DePodesta actually started as an intern with the Baltimore Stallions of the Canadian Football League (bonus points to anyone who knew/remembered that the CFL had franchises in the US in the mid-1990s). Going to someone who hasn't thought about the game for 20 years when there are plenty of people already in football who appreciate analytics still strikes me as pretty bizarre. The funniest think I've seen about this on the internet is that Jimmy Haslam actually wanted to hire Coughlin, but when he told his people "Get me that guy in New York" they thought he meant DePodesta. With the Browns, can you really be 100% sure that that isn't true? Only question is whether getting Manziel to Dallas will be the first move he makes.
Without question the biggest joke in the NFL and sadly always will be.The Browns just never get it right and most likely never will
(Las Vegas bathroom) Guy 1: Wow its so funny you said your name is Billy! You look so much like Johnny Manziel. Guy 2: (snort) Yeah. Johnny. It really is! Billy: It's Billy! Any of you guys got a crisp one dollar bill? Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
How about this guy: Or any of these guys: It would make even more sense, since they wouldn't have to make it so high profile, and yet still get the benefit of the analytic thinking.
The Las Vegas Posse were the other team I could be wrong but I think Baltimore actually win the Grey Cup
Since like '88 they've had one coach last longer than three years. Bill Belichick. Paul Brown did pretty good there