Yea, but the difference is no one is arguing the government should cover your cost to own guns. Access to healthcare is something we need. Owning guns isn't.
We might get a motive. Guy had cams inside and outside of room recording. Also there’s a note on the table by where he blasted himself.
Let me answer your question with two questions: would you buy $100 worth of groceries and only ask to pay $20? Do doctors and nurses and other healthcare providers have the right to earn a living ?
I'm sort of torn on healthcare. It just seems like if you get a decent paying job or just a full time job in general you will have access to healthcare. Now employers can circumvent this by cutting hours, or the people who really suffer in all of this are bartenders, servers, etc. But it seems like if you work hard enough you can acquire healthcare even if it is expensive.
Doctors and nurses? Sure. But it sure seems like the issue is the stupid prices charged for services and insurance companies okaying it. We'd all probably save a lot of money if hospitals stopped charging us $100 for an aspirin. The healthcare industry has artificially jacked up prices to screw over everyone else. But why SHOULD healthcare be so expensive that it exhausts half your salary and you get shit tier level care? Let's face it, American healthcare is shitty and not nearly as good as people want to make believe it is.
It's the video taping part that makes you think he was sick. Not the shooting up a bunch of innocent people - it's video taping it that has you on tilt.
Remind me how many mass shootings have been committed in England or Australia since they've begun heavily restricting guns?
It doesn't exhaust half of your salary. But I'd much rather have an American doctor operating on me to take my appendix out than a Cuban doctor. Wouldn't you? Cuba has universal health care I believe. I'd like to see how England does it. One of my coworkers is from England and raves about their universal health care. I imagine it works out really well when you have a cold or the flu. I wonder how well it works out for life threatening diseases. The problem with it, that it comes back to all of the leeches we have in America that will feast off the system. I went to the emergency room a couple years ago with what I presume was meningitis (never got tested because there was no definitive medicine and I would've needed a spinal tap). The amount of non-English speaking folks there and Hasidic Jewish people without healthcare that were there for the common cold was disgusting. Why? Because ER's have to take you and they were there with a basic cough. If we didn't have so many leeches that abused the systems in place? It could work. Unfortunately that's not the way this country works. It's great in theory. But when you have the family on welfare with the parents that refuse to work yet have 8 kids and live off government subsistence receiving the same health care as your hard working American people that work hard and pay taxes on their $40,000/year salary, the system is mightily flawed.
I'd be fine with seeing a Canadian doctor. They seem to do a fine job. Basically, it's a priority system in countries with universal healthcare. There's a line and people with something life threatening might bump someone back a place who needs a bandaid for a booboo.
5 - None of them involved guns. Two incidents involved explosives, three involves cars driving through crowds. Hardly an argument against gun control.
So are you more dead when you get shot by a gun than you are if you get blown up or run over or stabbed? Asking for a friend.
??? Um this is exactly the point that people who support the 2nd Amendment make all the time It's hardly an argument FOR gun control. Criminals will find ways to kill. It's a great argument for securing the border however