the ACLU must be competing in the mental gymnastics olympics right now because they are blaming this on the Christian right and the GOP.
If you don't believe that this act was motivated by muslim law and beliefs, then you should move to the Middle East to be with you islamic pals.
Yea that's all, I won't make this thread about making fun of the inbred cornhusker, plenty of others for that. Just as you shouldn't make it about your nonsensical political views.
Trump is a fucking retard. Hillary has supported the foreign policy that directly led to ISIS. I find it laughable when she points at Trumps words as recruitment tools for ISIS. You helped create ISIS, bitch. Either way, we're pretty fucked IMO.
Maybe because you can't comprehend what you read if you don't have Limbaugh, Beck or Hannity telling you what you should think it means. You have "stupid" all locked up here, Sonny.
you can't completely eliminate violence, but it doesn't have to be made so easy. there is an obvious trend occurring involving assault rifles, and another obvious trend occurring regarding small scale urban terrorism in the name of Islam (whether larger more organized efforts like Paris, or lone wolf like Orlando). Terrorist organizations are suggesting purchasing legal military grade weapons here in the US, and using those to create urban terrorism.....and it's working. That should be enough to start the conversation, without lobbies or politics trying to shut down any consideration of change. In terms of banning those on watch lists, i agree that's a slippery slope. It could follow a different approval process, or maybe that particular change is too complex to put into effect. But again, there needs to be a conversation without party politics or lobbies taking center stage.
Can anyone give a good reason why we should bring in 10s of thousands of "refugees" from that region? Do we not have enough people we can't take care of? Look at what's going on in Europe and some think we should still just let anyone come here? "Syrian refugee" is only a loose term being used for migrants from all over the Mid East. A lot are just ditching their info to get asylum. Is this so damn hard? I'm am also really tired of the PC shit. It may be a fact that the majority of Muslims are fine and peaceful, but there also seems to be a code of silence where no one will get turned in...
Of course there is s good prove you aren't a bigot. It's part of the "progressive" brand identity.
Tell me why it's so freaking important that this MUST be called 'Radical Islamic' terrorism? I've never heard an outcry to call the Klan 'Radical Protestant' terrorism, or Oklahoma City 'Radical Catholic' terrorism. People are so worried about being too PC that they're in fact doing the opposite and painting more of a light on this animal's religion and fear-mongering about a religion than about the act itself.
Unlike many people I have conversed with today, I just don't see this as an attack on a "Gay Dance Club". I see this as an attack on the United States of America.
Lol Oklahoma City was over a decade ago and the only Klan attacks lately are Klan members themselves getting stabbed. It's called Radical Islamic Terrorisim because at least that separates the Muslims that hate us secretly from the Muslims that are carrying out these attacks. World wide. _
Consider that this Islamic Terrorist was from New York, maybe we shouldn't allow any more New Yorkers into the country... Oh Wait..