hasn't got a brain in his head. When you have to run 20 yards to CATCH the kickoff, and are still in the end zone, take a knee stupid! Don't the jets HAVE a special teams coach? Don't they practice these things? I couldn't believe he was bringing the kick out of the end zone from where he caught it--I even yelled at the TV when he brought it out BEFORE he fumbled. And to think I posted this week not to write Smith off just because he hasn't shown much yet--His foolish decision turned the game around. The jets special teams are a joke and I mean a joke!
Bring Mike Westhoff back!!!!!! And can the JETS please go sign an actual KR/PR!!! The special teams is a mess.
He's not the only returner to go brain dead today. Stacey messed up his ankle fighting for 3 yards at the end of the half and Kerley burning precious seconds on the last return dancing around. The latter is hilarious considering he normally unnecessarily calls for the fair catch or immediately hits the ground on every other occasion.
TBH tho my posts was only half sarcastic. I was 100% a fan of drafting Tyler Lockett. Guess who has multiple return TD's. Guess who has a couple meaningless catches and a game losing fumble.
Special teams are like reliable refrigerators, you only miss them when they arnt working. Don't say "we need westy,". ST was shit the last 2 years he was coach. It all boils down to culture. This franchise hasn't produced a winning atmosphere since a bullshit prediction made became a bullshit reality. I wish everyone would stop and face the facts that the Jets are what they've always been, a good team with sucker fans in a big market wishing for higher that expected outcomes.
Kid not ready for prime time....plain and simple Just doesn't seem like he's playing at full speed in any aspect
He's ready; just not as a returner. He didn't do much of that in college for a reason. http://www.nj.com/jets/index.ssf/2015/05/why_jets_special_teams_coach_doesnt_want_to_use_fa.html
You don't have to be a returner to know that you should just kneel the ball....or hold onto it at worst Even as a WR I just don't get the sense that he's playing with full speed and confidence....do you?
Just a rookie trying to make a play and it backfired. He doesn't fumble that and it's a completely different game. Jets had a lot of chances to win this game and Buffalo made the plays when it counted. It doesn't help that some of the play calls were questionable. Kellen Davis was so open on that 4th down. I saw the ball in the air at the stadium and knew it was a TD. Then the idiot just stopped for whatever reason and we all know what happened next. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Every team is returning kickoffs from 4 yards deep in the end zone this year. I'm no a big Smith fan, but starting threads that criticize decision-making based on the unfortunate results of a play is just such a lame, bad, tired, obvious thing. We can do better. Please start this thread next week, WHEN THERE IS NO FUMBLE, and explain why it's a fundamentally bad idea. And i will listen and contribute. Don't start it after a fumble. You sound like John Madden or someone almost as idiotic.
He has like 3 catches on the season and it hasn't been all fly routes......Even though that's what he's supposed to be great at Horrible start from him....not blaming it all on him as Fitz is a horrible match for his strengths and Gailey isn't getting him the ball in space. Still, terrible so far
He had to run 15 yards or so laterally to get it and then he ran it out. Pretty much always a bad decision, especially considering his blockers were in the middle of the field and he was close to the boundary. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk