Hey Champ

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by typeOnegative13NY, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Nope the issue is about irrational hate and not being able to see the good and bad in people but in just blindly hating. In this case its a mass hsyeria hate where people like yourself flock together and and thrive in your hate. People wonder how the Ku Klux Klan did the things they did and convinced themselves it was right. All anyone would have to do is just read this board to study how people convince themsleves of the most hatefull ideas. Its shocking, comical and sad at the same time the way people will go out of thier way to attack other people. Free thought, open discussion and any idea otehr than that held by the masses is quickly driven from discussion. Rather its a just a repetition of the same substanceless ideas and hate that gets repeated over and over.
    #41 Buttle, Nov 13, 2006
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2006
  2. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    I read posts from you recently where you stated the Jets had awful talent in 2002 and 2003. Then you wrote the 2006 Jets don't even try to win. It was rajensen, Herm-love type stuff. It became clear you have an agenda.
    Then, in this thread, you made a haughty post which I quoted in post #38.
  3. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Buttle is the anti-Jet.... maybe even the anti-Chr.... well nevermind, but I came to this realization after he said Baker would have gone out of bounds on the TD catch against Cleveland. Here is a man adrift in a sea of delusional Champ69ism. Yes, it's a disease.

    The only cure for Buttle is to become a Chiefs fan, who by the way lost to that AFC east powerhouse Miami today. Why not just come out of the closet and admit you are a Pats fan?
  4. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Since you decided to pull out the race card, perhaps the pessimism for the Jets stems from you being bitter at the organization for letting go of a black head coach? And being so anti-Mangini stems from you being bitter at him for replacing Herm?
  5. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    And you combat that by denying realities like the Baker catch out of spite. Thank you for your hypocrisy.
  6. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    By the way, I have no hatred of Herman Edwards. I didn't like the job he did with the Jets beyond 2003. (Yes, I did not think he had a good year in 2004.) But, hate? No. Not here.
    And why does the KKK have to be mentioned on this message board?
  7. MisterMoss

    MisterMoss PRO-American

    Mar 5, 2004
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    I don't hate Herm. I was a fan of his up until he Baltimore game. That's when I wanted to move on. But I don't understand the idea that the Jets haven't brought out the best in themselves at all this season. The only two games I'll give is Jacksonville and Cleveland. And to think that Herm could do better than this would be nuts, because he and his regime wouldn't trade John Abraham, wouldn't draft 2 offensive lineman. Everything would be different, and so would the record.
  8. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Actually I wanted to like Mangini. But what I dislike about him is the way he treats people. He seems to feel its ok to act like an a$# to other people. In my mind that is dinosaur thinking and ideas that have been outmoded even in the NFL. It is the way Mangini treats other people thats what I dislike about him. If he was a nice guy he would be a great story being a HC at such a tender young age. I can see making the excuse that his role models (Parcells and Belichick) all treat people like garbage so he should do the same thing. But it doesn't fly with me. Treat people poorly and well I won't like you. Now that being said just because you dislike someone does not mean you can't see the good and bad in their perfomance. I have had enough people work for me to be able to seperate the perforamance from my personal views of them.

    But from what I can see Mangini has done little to nothing right so far. The team has played horribly without emotion or motivation throughout the entire season until today. Up until today Chad, Coles and Shottenheimer have a done a good job of carrying the team. Buut the rest of the team has done litte to nothing. Today was a good 1st step and quite a change as the entire team showed up and played well today. Quite a change from what we are used to seeing.

    Now todays victory in my mind was huge not only for the team but for Mangini. It validates a lot of what he has been trying to teach them and can be something that really moves him forward and the Jets forward. The Jets certainly have a cakewalk schedule the rest of the way with 6 very winnable games (although Oak, Buffalo and Miami are playing considerably better). The next 7 games are a real for oppurtunity for Mangini to make some inroads with the players and regain a great deal of credibility he lost with them this summer. Winning often makes arguments and grudges go away.

    I look at the Jets on the crossroads. While I don't personally like Mangini I still root for him and I still think he can grow into the job. The Jets have a real oppurtunity this year with a schedule we may never see again. Hopefully they will take advantage of it.
  9. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Thanks Buttle. Just needed that confirmation to know I was right.
  10. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    I still, think the Baker call was a good call. The pictures distort the view. When he landed he was much closer to the sidelines and futrher into the endzone then the pictures show. PLus his momenntum and his hand strecth was pushing him towards the sidelines. He could have landed on his hip and rolled right or just gone forward and touched out of bounds before the left leg would hit.

    The Baker play all comes down to what is the standard of proof? That I don't know. If the standard is what I assume it is and something close to clear and convincing evidence that he would have landed in bounds to call a force out then the call is a great call. if the standard of proof would be the opposite then I would think its a bad call. if its a preponderance of the evidence standard then I think he most likely would have landed in bounds but its not sure a thing and its a slightly bad call.

    Rather than just jump on the bandwagon and say its a bad call because I want the Jets to win I look at the call in a neutral way. if you can;t get over your bias thats fine. I would haveloved to have seen the game go to OT as well.
    #50 Buttle, Nov 13, 2006
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2006
  11. MisterMoss

    MisterMoss PRO-American

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Way he treats people? Where has that taken Edwards & Dungy. Real nice guys. Gruden, Billick, Shanahan, BB are all asses. I don't see Mangini treating people with any sort of disrespect. If you're referring to the silencing of players and coaches in training camps, it has a lot of benefits. Weis and Crennel never said anything in New England. Sometimes I wished that we had that gag order on Herm before he spilled out the weekly game plan.

    The Jets have shown up in all games this season other than the Browns and the Jags game. Whether or not they always play together or not determines if they win or lose, but to say that they weren't motivated until today is really a slap in the face. They were motivated against a Colts team which we supposedly had no chance to win. Why bother showing up, right?
  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Man, you double-talk almost as well as Herm. Well done.
  13. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    You should add Tennesee, Buffalo and Miami to that list and to a lesser extent Detroit. We played horrible in all 4 games we just hung around long enough to let those teams beat themselves. Which they can do quite well reagrdless of whether anotehr team shows up to play them or not. But I should say that does not appear to be the case with Miami or Buffalo anymore. Both teams have strung togaether a couple of very nice games. But despite that I still have hard time believing that Joey Harrington and JP Losman will not revert back to their old ways before we play them again.

    Add the first NE game (with the exception of two once in a lifetime plays).

    In all those games the team played horrible, with no emotion, no hitting, no hustle and almost everyone playing awful with the exception of Pennington, Coles, Cothery, and Rhodes.

    I will give you the Colts game but that game seemed less of a team effort and a product of a bad Colts defense. Our defense that game was terrible.

    Todays game was the first complete effort of the season where everyone played hard, there was actually hitting and we were not watching reruns of misised tackles. I applaud them for being ready and coming out to play. They could have easily folded up shop when NE was ahaead 3-0 and driving. Lets see how they do against the Bears.
    #53 Buttle, Nov 13, 2006
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2006
  14. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    If the Jets "play horrible" and win I'll take it.

    The Jets played with emotion and they hit and they hustled and they huffed and they puffed and they blew houses down to the tune of a .482 winning percentage under Herman Edwards.
  15. FazeOne17

    FazeOne17 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    Why are you a Jets fan again?
  16. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    The defense was bad? Yeah that QB that plays for them has a habit of doing that. In case you didn't notice in the 2 prior weeks that guy made 2 Elite defenses the Broncos and Patriots look pretty bad.
  17. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    The Herm hate here is to a crazy level, that is true, but I mean, come on, you can't be serious. You don't like the job Mangini is doing here?

    The Chiefs passing game is about as good as ours. Huard, whether you want to admit it or not, is similarly good to Chad. Gonzalez is better than any target we have, and Parker and Kennison are both solid. The running game? No contest, obviously.

    Defensively, they have similar linebackers to us in terms of talent. Johnson and Vilma are similar. Bell and Barton are similar. Mitchell and Hobson/Kassell are equal.

    Of course, they play 4-3, we play 3-4. Their best pass rusher is Jared Allen, who is a solid player with 5 sacks. They also have Hali with 3.5.

    The secondary isn't any contest at all.

    So basically, they have a better offense and a better defense. I don't like Herm now, but he wasn't a bad coach here. He wasn't a great one, but he was fine. Did he deserve to get fired? Maybe, after the last year, who knows. Is Mangini better? I think so. We'll find out soon though.
  18. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    The Chiefs were 10 & 6 last year, they ranked 6th in points scored and 16th in points allowed last year. They currently rank 9th in points scored and 19th in points allowed this year after 1 Herm off season and training camp.

    Huard is actually having a better year this year than Green had last year. Green is 36 years old and was on the decline. With the emergence of Johnson last year he was asked to do very little for the Chiefs. Huard right now is actually better than Green and his numbers are among the top 5 in the league. The Chiefs actually got a break by having Green go down.

    Pennington isn't haveing close to as good a year as Huard right now. Pennington can barely get the ball down the field at the moment. How many times on 3rd and 6 or 7 is Pennington throwing a 5 yard pass and asking the WR to fight for the first down? Pennington is doing a superb job but we can't even have WR run past the sticks on 3rd and 7's anymore that's how limited he is.

    Take a look at the numbers, Huard is killing Pennington in every meaningfull QB stat.

    More like an admissions officer trying to explain the benifits of affirmative action by telling a kid with an A average and 1400 SAT's why they took a C student with 800 SAT's over him.
    #58 winstonbiggs, Nov 13, 2006
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2006
  19. Dinobot 2

    Dinobot 2 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    And no mention of the Play calling? I think that's a bit unfair.

  20. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    What about that deep throw to Coles around the 8:20 mark(?) in the third where the ball went through the receiver's hands?

    What about the touchdown throw to Cotchery?
    #60 Cakes, Nov 13, 2006
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2006

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