Geno out with broken jaw. Wow. IKE released after altercation.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by skoobz2001, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Good post. He may or may not be a nice guy, but with the seeming way his teammates are acting towards him, that looks doubtful imo.

    It definitely would have been better for him if he wasn't thrown to the wolves his rookie season. With Geno being brash, Rex was absolutely the wrong HC for him. There's no way Geno would learn lessons or have someone to mentor him when his HC is every bit as brash and immature as he was. We all know Geno has a lot of physical talent. Had he gone to a team where he could have sat for a year or two and had a quality QB coach, OC and a disciplined HC, his talent may have had a chance to develop and for him to become a quality starting QB. I say a chance, because Stokes may be right, and Geno just not have the football IQ or the right emotional/mental makeup to have succeeded.

    He still has a chance, albeit a very small chance imo. I don't know if his Jets teammates will give him the opportunity to change and grow up even if he's willing and able. I do think that Bowles could probably get through to him, and Gailey and possibly Dorrell mold him if Geno would listen. He seems to have listened with regards to his play on the field during TC, but who knows if he would listen regarding his personality and attitude?

    Hopefully, for his sake, if not for ours, this experience will humble Geno, he'll listen to what his coaches have to say, spend some serious time reflecting on this incident, and will change his attitude. For his sake, I think Fitz needs to do really well starting. If Fitz is bad, Geno comes back and thrives, I'm not sure he'd learn anything about regarding his brashness and immaturity. It might help win some of the locker room back, and may help his FO and CS to give him a 2nd chance if that were to happen, but maybe not. They may have already decided to ship him out once the season ends. We need for him to grow and develop into at least a quality backup, if not starter.
    hornblower and FlaJet like this.
  2. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Geno's dear friend died.

    Let him mourn in peace.

    Damn you you unfeeling New York Times.

    JetLifeLo, NCJetsfan and FlaJet like this.
  3. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I'd probably have punched him in the face if he were my QB too.
    ajax and James Hasty like this.
  4. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    wonder what the cop in Louisiana did to disrespect ik?
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  5. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    When confronted over a friend's fake ID, Ike got upset when the cop asked for a $600 bribe.
    NYJetsO12, DaBallhawk and FJF like this.
  6. BigGreenUgly

    BigGreenUgly Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    This is all you need to know about how little Geno is respected among teammates ...NY Post:

    "But it remains to be seen whether his teammates even want him back. While keeping virtually silent about their signal caller, they have been phoning IK Enemkpali, the linebacker who punched him, in droves."

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  7. DoubleDecker87

    DoubleDecker87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    Excited to see the same people who quoted Ryan Clark post about how unreliable of a source Brandon Marshall is.
  8. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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  9. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    We don't know what the split in the locker room is on Geno. Maybe it was just a few guys backing up IK. But does Geno have respect of his teammates. Some complained last year about the movie incident which apparently created waves internally. Based on what we've seen and read. His leadership skills are zilch.
    rammagen and NYJetsO12 like this.
  10. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Players couldnt care less about Geno, a train wreck gaining velocity.
    They dont need him (sad but true).
    Marshall needs another koo koo bird to be friends with.

    The FO needs Smith. He is a body with arm, but I am sure they think he is a stupid idiot.
    A few phone calls by Mac when Pre Season is over to some discard QB with a half a brain and some talent will trump Smith and provide additional backup for Fitz.

    Mac and Bowles must both be itching to get some insurance in here already.
  11. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Did he or did he not point the finger in IK's face? There is definitely a split in terms of locker room respect for Geno Smith.
  12. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    so there is another split in the story imagine that. Both players are guilty here that is what most people are missing. No-one is saying IK did not deserve to be cut. But Geno failed as a leader because whether IK was right or wrong Geno let the situation develop to it was an argument. A leader does not do that. What is so difficult to see about that. And that is most of the posters opinions that think bares some responsibility here think. This is not about finger pointing or or the punch.
    This about Geno being a mature leader and leaders do not put themselves or team-mates into those positions.
  13. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Good post.

    I was glad to see the articles come out this morning showing that at least some Jets players have Geno's back. It's not surprising. You get any group of people together and talk about a controversial subject, and it almost never will be 100% agreement. People have different perspectives, experiences, standards, etc. I'm sure there are players on the team who don't like or respect Geno either because of his lack of maturity, intelligence, or leadership skills (whatever one wants to call it), and I'm sure there are players who do like Geno and do respect him, and probably some in the middle whose thoughts and feelings are mixed, and could go either way.

    I think you are spot on in the bolded sentences. I think that's why Bowles and Revis said that both were to blame. I would hope that Geno wouldn't be stupid enough to wag his finger in Ik's face, and at least for the time being, I believe Marshall.
  14. Geno007

    Geno007 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    We are talking about the NY media here. What do they benefit from saying Geno getting support. Not saying he is but we know how the NY media is.
  15. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    My guess is Mashall to some extent identifies with Smith's problems. Marshall also took time to become a more balanced personality, and it was not that long ago he was having issues with teams and teammates.

    But it's also true Marshall is new to the team, and is not directly familiar with the way others and Smith came to relate to each other over the last two plus years. I wish Marshall wasn't being so vocal here. He's sympathetic to Smith, but can he really vouch for him? I'm far from sure on that.
  16. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    He can vouch for Geno in this situation, which is really all he was doing.
  17. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Good points, but unless he's lying, his comments are critical because he said that he was there when it happened, and supposedly not many of the players were. If, true, then he knows things that other players don't, so if he doesn't speak up, perhaps no one else can. He is biased since he has been so complimentary of Geno, but evidently Geno is not the bad egg and lousy leader some posters are trying to portray him as, because if you'll recall, Marshall specifically said that he had spoken to Geno before deciding on a team, and that Geno was the reason he wanted to come to the Jets. Now again, that may have been BS, but if true, should say some positive things about Geno. After all, Marshall had just spent the last several years playing with a QB with poor leadership skills. Why would he want to put himself back into a situation like that? He was frustrated with losing in Chicago. Why would he choose to come to play for the Jets who were coming off a losing record, an uncertain situation and a QB who at best, had been inconsistent? I think there's obviously more to Geno for which many of the posters here are unwilling to give him credit.
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    We really don't know. Perhaps Marshall is just trying to tell himself he made the right move coming to NY. But since the Jets are currently playing Fitzpatrick, and Smith may not get back there, I think it is best if Marshal tones down the comments, as he did try to do as teh interviews concluded.
  19. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    IF there is any support besides the guy he's been working out with, now would be a good time to show it.
  20. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    So, has anybody actually come forward and put their names behind their comments aside from Marshall? I'm just a little tired of media speculation and claims with no substance.

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