I think we can officially say the NFL hates us

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Big Poppa Naich, Nov 19, 2006.

  1. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    You guys are a bunch of crybabies. The referees did not cost the Jets the game. The Jets lost the game on their own. First, I think they got the call right - his knee was on the turf before the ball came out. Second, what makes anyone think that a team that was shut out today would have scored from the Bear 40???

    Three plays cost the Jets the game today.

    1. Pennington's first pick to Urlacher

    2. The ill-advised onside kick. Why give a team that your defense has bottled up in a 0-0 game a short field??

    3. Coleman's missed tackle on the Bear TD, which was clearly the biggest play of the game.
  2. Dinobot 2

    Dinobot 2 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Cost? No. But it was a big slap in the face. 3rd mentioned in another post if the people at home got a better shot at the play. I'm not sure but from what I saw the ball was loose at the same time the knee touched down. Here's the big thing though. It was ruled a fumble. I have a hard time seeing how the refs can easily overturn that one.
  3. Dinobot 2

    Dinobot 2 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    When did I state that exactly? You really need to go to bed.
  4. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    It looked close but like a bad call to me. That being said I hope the instant replay refereees can do a frame by frame looks that would conclusively tell either way. I don't undertand why the networks with all their advanced technology can't show us a frame by frame look at a play like that. It would not be that hard and it would provide us a much better look at many plays. The only reason I can think of that they don't do this is they simpy care more about the mindless repetitive drivel they call entertainment rather than coverage directed towards more diehard fans.
  5. Dinobot 2

    Dinobot 2 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    They need Tivo. :grin:
  6. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I looked at that replay about 10 times and from the different angles offered and it looked at separate angles like the ball was free and the ball was secure when his knee touched, but from that I didn't see anything conclusive that would force an overturn... at least that's how I've seen it handled against some other teams. There was a shadow on the ball.
  7. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    What pissed me off was the delay (I assume for a TV timeout after the play) there shoud never ever be a TV timeout after a close play like that. It gives the loser a free chance to review the play and there is no way they show the replay 5 times at the stadium if it's an overturn... It didn't cost us the game but it certainly changes the outscape on that next to last 2nd q drive.
  8. InChadWeTrust

    InChadWeTrust New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    You guys are right if that was left as a fumble we would have won the game! LET IT GO and stop crying
  9. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    The stadium is pretty horrible with their replays altogether. Not only do they waste time with the stupid gameface races and other assorted shit, but they rarely show replays and when they do, they pick horrible angles.
  10. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Okay, time for me to chime in, and it's probably going to be a long post, so bear with me.

    I was watching at home. There was a perfect angle shown on replay of the play. You could clearly see the ball slightly move downward before his knee touched the ground. The knee was maybe an inch from the ground, if even, but it was clearly not on the ground yet.

    It was a fumble.

    But can we give the zebras the benefit of the doubt? Let's look at this further.

    To begin with, the rule says the evidence must be conclusive to overturn. In no way, shape, or form was the evidence conclusive toward an overturn. Even if you feel the replay did not clearly show the ball out before his knee hits turf, there was still not enough evidence to overturn whatever the call was on the field.

    The call was a fumble.

    Had it not been ruled a fumble, could you argue that the play should stand? Either way, the evidence showed either way the call from the replay could be deemed fair. If it was ruled down, and there was no overturn, then the evidence was inconclusive to overturn. If it was conclusive, then a fumble is the result. (I hope that logic makes sense. I'm trying as hard as possible to say this without the burning anger I'm still feeling.)

    Okay, so let's give the refs the benefit of the doubt even after that. Let's look at the rest of the game.

    There was the Cotchery play. There is NO WAY that was NOT pass interference. If you were at the game, maybe you didn't see it. On replay, you clearly see the defender NEVER turn around, yet his hands were all over Cotchery. The closest he came to "turning around" was that after the ball was already over his head, he turned his head toward the sideline.

    It was CLEAR PI. And there was a ref standing right there.

    Okay, let's give them that one too. It coming towards Christmas.

    There was a play where the Chicago tackle was so far over the LOS his SHOULDER was even with the NOSE OF THE BALL. I saw it. PF4 saw it. It was sickeningly obvious. Of course there was no flag though.

    Let's give them that one too. Screw it, we're the Jets, we're not supposed to get calls.

    Well then, let's look at a play where Penny throws an INT.

    Yes, it was a misguided throw. Stupid pass, no question. But did anything else happen on that play?

    Well, of course, the answer is YES. On that play, Pennington was LIFTED OFF THE GROUND, AND THEN SUBSEQUENTLY PLANTED INTO THE TURF.

    So what right? He's a QB in the NFL. Toughen up right?

    Well then, why were WE flagged for the same exact play in a previous game?

    Okay, that's it, Santa is lenient on the naughty and nice list, but this is ridiculous. That's at least 4 calls that were blown by the officials. Not to mention a number of offsides on the D that weren't called.

    If I were the only one who saw them, then I would STFU. But I wasn't. We had the chat going, and the comments were streaming in at the same times. No influence from previous comments made. That's numerous sets of eyes seeing the same crap.

    If it looks like a duck, and it quacks...

    So. People want to say our play is what lost this game? Well let's take the above into account in overall terms of the game.

    Say we get that fumble. Further, let's assume that we get at least 3 from that situation. We'd have been in a much better position on the field, and at that point, our running game was having a fine time beating Chicago down the field. There is a good chance we turn that into 7.

    Okay, so let's assume that we nail just 3 points there.

    After the half, we are up THREE TO NOTHING.

    Do you honestly believe Mangini allows that onside kick? Not with a lead at home, and his team playing so well already. Also, the crowd is still as loud, rather than as deflated as they sounded. (I don't know how it sounded there, but the difference was obvious on tv. If you guys didn't notice it, the noise had Chicago rattled.)

    Those multiple blown calls COST US THE GAME. Sure, a good team is supposed to overcome a blown call or two. I just counted out FOUR to you. The BEST teams would have a tough time overcoming that. As any of us can admit, we are NOT one of the best teams.

    We ARE good enough to beat the best teams though.

    We held the NFC's BEST offense to TEN DAMN POINTS. Our RBs were kicking the piss out of their D the whole first half. How much can a team be expected to do?

    So I'm sorry. Those of you who are saying it wasn't a fumble, I disagree, and the evidence was not enough to fairly overturn the call made on the field. To those of you who said we should have won anyway, I'd look at the evidence presented above, and I would have to say you're wrong.

    We are second-rate citizens. If the Baker play didn't convince you, and this game didn't either, you really aren't paying attention.

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. There was a play where they showed Urlacher after the play taunting Leon Washington. On that play, he lead with his helmet when he hit Leon. Take a wild guess whether a flag was thrown or not. I'll spot you a hint. It starts with the letter N, and rhymes with know.

    No, the refs aren't out to get us.
  11. NYJet87

    NYJet87 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    its getting old quick...but let me tell you sober people on here. when you come up with these comments like "well..we can't blame the referees, theres plenty blame that goes to the players and the coaches and the blah blah..." save it. none of us want the rational reason we lost 3 hours after the game. talk about offensive miscues and coaching blunders for another thread lol
  12. BxJetFan

    BxJetFan New Member

    Oct 1, 2006
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    Tough call but I really wasnt that upset on the refs. They called false starts and holding and even an illegal formation on the bears too as well. I think the game was called even. The fumble call was iffy but was not the reason we lost.
  13. duketogo

    duketogo New Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    NYJet87 is right, I came into this thread to place the blame squarely on the refs, not to have rational conversation.
  14. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I still haven't seen the replay except for the one they showed on the video board at the Stadium. It was tough to tell on the board but the frustrating thing was the ref invented a call. he gave the indication as the runner was down by contact, you can't give that judgement after looking at a replay. They will always find a way to stick it to us. At worst we have an opportunity at 3 there if they make that call then no need for the silly OS Kick and who knows how it ends.
  15. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Yeah, that point was buried in my post that I'm pretty sure no one read. :wink:

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