Yea, trying to keep Driving as a last resort option. With the importance of the game and how cheap the game tickets were, I figured there would be plenty of buses going up sometime Saturday
I think the crowd will probably be at least 40% Jets fans by Sunday. Bills fans don't care and want nothing to do with this game.
no that's just your head coach. most fans are dumping tickets. I am getting to go for free this sunday because my bills fan season ticket holding friend doesnt give a shit about another meaningless december game
That's weird. Could of swore I just read a post with 142 replies at the Bills forum about fans going nuts over this game. And I also thought Rex said it was just another game. Maybe i live in a different dimension than you do.
you definitely live in a different dimension yes and if a few die hards on your bills blog are happy to be playing a consolation bowl again, well than that says more about those losers than anything else I'll take a picture from my section sunday so you can see all the green (or blue... empty seats)
they'll be plenty of Bills fans there. There is absolutely NOTHING to do in Buffalo. They'll be out there making assclowns of themselves for sure
Not according to stubhub. Lower level seats for $40. Bills fans are running and hiding. It may even be 50/50. About 20k Jets fans and 20k Bills fans
If anyone hears of any news on a bus or a tailgate up there, please share. I have family about half way up, so I am probably going to go. Tickets are too cheap to pass up.
Tickets are so cheap. I saw lower level at around the 40 for like 100 and change. Has anyone been to Ralph Wilson? Anyone have any recommendations on the stadium and seating?? I just rechecked my navigation and I have it as a 5 hour as 28 minute trip (338 miles). 8 hours was ridiculous but a 5 HR drive is without question in my range
Been there many times, here is the experience in a nutshell: -It will be very difficult to tell who is a woman or who is a man. they dress in their hunting gear, drink their fucking faces off to the point where they can't even pay attention to the game so all they can do is harass anyone wearing something different than hunting gear or bills gear. -Entering the building is like rounding cattle for the slaughter. For some reason the stadium has been around for 40+ years and they still can't figure out a way to efficiently get people through the gates. You will be nut to butt with 1000s of drunken caveman-women as you wait to enter. Gets worse closer to gametime and if you aren't there early you will most certainly miss the opening kickoff. I've gone to probably 15 games there and I've only seen the opening kickoff once I think -In the bathroom, instead of waiting the minute in a half for their turn at the trough, they let their drunken impatience take over and they just piss in the sink. so never try to wash your hands in that building even though you will want to. -the stadium itself doesn't really have that many bad seats but it doesn't really have that many good seats either. Chances are pretty good that you will witness a fight and someone being arrested in your section. which can be entertaining depending on what you are into. -other than all of the above, great place!