No, those aren't murder in and of themselves. Murder is a very specific act of killing someone that requires premeditation and malice, and it's on you, or anyone else who would make such an accusation, to prove that the police acted with premeditation and malice in any such instance. It's nearly impossible to argue that cops act with malice and premeditation to kill a suspect in the course of doing their duty. Are you not aware of what murder actually is?
The video and 911 call already prove he's full of shit. He either was trying to murder the autistic guy who no rational human being could deem a threat or he was trying to murder the caretaker who had his hands up. There's no other possibilities left. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Shooting someone because they have drugs would require premeditation and malice. Shooting someone just because they have a record would require premeditation and malice. Shooting someone just because they aren't listening would require premiditation and malice. You don't shoot someone by accident when you draw your weapon on someone. You either intend on shooting or you don't and if you don't intend on shooting, your gun shouldn't be drawn. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
But the media has people thinking it's only blacks and pushing a dangerous divisive rhetoric. I do disagree for the most part, because usually people are more of the problem than police . I had run ins when I was younger and all my delinquent friends did too. And usually they were all doing at least somethings g wrong to warrant the encounter .
I do t think this cop should be brought up on charges, but she should find another job. The guy standing next to you had out a taser. But the idea that she just wanted to murder a black guy is beyond ridiculous.
I absolutely agree that most police dont go around randomly harrassing people. I was stating to the other fellas it does happen. Police are not infallible and justified in all they do. It doesnt know a color barrier just like you stated. They have to be held accountable just like everyone else. In this case, she wasnt justified. A non lethal shot coulda got the job done as well. Its not just blacks who are outraged by this, white people and police are as well. In think if we as acknowledge the responsibility all parties have, its a start. Police and citizens alike Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
I can concede one thing; if there were not so many unjustified or blatenly sinister actions caught on video by the police this specific incident wouldn't be so contentious.
murder in general does not require premediation or malice. 1st degree, yes, but there are 2nd degree and felony murder charges that you can get just for an accident. I think manslaughter is a better choice for some of these officers,including this woman in Tulsa, but you are just wrong about murder.
You don't know what premeditation and malice mean. You're only proving your ignorance in this matter. In all the hypotheticals you describe, you are claiming they are shot solely for those reasons; that the cops are thinking "he's not a threat, but has drugs and isn't listening so shoot him!" Show an example of such, of someone being shot purposefully by a cop that wasn't behaving in any possible way to be interpreted as a threat but was simply not listening or had drugs. And drawing your gun is intent to shoot? This very scenario disputes such a ridiculous argument. Three other cops had their guns drawn and didn't shoot. Why didn't they shoot if they intended to shoot? What were they waiting for if by your logic they intended to shoot him?
Agree, but what gets me is the whole narrative that this is a racist cop problem. It's a bad cop problem, not a racist cop problem. A force like the NYPD is 99.9% professional with extremely high standards and excellent training. But then you have a garbage police force like Ferguson Missouri who not only are poorly trained but actually completely racist (before they all got fired). So people see Ferguson and some of the other bad apples and all of a sudden all the police around the country are public enemy #1 which is a complete travesty. To me this is all exactly like after Vietnam when vets coming home were spit on and insulted in public and blamed for the war, only this time the ones taking the abuse are the cops. I think that's exactly how this era will be looked back upon years from now, especially after the crime rates start going much higher because it becomes politically incorrect to stop perps from doing low level crimes
Except no one forced them to be cops unlike many soldiers in Vietnam. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
And what would you say about the non-conscript soldiers coming home from Afghanistan and Iraq this generation? What does it matter if they were drafted or not, they are all honorably serving their country
Not all agencies are created equal. I spent 26 weeks in a barracks, with black BDU uniforms, marching at four in the morning, physically demanding requirements, and a enough college credits for a two year degree in that short time. Top of the line training and equipment and thourough vetting via psychologists and polygraphs. This all costs a TON (rumor was 70k per officer)of money and it was affordable for the agency I worked for because of the 'civil forfitures' through drug interdiction. On the other hand, some departments are bankrupt. You can see it in the cops they field. Not the most professional looking bunch and a lot of malcontent. Obviously training and resources suffer. As a libertarian it pains me to say but in this instance more govt may be the answer. Standardized training and benchmarks with federal money. There is just too much at stake not to set training and performance expectations nationwide.
That is not conspiracy either. Its fact, good post. I am not for the federalization of state and municipal agencies but for more federal dollars for these agencies. I'm not sure if I'm guilty of splitting hairs here but federal oversight, opperationally would be a disaster.
The war in Afghanistan is 100% justified and a lot of people who fought in both wars were already in the military before 9/11 or thought they were joining up to fight in Afghanistan. And a lot fighting in Iraq thought we were there to stop Sadam from using his WMDs he threatened to use on us. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
lol, OK. Cops aren't being paid to take bullets for the team. Good luck finding police officers to sign up for that job.