Personally, I like the helmet. The jersey is "ok." The pants suck. Overall, as presented, it is ugly as sin. What we have is way better looking (as long as we stay away from green jersey AND pants).
The green on the helmet is a lighter shade, and metallic. Overall I think this is another stupid money-making gimmick for the NFL to sell merch, this time it's just more blatant. They actually gave the Raiders BLUE uniforms.
you are right it is a disgustingly blatent money-gimmick the problem is as soon as they released them they had thousands of idiots contacting the Jets & Bills "where can I buy these!" so you can't blame them
Damn that is nasty as hell!!! They shiny Kelly Green in the helmet looks nice. But the Jersey! why oh why does the green in between the lines have to be the Dark Green? it makes no sense at all. And its the same on the pants. As a whole uniform its hideous. White Cleats, White Gloves and White socks may have saved it a little. But Damn! its hurts my eyes!!!
Unbelievable. Geezus. There could be only one way to make those stupid all-green uniforms any worse: putting them in a game with stupid all-red uniforms. I need someone to hate about this. Just one name. Hating a warehouse full of Chinese juveniles chained to sewing machines isn't enough. Although they deserve it.
Looks like Dawn Hudson is your winning horse!
lol this isn't a big deal. This isn't our jersey, we're just participating in some bullshit the NFL is trying to pull to being some light to shitty thursday night football. We'll see the shit one time and one time only.
The only thing that could make these unis better is a few patches in a different shade of green. That would make them teh awesome. _
I really like red on red. Houston did it a few years ago and I thought it looked great. its so goddamn overwhelming that it looks good. green is a shit color to work with. my kids team wears green gold and white and even that is hard to work with. the high school team wears green and white like the jets and its terrible to work with. the problem is that the jets uniforms consist of an accent color and no main color. some fashion type lady was telling me that we buy black hats because green is not a main color for anything but these dumb uniforms. its an accent color and will always look poor.