Trump signed the Russian sanctions then rips Congress calling the sanctions unconstitutional... But he can't wait to sign a health care bill that would strip over 20 million of healthcare. Like, hate him, giving him a try.... There is no position that would be appropriate to support this guy any longer. His statements on the subject amount to an apology to Putin, and that he had to do it.
It did feel like an apology to Putin. I think Trump envies the Putler. Putler has more money than he does. He has a lot more power, too. American Presidents have to deal with checks and balances. Putler just does what he wants. Assassinates who he wants. Sorry- accidents falling off roofs. You can't do that shit here.
Obamacare was meant to fail in order to push for a soviet style single payer system...this is how the left operates
no it does not...get it through your thick skull. Lines, waiting and rationing care is not quality healthcare. As usual you're wrong Bernie. There's long lines, rationing and wait times that are weeks and months at a time...why do we want America to be like every other hellhole on earth or Europe? Look up the waiting times for different types of treatment in the paradise that is Canada before you shoot your stupid commy mouth off
We already wait long as hell for healthcare in America. The only difference is we pay stupid amounts of money to get the shaft.
Which is strictly a result of our half-assed social medicine system. But if socialized medicine is so great, why do foreigners constantly come to the US for medical procedures? Ask the parents of Charlie Gard how they feel about socialized medicine where the doctors determine whether you live or die, because when it's not your healthcare but the governments healthcare, the government gets to decide whether you get treatment you need. The parents didn't just shrug and say "well, guess that's just our great socialized healthcare," they went to court to fight for rights we already have but you want to take away.
Do foreigners really "constantly" come to the US for our wonderfully expensive healthcare??? I see that claim made a lot but I never seem to get confirmation that it's true
this is just one of many easily found examples.
Of course. They just have to fork over tons of money for it. Because only in America is it okay to bankrupt people for healthcare services. It's a God damned disgrace. Funny how every time I need to see a specialist, the wait is at least a month. The only one in my house who gets fast healthcare is my dog.
Canada had the longest wait times for medically necessary surgery last year since they started tracking it in 1993. Average wait time of 20 weeks. Neurosurgery wait time was 46.9 weeks. I picked neuro since that was what i had, from the time i first met my surgeon and he told me i needed surgery, until the time i was in surgery was less than 8 weeks. I think i paid $500 for the entire $95,000 plus surgery. Granted this was before the "Affordable" Care Act
The wait times are longer in Canada because they have fewer doctors. They move to America where there's no regulations on how much they can charge and they can rob you blind here.
Please detail for us what should be the appropriate and fair cost of healthcare. Is it a highly skilled field that requires highly skilled workers? Should those workers have value? Or should all of their hard work be simply charity?
Only he's got the right to rob medical personnel by demanding their services for free dont you can already go to the ER and citizen or not they have to treat you so Im not sure how Bernie and his ilk can claim thousands will die if we take away the (Un)ACA
Which is what caused insurance to be priced where it was to account for the free emergency visits. And yet it was still affordable before the ACA. the biggest issue with insurance was discrimination for existing conditions, which should be avoidable by simply expanding existing federal and state discrimination and disability laws to apply to consumers the same way they apply to employment or housing. An insurance company shouldn't be able to discriminate against someone's health condition, which is a disability, and refuse service anymore than housing laws prevent discrimination based on disabilities. This could have been done without a socialized healthcare system, but advocating for such wouldn't pander to people's sense of entitlement that they should simply be given healthcare.
Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege. Should a doctor be allowed to charge you $20 for a tylenol or $150 for a simple IV bag? Should a doctor be able to bill you for not even seeing you but having the nurse see you for five seconds? The healthcare industry has the worst markup of all industries and needs drastic overhaul legally with oversight.