All these problems I have? So tough being a white guy? What in the ever living fuck are you even talking about? I explained why Trump appealed to the masses. People are sick of the nonsense from the left and will continue to vote against it until they change their ways. The biggest problem I have in my life is not having enough hours in a day or a week to get shit done.
We need Dennis Green to respond to this. Trump is who we thought he was. Why are you surprised he's a loud mouth fuckhead doing what he said he was going to do? That healthcare executive order was nice though. I love hearing commies cry about the additional freedom.
You are basically saying it's perfectly fine to pour gasoline on a fire because the other alternative hurts your feelings and makes you feel like you're being labelled a racist.
I am not at all surprised he's a loudmouth shithead and an embarrassment. That's why I made the adult decision not to vote for him
I'm saying people are done with the bullshit and are going out and voting for the positions they agree with without giving a fuck if someone labels them racist or whatever for having a different opinion. I'd vote for Trump over Clinton again tomorrow.
I wish I could be an democrat, I mean adult, like you. You democrats are so much smarter and adultier and non-racist and non-mysoginistic. One day I hope to stand on that same faux moral high ground. I'm jealous.
You are reacting emotionally and playing the victim here. I don't know why. Sorry if I hurt your feelings
what don't I get? you freely admitted that you and many others picked Trump because your feelings were hurt. It is my opinion that picking a sideshow clown because of your feelings is not an adult way of deciding things. and then you doubled down on the faux outrage.
You gonna have a lot more problems soon, when Trump starts fucking with your livelihood. We will see your tone change.
I voted for Trump because I agreed much more with what he said he wanted to do than with what Hillary said she wanted to do. I don't give a fuck if you or anyone else tells me I'm not an adult or I'm a racist or I have white privilege or whatever pathetic liberal nonsense you want to say.
Trump is going to continue to improve the outlook for me and my family if congress will allow it. I suspect it will mostly be squashed though.
I wasn't explaining why I voted for him. I explained why I think so many did. People are done with being shamed for having different beliefs.
We'll check back in a year in terms of healthcare specifically. A lot of Republicans aren't happy with this new healthcare coming along. We shall see if it will IMPROVE your outlook.
A lot of republicans & democrats are owned by the insurance companies, so I wouldn't expect them to like the idea of empowering consumers with negotiating leverage against them. I also wouldn't expect the media to inform you of this. They probably just say shit like "TRUMP TAKES INSURANCE AWAY FROM 632 trillion poor people, death and chaos to follow". A lot of people are willing to hate freedom if the media tells them to. I am not concerned with healthcare costs in the least.