coincidence that Mac immediately brought in 4 high priced FA DB's, and used the 6th overall pick on DL? nah, Rex must still be calling the shots..
No one said Tanny was against them. Rex (and most likely all head coaches) are heavily involved in the draft process. Buck does stop with FO, which is why they aren't here anymore.
Speaking of McKnight, --- the HC is responsible for the final cuts & the roster. And there's another illustration of Rex' inability to measure talent by cutting Danny Woodhead & keeping Joe McKnight.
You forget about the record breaking contract we just gave Mo, signing McLendon and Jenkins, and the 3 of the first 4 draft picks this year on D (one being a OLB/DE hybrid, and another being a DB)? So that's both his years here.. If you don't think Mac has heavily prioritized DL and DB, then you need to open your eyes. And there is nothing wrong with that btw. Most GM's do, which is why that narrative is ridiculous.
haha wrong McKnight, but i agree that was a bad decision and it should fall on the coaches. If an UDFA outplays a draft pick, should keep the UDFA imo..
I was talking about 1st round draft picks. Surely you understand the long term impact first round picks having building a team. 5 of the Jets 6 first round picks during Rex Ryan's tenure were either DB or DL. That's a fact, not a narrative. Show me any other NFL team over that span who did that and I'll STFU.
so 1st round draft picks are the only indication of a GM's priorities? 2nd round, 3rd round, high priced FA's, record breaking extensions, those don't count? surely you understand the long term impact of those decisions on building a team. way to keep blinders on just to keep a narrative.. you know Idzik didn't give a shit about Rex priorities, and he drafted 2 DB's and a DL with his first rounders. Obviously Mac doesn't care about Rex, and he drafted a DL right out of the gate. Look around the league, and see how many first rounders are in fact DB or DL, to put it into perspective. Can you imagine if Rex was still our HC, and we literally brought back Revis and Cro, added 2 more DB's on top of that, spent the 6th overall pick on another DL, gave Wilk mega money, and then spent 3 of our 4 top picks on D again the following year? Doesn't matter that it was the right move, some of you guys would melt down over the false narratives.
I never said first round picks are the only indicator of a GM's priorities. I gave you facts and you call it a narrative. OK buddy. Moving on.
and for a pretty close example of Belichick in NE: 2001: DL 2003: DL 2004: DL 2007: DB 2008: LB 2009: no first rounder, 2 DB's and 1 DL with their second round picks 2010: DB that's 7 out of 10 years for them. and the last 3 years has been all DB and DL too. It is a narrative, as it suggests the HC is calling the shots without any evidence of that, and it suggests that HC only prioritizes DB's and DL's. It also completely ignores how GM's in general are prioritizing those positions, and ignores what our current regime is doing right now.
are you slow or something? it's actually 15 of their last 19 top picks on D, almost all of those either DB or DL. what is your point if you don't have a narrative (as you claim?)
My point is that Rex Ryan had a heavy influence on the selection of the draft picks. He put a premium on d-backs and defensive line and we took those positions in the first round 5 of the 6 drafts he was here. Your example doesn't match, that doesn't make me the slow one. If you think Rex didn't influence the GM's decisions that's fine. Go on with yo bad self.
My opinion as well. There is "input".........there is "collaborative team decision making",........there is "influence".....and then there is "Rexism", = "trust me, I dont give a s--t what everyone else has said about Cople's effort, - I'm F--KING REX RYAN! I'll turn him into a beast!"
+1 The Rex/Tanny team was downright bad. Rex had the mentality that he could will players into being good. Our roster went to shit fast. Never thought Rex had the capacity to learn from his mistakes either
The difference is not where they were picked, it's who was picked. You can pick bpa who happens to be defense or you can pick a defensive player because it your turn on the clock.