I know most of you know this already. But I'll point it out anyway. They'll go 1-15 and be considered worse then the 0-16 Lions. Jersey has reached a new pathetic low that no team can fall down too.
I don't buy your 1-15. IMHO they will get about 5 wins. That takes us out of the first 4-5 picks in the draft.
Thanks for that prediction, Nostradamus. When OJ gets sprung in October, maybe he can come coach the Bills. I hate the grammer police, but I'm gonna do it: It's 'Jersey has a reached a new pathetic low that no team can fall down two.' If your gonna rip us, do it rite.
Sons a bitchin', I didn't read through, just the OP. Foiled again! Oh, well, better to be late to a funeral than not at all. Damn it.
Raiderjoe was an honorable troll, this guy will be done here before the juice is truly loose. Happens every year
Son. Where is Trent Edwards? Last time I checked - Sanchez is still in the league, unlike the other numbskull you had hard-on. Where is the pic of you sticking your head in the cow's rear? Why won't you honor your own rant first THEN talk? [But then I didn't expect honor from you anyway - you are a Bills fan for a reason.]
Every pre-season we get a visit from you. Every season you go missing by Week 8. I still haven't worked out which TGG regular you really are.