Public Service Announcement - If you bought milk on the day The Mooch was hired, it's still OK to drink.
He approved it. How can you even attempt to rationally argue he is blameless when he could have rejected it? Sure, you could argue he knew it was terrible but simply wanted to satiate his voters. Is that what you are arguing? Otherwise, he approved it without having a clue. Which is it? Intentionally approved a shitty healthcare system to fuck the American people or didn't know it was shitty? "The Mooch was a refreshing break from the Trump administration norm. Other Trump appointees are taking nunchucks to environmental protections, immigrant communities, and funding for essential global health aid to women and children. The Mooch’s muck-ups were a lot friendlier: They only caused injury to people inside the White House’s festering inner circle of incompetent egomaniacs. We could laugh, because Scaramucci’s messes were funny—he said the word cock a lot, for one thing—and they didn’t cause irreparable damage to humanity. His shifty eyes were a window into the administration’s desperate, loyalty-obsessed, insecure soul. In Mooch’s very public missteps and power grabs, it was easier to see that Trump and his cronies weren’t just bent on doing evil—they were also way, way out of their depth." Ron
It doesn't matter whether the ACA is good or bad because Crooked Donald is an incompetent snowflake. Ron
Sure it does because Trump won't be President long but I'll still have over priced health insurance that doesn't actually cover anything.
For one, when Obama signed the law, he didn't think Republican governors would be allowed to turn down the Medicaid expansion let alone be cynical and self-serving enough to actually do it. His main problem was believing the best in Republicans, that they would help strengthen Obamacare after it was passed. Instead they alternated between blasting it and sabotaging it (see Medicaid expansion) for political points.
The truly amazing thing at this point is that you could make a total parody of the Trump Administration and it would look exactly like the real thing, I would have said that was impossible but I see it before my eyes every day.
That's a tremendous Rorschach's test. Corporations making a lot of money is not a bad thing. In fact, it is a good thing. What is bad is when corporations make a lot of money but don't invest in hiring, and in many cases fire employees to reduce costs and increase profits solely to pay share holders dividends and increase stock value. We want corporations to make a lot of money, so why would his tweet be a bad thing in and of itself? Do we want corporations not to make money? Is that what's going to actually help people?
I know how economics works. And you know corporations are making profit-boosting decisions like outsourcing which is a big part of why Trump supposedly got elected. So don't play dumb about the context of my post.
the context of your post is a criticism of corporate profit, not the potential corporate greed which is an entirely different issue. Corporations are profiting. Great. His statement at face value is a good thing. The problem is if the trickle down philosophy that is supposed to occur when corporations profit actually occurs and validates their economic philosophy or if it is just a rationalization to justify laws that only profit the corporations.
the point is that all these laid off factory workers with their stupid red MAGA hats left the bars long enough to go the voting booth to say "fuck you" to all these corporations who took their jobs to Mexico and China. Their hero Trump was gonna help em out.... Now Trump's tweeting stuff like this and they are still laid off drinkin' swill at the bar. Idk if they get wifi at the local moose club but it doesn't seem like something that's gonna go over well with that crew. Especially in a couple years when they are in the exact same position. All trump's (if he still president) opponent has to do is point this out
Which of you clowns trolled the Mooch ? A Small Yet Soul-Crushing Illustration of Donald Trump's Utter Economic Illiteracy "At some point, it appears Donald Trump heard somebody say that the United States cannot grow as fast as China or Malaysia because we have a “large” economy. No doubt, what they meant is that the U.S. is a highly developed, rich nation and therefore can't expand as quickly as developing countries that can still reap large gains from taking basic steps to improve their living standards. But Trump did not understand it that way. He apparently thought that when whoever he was listening to said “large,” they were talking about population. Therefore, in his mind, if China grows at nearly 7 percent per year with its 1.4 billion people, the U.S. should be able to do it too. This is the man who millions of voters are relying on to bring back jobs. Bottoms up." Ron
The context of my post is that Trump supporters complained corporations were outsourcing jobs during Obama's presidency. Apparently to them it was an outrage that the Obama recovery didn't help the American worker. So arguments that the stock market and corporate profits recovered under Obama were meaningless. Aside from saving a few Carrier-type jobs, Trump has done nothing to stop or slow this trend. Now he Tweets how great it is that the stock market and corporate profits have continued to skyrocket. So logically Trump supporters should feel betrayed by Trump. Do they?