And the same voters will keep complaining about the other party not even realizing they are at fault for voting in the status quo.
Here's some facts for breakfast:
Didn't you get the email Mute? The country is falling apart at the seams. Our Military is the worst on the planet and can be destroyed by the Swiss. People are sleeping in the streets because of a lack of jobs. Violent crime is up 200% because Blacks and Browns are ruining the country. Mexicans pouring across our southern border in droves. Muslims murdering Christians in US churches nationwide. ISIS has a friend in POTUS and only Donald J. Trump (businessman, philanthropist and all around nice guy) can save us. (I think that about covers it...). Its the Apocalypse Mute.. Its here and the Dems are the ones that caused it..
Democracy Lost: Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
lol can't make this up. Trump is now asking Russia to hack the Clinton e-mails. I don't know if he's joking or not but you never know with this guy.
Hell, I hope the Russians hack Trump, Clinton, Obama and every other politicians emails so everyone can see what they really think of the voting public.
Here we are in the middle of the DNC and Trump is plastered over the 24 hour news cycle. Dude is pretty fucking good at this shit.