MetLife...err Giants Stadium II after first 7-years

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by FanSinceBIGShea, Jun 2, 2017.

  1. FanSinceBIGShea

    FanSinceBIGShea Active Member

    Apr 24, 2017
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    So, our boys in green & white have now played 7-seasons at the new stadium. I apologize if this has already been discussed here before I joined the board, but I'd like to get a cross-section of opinions on the place and your experiences thus far.

    Personally speaking I think the new place has been a massive disappointment, it is bland, it's ugly, it's charmless, characterless, the green hue on the exterior of the stadium was a big let down when I saw it for the first time...we were led to believe the exterior would radiate with a strong color of green to be seen from miles away - instead it is a dull and faded color only illuminated from some places around the stadium.

    Hard to believe this thing cost over a billion dollars when I compare it to the creative ingenuity of the Falcons gorgeous new playpen.

    I have never sensed a true home field advantage yet at the new place, and the microphone is manned not by a professional public address announcer, but by a guy more befitting an Albany Thunderbirds indoor arena league game.

    alleycat9 and matt robinson 17 like this.
  2. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    I've been to several games at this stadium and each time I go, it's the same reaction as I drive/walk up to it. "Man that's one ugly ass stadium."

    It definitely lacks any character or ingenuity. Dissapointing on so many levels. Not to mention that is where they will be playing games likely my entire life.
  3. FanSinceBIGShea

    FanSinceBIGShea Active Member

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Yeah, Woody Johnson sold out his fan base big time.

    Robert Kraft is is wealthy, but he's not Woody wealthy. Kraft is not only a passionate and lifelong Pats fan, he's also a man of vision, something Woody will never be.

    Kraft built his franchise and his fan base their own stadium out of his own damn pockets!

    On the other hand, Woody fleeced Jets fans, made them buy PSL's, kept the team in NJ with a training complex in Florham Park that is way nicer than this shitty new stadium, and failed to provide his own fan base with a true sense of 'home.'

    Men of vision? They would have junked the Manhattan project, brought the team back to Queens, built a Jets exclusive stadium wrapped in nothing but green and white colors, added Jets themed restaurants and other shops around the stadium...all of it now just a dream.
  4. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    I've always thought it were a beautiful stadium. But maybe that's because i live in St.Petersburg. Right up the street from Tropicana field. The Trop as a dome is the biggest eye sore out. So i guess any new stadium would look pretty nice to me.

    With that said why'd you remind me? It's already been 7 years? Where is time going? It feels like yesterday we played our last game at the old Meadowlands vs the Bengals on Sunday Night Football. Revis shut down Chad Johnson. We advanced to the playoffs. Damn. It's now been over 7 years and I'm now 32.

    Life is short. It moves too fast. Sheesh.
    GreenfiendNYJ likes this.
  5. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Giants Stadium 2....exactly
    Cman68 and KurtTheJetsFan like this.
  6. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    A giant air conditioner.

    Love the people I met around me the last 7 years when I owned PSL seats, but I recently defaulted as did 90% of them, and it's time to start doing what the majority of Jets fans do now - no more season tickets, just pay game-by-game and 95% of the time for under face value. The new age of Jets football, thanks to Woody and this over-priced, dull, piece of garbage.
  7. RPOZ51

    RPOZ51 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    Wow, 7 years already. They went fast.

    I was an STH at the old place, but have only gone to maybe 10 or so games, and a few fan events, at the Big Air Conditioner.

    There isn't much that I like about it, to be honest. The seats seem to be too far away from the field, and there seems to be too much going in inside that takes a lot of people out of their seats during games.

    It's like a mall with a football field inside.

    The parking/tailgating aren't really fan friendly in my experience there. Fifty bucks to park your car is a bit ridiculous.

    I was at the first game, and the place rocked, but that wasn't the case at other games I went to.

    There are a lot of urinals. I think that would have made Leon very happy.
    egelband and MurrellMartin like this.
  8. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    The only thing I like about MetLife is the concourse is wider so its easier to move around and getting in and out of the bathrooms is a lot easier. The prices forced many of the fans away. Shea and Giants Stadium were rocking when the Jets were going well. The atmosphere at MetLife just isn't their IMHO.
    egelband likes this.
  9. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    And Giants Stadium could've had renovated concource's & bathrooms for a heck of a lot less than $1.6 billion, but, it's all about the suites and suits. We all know that, sadly. Thus, stuck with MetLife until at least the 2030's, likely 2040's or 2050's.
  10. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    I still haven't made it to the new stadium. Even when I lived only an hour away I still didn't go. I just don't see any appeal to the stadium.

    Maybe it's my ignorance from not going, but if I read the website correctly, if you don't buy a parking pass, you have to pay an absurd $35 AND take a shuttle to the stadium? How shitty is the parking situation that you have to be shuttled in? Or you have to buy a parking pass before hand? Why can't it be like every other damn stadium where you pull up, pay $20, and just park?
  11. forevercursed

    forevercursed Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Why a Jet fan would call it Giants Stadium 2 is beyond me. It looks nothing like Giants Stadium in any way. And we own as much of it as the elitist condescending lordly Giants.

    It's Jetlife Stadium and it's a bland boring air conditioner. But it is better than what it replaced.

    Overall it is too big at 82,500 or whatever it seats. I would've had capacity at 75,000. That way fewer seats up near the brink of outer space. Also how about some Seattle type (or old Texas Stadium) overhangs to keep precipitation off the fans.

    Architecturally it is bland. Symmetrical. Cookie cutter
    #11 forevercursed, Jun 2, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  12. JetDan

    JetDan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2008
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    There is a thread in the Jets Experience forum- with over 19,000 posts.

    More info on the new stadium then you'll ever get in here.
    LogeSection2RowJ and CBG like this.
  13. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    This is true and I can vouch for this as 100 or so of those 19,000 belong to me ,,lol
  14. The only time I ever had season tickets was at metlife(2010-12).That was a dream of mine dating back to the waiting list days.So for that fact it will always have a special place in my art. I like the structural lay out as well as the field. I had corner end zone lower level bout 35 rows i never really could complain about the sight lines. The whole lower level was very intense..always 95% loud rowdy Jet fans.The visiting fans were usually well behaved & there was some friendly jawing back in fourth.Including Patriot fans(The lone exception was always the Dolphins. Just a real natural mutual hatred there.Great rivalry atmosphere)

    It's way too neutral & Utilitarian for the type of experience the Jets are charging.The fans are what make it a fan experience.And while that makes it cool, I'd like to see the whole stadium decked out in all the classic shades of green. Weeb Ewbank should have a stained glass ceiling staring down at you in the food court.Stuff like that. The TRUE "Home of the Jets". I think there is a part of Woody that wants that too..disappointing end to the "west side stadium" chase.
    sackexchange likes this.
  15. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    I don't hate it but like Penny said earlier in the thread it lacks character. It's just a bowl. Nothing really great about it for the $1.6B price tag.
  16. forevercursed

    forevercursed Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    You do get kind of jealous when you see some of the palaces built around the league, Jerryworld, Minnesota, Atlanta. As well as older but nicer buildings like Seattle. Cost of building in the tri state area relative to these other locales also comes into play...

    Reminds me a bit of the stadium the Redskins built that they have since tried to refurbish. They tore out a bunch of seats since it was way too big.

    fwiw it is very tough to build anything other than an all enclosed bowl in the Meadowlands because of the winds.

    I wonder if in 15 years both teams decide on a massive renovation.
  17. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Horrible horrible horrible...other then that , HORRIBLE!

    Why a team in Minnesota can build a state of the art facility that is domed and in the biggest media market in all of sports we get this piece of crap eye sore...annnd we have to share it :mad:
    Not only that, 2 teams sharing a stadium with 2 billionaire owners who cant scratch up enough dough to put a roof on ito_O
    #17 Jersey Joe 67, Jun 2, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  18. BrooklynJet97

    BrooklynJet97 Active Member

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Ive been there twice. I enjoyed it for what it was. Its very dull and black. When ya'll called it a giant air-conditioner, I see what you all ment.

    The fans make that stadium what it is. I guess ive gotten lucky but every third down, I remember the crowd being on their feet and making some serious noise. But I think that was more the first game I went to, in 2015 against the Eagles (Of course they lost to a garbage team when im there.)

    I live in South Florida and have watched the evolution of Scum Life Stadium from regular, boring as fuck garbage to canopy-installed, slightly less boring as fuck waste management site. But if I were being serious, I think Hard Rock Stadium is pretty cool looking (On the inside) compared to Metlife. I remember being inside Metlife for the second time, looking around and realizing just how fucking mediocre it is. No bells and whistles, nothing to set it apart. Its just kind of there. I think the worst part of the stadium, at least for me, was that I had a pretty large Eagles fan next to me and he seemed to be taking up some of my seat. Nice guy though for what its worth.

    Doesnt really help that Metlife is in the Middle of nowhere.
    #18 BrooklynJet97, Jun 2, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  19. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Just a brutal of the ugliest from the inside. Truly a major loss we never got our own stadium on the west side
  20. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    The place sucks. It's giants stadium 2. If you sit up top there are zero, and I mean zero, amenities. Every time I pass the rail yards on the west side I curse Johnson and Dolan, but mostly Johnson

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Walt White likes this.

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