Darnold playing chess, Macc playing checkers. In the words of Yogi Berra. Its Deja Vue All Over Again https://www.sny.tv/jets/news/usc-qb-sam-darnold-might-not-enter-2018-nfl-draft/240623986
Heck if I thought the Jets were going to draft me and ask me to play for Bowels I might consider staying in school a 5th year and go for my masters !
Its posturing. The kid wants to be highly sought after when declaration time comes around by being the #1 draft pick. If he regresses then they have this excuse to fall back on, " working on mechanics" and " loves USC too much to leave" nonsense. This is just smart business, if he is who we think he is he will declare.
Depends on how well he performs next season, if has a down year, he'll stay, if he continues to turn eyes than more than likely declare. But one thing I can guarantee if he does come out next year and the Jets draft him, he'll be Todd Marinovich 2.0
This. If his performance declines and his stock goes down, he has a reason to stay and work on things. But if he has a good season, then New York Jets it is.
He has already dropped behind Allen, has had a bad spring throwing interceptions . He is also working on changing his footwork and throwing motion. As the full article by Jeremiah states, if he manages to regain the #1 draft slot, he will declare. His decision has no bearing on the rebuild nor does the Jets rebuild have any bearing on his decision to stay in school or to declare.
i had the whole thread already read in my head when i saw it. tgg may not be punctual but they are dependable. i hate the offseason
We are not going to get the number 1-2 or 3 draft choice. Based on the probability that we will win between 4 and 6 games next year. Tank...not on the players part. They all want to do well so that the money keeps coming. There is no way that the new OC will tank the plays/games. The same is true of most all coaches who need to keep respectability a part of their game plans. If they show any form of "tanking" their stock in the market will go down big time. There will be enough QB's to pick from at our draft slot. Just hope they make a good pick.
This is all true but it takes desire and talent to win. Nobody doubts that the desire to win will be there this season among the players and coaches,.......but the talent? That's a different story.
The whole "Suck for Sam" plan was/is silly from the start. First, there is no way to guarantee that he'll be the best QB in college. Second, even if he is, he might decide to stay in school, as this article suggests. Third, if the Jets want to gamble that he is the best, and does declare - two things they can't know at this point - they would have to "tank", and win no more than 1-2 games to ensure them getting the #1 pick, and then hope that their gamble paid off. All of this is so speculative and uncertain that even the Jets aren't stupid enough to engage in this kind of thinking. The Jets will try to win as many games as they can. I think they'll win 4-5, thus leaving them in the same draft purgatory they've dwelled for most of their history. If Hack doesn't prove himself to be the FQB - likely - they'll then have to hope that a FQB-level guy falls to them at the #5/6 slot, and they may not like whoever is available, and so pass on taking a QB with their 1st pick, even if Hack isn't the Answer. I'm as anxious as anyone for them to fix themselves overnight, but I think it's going to take 3-4 years, if it happens at all. After all, the owner is the same. In any case, I'm not a Darnold fan. Maybe he's as good as the hype, but I think there are better guys to be had, but I'm not the Jets GM...if I were, then Mahomes would be their QB now.
Darnold has to make it through the season with his stock intact before he worries about that.... And frankly Theres no guarantee he will be the top q.b... There some seriously stiff competition Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk
I don't know anything about next years QB class but it's my understanding that there's a whole bunch of great prospects not just one. Please advise.
We aren't tanking - It's more of a self-sabotage thing. We dumped almost all of our veteran talent for nothing in return. The kids are all playing for their jobs and for their next contracts. They will play hard, but the talent gap will hold us back. As for Darnold, he's entering his sophomore season - of course he doesn't want to imply that this is his last year at USC - His teammates would hate him and it just puts more pressure on him. He still has a lot to learn. A lot of football to be played before the Jets hand in their card. Everyone just needs to chill.