Jake Long was a better LT than Brick when healthy, but he's had a lot of trouble staying healthy lately.
I think it is true that the front office knew Brick was thinking of retiring and waited while he made up his mind. As Parcells said, if you're thinking about retiring, you've already retired. They decided that Brick was taking too long to decide and that they had to get a reply so they talked about a pay cut to get a decision from him and he followed his inclination. The pay cut talk was to get a decision, not to necessarily push him out. Also, let's remember that his actual pay this year is around 10 mil. The other 5 was cap money for $$$ he got years ago as a signing bonus. The actual pay cut in terms of the $$$ he would see this year was probably in the range of 3 or 4M. A hell of a lot of money to most of us, maybe not so much to him when compared to his health concerns.
lol have you not seen the rumors? Jets are a "dark horse to move up to no.1 overall" lol!!! according to rotoworld
If they traded up there for Tunsil, the Jets would cement themselves in with the Browns as an incompetent organization as far as I'm concerned. If the Jets are moving up there for a QB, then fine. But to insult your franchise LT to the point he just retires and then have to mortgage your franchise to trade up just to draft his replacement would be so asinine. That would be a disaster.
I think the fear of long term damage is having more of an effect on players than the League would like you to think. More players are opting out early and for the most part, they're players who have taken quite a few hits during their career. No wonder the league didn't care for "Concussion". They knew about it but hushed it up. Now players are more aware and deciding to take the rest of their post football lives into account. God Bless you Brick.. Live Long and Prosper!!
With the proviso that not taking Leonard Williams when he dropped to us at 6 last year would have been dumb.
I'm shocked. Thank you Brick for 10 years, one of the best tackles we've ever had. Now we have a huge hole at LT.
No surprise here. D'Brick made a lot of money and got out with his health without ever suffering a major injury during his career. One of the few guys who actually won the game of playing professional football for a living. Thanks for the work you did for us over the years and best wishes on whatever is next.
Mangold will play until it's no longer fun to play. Nothing else is going to give him the rush of being at the center of the action the way football does.
I don't know the specifics of Bricks case, but if Brick had dead money spread out over the next 3 yrs from a previous re-structure, then ALL that dead money comes due the moment he's cut. Retiring, I'm not sure.
Normally a trade up of that magnitude would be a killer for a team in transition like the Jets but if it turned into just Mo and their #1 to move up, well that's doable assuming they have a bead on a franchise player either at QB or LT in that spot.
Brick made 67 million in 10 years, retirement was a good call on his part. Good luck young man, I'll miss you on gameday.
Peyton had to keep playing. He faced 50 years of sitting across the table from little brother who won more Super Bowls than he did. He may still have that fate in store however Eli's ability to get back to the big show is in doubt.
I guess asking a player who is getting paid far more than any LT in the league to take a pay cut is insulting.
Disagreed. Health also plays a part in player evaluation. DBrick could be counted on by Chad Pennington, Brett Favre, Mark Sanchez, Ryan Fitzpatrick, etc. That is crucial. Best LT of his 10 years in the NFL. Probably not enough for the HOF, but close.