Is Peyton going too far?

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Aewhistory, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    thats the part about fans being greedy, we want him to retire for our own memory. obviously peyton loves the game of football, if he is not ready to give it up why should he? because your image of him is being tarnished? very few retire on their own terms so if he decides to hang on until no team wants him, who are we to judge?
    Pocket Jet and Jonathan_Vilma like this.
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    We'll have to agree to disagree. IMO there's nothing greedy on the part of fans thinking a great player should retire once he has lost "it." IMO it's just common sense and sad and pathetic when players can let go and walk away with dignity and pride.
  3. Pocket Jet

    Pocket Jet Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
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    at 40 - he has more dignity and pride then the majority of starting NFL quarterbacks. He is not at all what he was as a few years ago or even a year ago, but he is still better then what many teams have on the field in their 20's and 30's. The man is a great player and will remain so in my eyes, even if he gets knocked on his ass while finishing out his career. His preparation, focus, passion for the game is unparalleled. There is not an overwhelming amount of players with his intensity and drive. He obviously has no need for the money, so financial greed is not even in the discussion. Dignity and pride is not lost when you are still trying to be the best you can be, despite diminishing skills. I did state earlier that many pay for the foolish decision to remain on too long (i.e. - professional boxers), and I don't feel differently. The potential for him to have a more serious injury is quite evident, but I suppose that will be his choice or that of the Bronco organization as to his remaining on. However, when questioning his dignity or pride, I just had to step back and take a different stand and defend him in that regard.
    #23 Pocket Jet, Nov 29, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
    FJF likes this.
  4. felker

    felker Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    When the judge asked NFL Attorney Daniel Nash if there was any direct evidence against Brady Nash admitted there was none.

    Ultimately the decision to toss the suspension was based on the NFL not following it's own rules, not guilt or innocence. But this testimony that there is no direct evidence is a matter of public record.
  5. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    I dare say, from what I'm reading in this article, that something is wrong with this legal assessment. I was involved with a case of fraud against myself and my wife and a key element was conspiracy to defraud. This is VERY difficult to prove. However, not all parties need to meet. If A, B and C all conspire to defraud then it is quite acceptable that A meets B and B meets C without A and C ever meeting each other or even knowing of each the other's existence. Moreover, there is no needing for a "meeting" per se. All that is required is proof that the parties had somehow reached an understanding to conspire to defraud. Texting someone that you want to conspire to defraud is fine to meet the legal definition even if you have never set eyes on that person.*

    Also, notice the article says DIRECT evidence. This is a key term. People are sent to jail every single day on circumstantial evidence, so this doesn't exonerate Brady in my eyes, although it does weaken the case and raise the bar. However, this isn't a murder trial. The bar to 'convict' can get pretty low as you move around the legal system. As such, the bar to find guilt in, say, a civil trial is lower than a criminal trial. This is a civil matter and the bar is low, so circumstantial evidence is fine.

    Now did the NFL follow its own rules? I don't know as I don't know the rules. But as a matter of law from my own experiences and knowledge, I would submit that Brady and the Pats hired some very good lawyers and got a star struck judge to sign off on this, because any 'typical' person would have been screwed. More power to them, but then again I believe OJ is guilty as hell even though our justice system says he is not guilty. Really good lawyers can damn near work magic.... wish I could afford one.

    *-in my case, the four defendants were all damn arrogant that we didn't have a case and could go to hell and told us to stuff our attempt to arbitrate. After evidence was disclosed, however, they all rushed to settle. Friggin' idiots paid us 3-4 times what we initially asked just to avoid court after that. They gambled that we couldn't prove as much as we did and they lost.
  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    the thing with spinal stenosis is that once it is put back together and i am simply assuming they went in and chipped some bone spurs and do a laminectomy, basically cutting off part of the bones of the spine. they put it all back together with some pretty strong hardware which isnt really likely to break or shift. its more likely the bone that holds the hardware in place will fracture than the equipment itself.

    however its well documented that he did not get all of the nerves back after the surgery and has the tingling in his hands. imagine hitting your funny bone all day long. so yeah its probably a real mother fucker for him to throw a football with much umph at this point in his life.

    however i dont think he is hurting himself for the future, although i could be completely wrong...

    that said if he wants to play you can pretty much guarantee someone will give him the shot, the question then becomes can he manage to actually participate.
  7. SteveGrogan

    SteveGrogan Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    It's weird, sometimes he looked like the Manning from 6 years ago - sometimes he looked like my dad on his 70th birthday. If it truly was plantar fasciitis, then he'll come back but it probably won't be until next year.

    If it's nerve issues, that could be difficult - especially in colder weather. But why not keep going? I mean at the end of the day who cares, right? I personally hope he comes back for one more year and plays well but I think there's zero chance it'll be for the Broncos.

    His biggest asset is what he knows, not really arm strength. He can dip and dunk better than most can do anything else.
  8. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    There's always the risk of CTE; the longer you play, the higher your chance of getting it. So in that sense he could be hurting himself for the future, but there's no way to know how many seasons is "one too many" is when it comes to your brain.

    I think a lot of his decline was from having his playcalling powers taken away. He knows how to work around his limitations if a team will let him, but I think he's too injury-prone at this point.
  9. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    someone did a piece on him last year i think and they were talking about how his ball is very wobbly coming out and he doesnt have the arm strength to get it down field. in the piece they talked about how he has the tingles and that his hands arent as strong from the nerve damage that the neck issues caused. its completely fucking amazing that the guy can even hold the ball at this point.

    my old man had nerve damage and its just fucking crazy what it does to you.
  10. Gremlin

    Gremlin Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    Longer he plays, longer it takes TB to pass all his records.

    Peytons got a 3 year head start on Tommy so even at a zombified, old man pace - every yard/TD/completion he adds to the total just makes it that much longer before he can be overtaken.
  11. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    there is 0 chance of Br*dy reaching those records.
    that is why Br*dy wants to play until 45, just to have a chance. but he won't make it playing that long, and even if he did, i don't think he'd pass most records.
    that is how big the gap is.
  12. Jets_Grinch

    Jets_Grinch Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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    What are the numbers? I'd look it up but i am swamped at work.
  13. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    depends what records. Manning has most of them.

    MVP's - 5 compared to 2

    Career TD's - 539 compared to 420
    Single Season TD's - 55
    Single Game TD's - Tied with others (including Brees) at 7

    Career YDS - 71,871 compared to 56,858
    Single Season YDS - 5,477

    Career Completions - Favre 6,300, Manning 6,120, Br*dy 4,845
    Single Season Completions (Manning and Brees own the top 8 spots)
  14. Jets_Grinch

    Jets_Grinch Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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    Thank you very much. And Brady has no chance. he would need to play at the top level for at least another 5 years to even sniff these. father time will kick in eventually. Especially with the merciless blitzing teams are throwing at him these days.
    BacktoQueens likes this.
  15. GreenGreek

    GreenGreek Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    So Manning is less than a season away from the career completion record? I can see some motivation there. Perhaps there's even more motivation in that versus fending off Brady.
  16. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I agree with this post all the way to your last sentence. Manning is a bad fit in Kubiak's system, and a guy like him shouldn't be pushed out, but he really ought to retire at this point. I don't think him coming here for a year would be a success, the guy has hit a brick wall. Father time wins again.

    There is nothing worse than watching a legend who is just too old hanging on for too long. It's sad really, especially a guy like Manning who you know has scary neck issues.

    He should retire at the end of the year. I'd have a lot of respect for him if he threw himself behind Osweiler down the stretch here. Busting his ass to ensure the kid is successful and his team makes a final run.

    I don't see it happening though. I think it will be an ugly end/split with Denver and he'll try to play somewhere else next year, regrettably.
    BeastBeach likes this.
  17. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    yes. Brady will hit the wall soon as well. Like Manning it could easily appear to happen overnight, going from great to "what the hell happened? oh that's right he's old" like Manning hit midseason last year.

    even if he hits up his buddy Gronk for that HGH he's still not going to last too much longer.
  18. Jets_Grinch

    Jets_Grinch Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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    I keep having visions of Favre in my head. Year one with the Vikings was incredible. Year 2 was horrible. One off season and he completely lost it.
  19. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    If you think Tom Brady plays the game to reach individual "milestones" you don't have a clue. He wants to win more SB's than anyone else. That is why he plays.
    BeastBeach likes this.
  20. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    based on what? manning has had bad health issues for quite some time. Tommie boy hasn't really had any since his little meeting with mr pollard a number of years ago. I do like to see him getting hit 10 to 12 times a game though. it literally makes me smile as he falls to the ground, even when the camera is following the ball out just knowing that there is some big dude laying on top of him for a second makes me happy.

    not that I want him to get hurt or anything.

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