I think it probably has more to do with his his association to Football Night in America and the systematic boot-licking of the Patriots.
That's true. I guess I was seeing it more as an algorithm than a subjective voting process. It's still dumb that there is so much room for personal opinion in the voting process and how media darlings get in easier. For me, if Terrell Davis gets in, they need to let a whole bunch of other rushers in and if they don't they lose even more credibility with me (as if they had much anyways). The way the runningback is viewed could entirely be changed though as well. If you get a dominant three year stretch, you might be able to get in vs. longevity and "stat compilers" because of how quickly they are out of the league. It's crazy how much respect TD gets vs. some of the guys I mentioned. Priest Holmes had over 500 more rushing yards, 3,000 yards from scrimmage, and 18 more total touchdowns.
First African American head coach ever to win a Super Bowl. Really that is the only reason I can see for letting Dungy in, I don't even think he was that good of a coach. If you had dropped Peyton Manning in Bill Belichick's lap he probably would have won 6+ superbowls.
TO deserves to be in over Harrison, that's just reality, he was a better player. Maybe they are making TO wait a season because he was such a divisive jerk so often throughout his career.
I Collect HOF Goal Line Art cards specifically of HOF Qb's. Some great art and decent priced collectible. Look forward to getting Favre and Stabler. Really wish Favre was a success with the Jets, but he let his dick out and totally went rogue to propel a disastrous collapse
Looks nice. How big are they? Can't blame him, I sent dick pics to Jenn Stenger too. I found her to be pretty hot. _
They are postcard sizes. Goal Line Art does the portraits for the Hall of Fame in Canton and commissions 10,000 postcards online for that year and sells them as a set. They dont reproduce them again. http://www.goallineart.com/mp_client/gallery.asp They then end up on ebay, people use these to get them signed by the HOFers...I just collect the unsigned ones of QBs. Here they are on ebay http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=goal line art nfl&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.Xgoal line art .TRS0&_nkw=goal line art &_sacat=0