just kidding!).
    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.

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