If they were going to cut bait they could have easily done it right after the incident. The fact that they didn't is meaningful
how many different threads are you going to troll about Powell in? you are always whining on and on about someone.....Powell, Wilson, half the Rangers..........it gets old. complaining about Powell is just flat out random, so i guess you are at least getting more creative about your hating (or maybe the team has just improved enough where Powell is your biggest complaint?)
Wow, so that is now mandatory for posting an opinion on this board?!?! Petrozza really should update the site FAQ!
Not in the least. I would never root against my own team based on the dislike of one individual player.
I didn't say it was mandatory. I just think you're overreacting. I'm not trying to attack you or put you down. Just trying to get you to step back, take a deep breath and see what happens. Why not give Bowles the benefit of the doubt until he proves he doesn't deserve your respect/trust? I understand that we each have our own views on players. For me, it wasn't that you wondered about Powell. You have such a strong opinion and seemingly vehement objections to him, yet no one else seems to. Did he hit on your wife? Was he a jerk to you in school? I understand how we've been betrayed and let down as Jets fans, but everything is looking up at this point in time, and I don't get your strong reaction to his still being here. It's still very early, yet you seem ready to blow a gasket. I'm just saying why not wait and see what happens this week? Next week this time Powell may not be on the team, and then your angst will have been for nothing. For that matter, he may not even be on the team after tomorrow. Even if he is, why not wait and see how he performs for the Jets this season? It's possible that with a new CS, he might have improved his concentration and refined his techniques and grown in confidence. In addition, as someone else pointed out, he's only muffed one punt in his career. Again, I just don't understand your very strong reaction. But hey, if it makes you happy, go for it. Hate on him all you want, but don't be surprised when other posters here react negatively to your ranting about him.
I replied to a thread about cuts by suggesting that Walter Powell should be cut. Is he married to your sister? Does he pay you for your comments?
You didn't just reply to a thread. You responded pretty strongly in a couple of theads. The emotion in your posts was palpable.
Does anyone know if players on the PUP and suspended players count against the 75? I don't believe they count against the 53. With Ridley on PUP and Richardson and Aboushi (both suspended for the first game), is it possible that the jets are already at 75 players?
Thats so funny you say that cuz i thought that the packers could be a potentia suitor for him too. Jordys done and cobb (tho he'll play week 1) is banged up. Rodgers could make kerley a real stud imo
Maybe they give Shaq a shot as returner against the Eagles. He returned for UCLA in college & did some work in last year's TC. I'm not sold on Powell even after the TD return. He doesn't offer any upside as a WR at all & he isn't all that great a returner. I'd rather the Jets returner be a developing young WR who can eventually start to contribute.
With Shaq's stone hands there is no way I want him on the roster in any form or fashion. I certainly wouldn't want him returning punts.