Geno out with broken jaw. Wow. IKE released after altercation.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by skoobz2001, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Geno didn't call Anthony Becht.

    Not 24 hours before, not 24 minutes after.
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    In one sense, they will be OK because of Bowles. He will deal with it and have them focused. They are not as well off with Fitz and QB as they would be with the Geno we have been seeing in TC. Fitz doesn't have the arm that Geno has, nor his movement abililty. We still don't know how healthy Fitz is, and at this point he has no timing or chemistry developed with his receivers.

    Missing practice is HUGE. As several have pointed out, not being able to eat regularly, will cause him to lose weight, strength and stamina. Not being able to practice and play preseason will prevent his continuing to develop in his reads, decision-making, timing and chemistry with his receivers, and at this point in his career, I think he is a better QB than Fitz. Also, as several have pointed out, we don't know how this broken jaw, and the lack of support from teammates will affect Geno mentally/emotionally when he gets back. He could completely revert to where he was, he could play very tentatively and without the confidence he was showing, or it could have no effect, but more than likely, it will affect Geno in several ways, both physically and mentally.

    What happens when Fitz gets hurt or starts playing badly? Petty is nowhere near being ready to play and shouldn't be forced onto the field. Whatever scrub veteran QB they bring in won't know the offense, have timing or chemistry with the receivers and won't be as good as the Geno we've seen this spring.

    The team is also hurt defensively. Ik was looking great in TC and would have brought a lot of energy and intensity to the D, and I think would have made the pass rush more fearsome, and would have made some big plays. Now we're probably stuck with Babin again.

    The team will move on, but I think they had the potential to be a playoff team. Now I don't see that happening in any way.
  3. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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  4. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Hook me up with your time machine. If you can't do that the best thing I think we're gonna have is a report of what happened. Which report by the way actually supports your theory of Geno trying to avoid the fight, walking away from this, not sticking his finger in IK's face? Let me know.
  5. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Yeah, among other things I hope the Jets will realize tangible benefits from moving past Smith's lack of maturity. He's been a distraction and that's on top of all his turonvers and boneheaded plays. Enough already. With any luck he's in the rearview mirror and eventually fades over the receding horizon. behind us.
    FlaJet likes this.
  6. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Very good article in the NY Times today about the Jets franchise and whether or not it is "broken."

    I think this incident will define Bowles' tenure as HC. It will either develop more team unity, resilience and mental toughness, or it will fracture and divide the team. I'm hoping that the former will happen. I hope it will be a watershed day in NY Jets' history and will be the last event like this to ever happen to the Jets. I hope that it sets them on a course where they put a premium on maturity, character, and intelligence in their players and will take no further players in the draft who have any character concerns at all. I hope this will further help Sheldon Richardson to wake up, grow up, and become a man of outstanding character rather than the "character" he was becoming or had already become.

    I have more respect for Bowles than I've had for any HC in a long time. I think if anyone can turn this around, he can.
    chandler and Acad23 like this.
  7. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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  8. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    "A source familiar with the situation told ESPN's Josina Anderson that at the start of camp, Smith approached Enemkpali, sensing tension between the two. The source said Smith confronted Enemkpali, tried to diffuse the situation and offered to pay Enemkpali the $600."

    "Smith, who was knocked to the floor, got up and told Enemkpali, “I’m not doing this here,” then walked away, sources said."

    "Smith never laid a hand on Enemkpali, but he shouldn’t be completely absolved. The signal caller took the punch from his teammate before telling witnesses in the locker room, “I’m not doing this here” and walked out."

    I'll keep going if you'd like but I feel like you would want me to stop. What about any of these reports insinuates Geno was looking for a fight? Nothing.
  9. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    We can play this game too if you want:

    Adam Schefter
    "At the heart of the dispute between former Jets LB IK Enemkpali and quarterback Geno Smith is $600 that Enemkpali believed Smith owed him, per league sources. Enemkpali purchased a plane ticket for Smith to attend his July 11 football camp at Pfugerville High School in Pfugerville, Texas. However, days before the camp, a person close to Smith was killed in a motorcycle accident in Miami and Smith did not attend Enemkpali’s camp, per sources. After Smith did not attend, Enemkpali demanded that the Jets’ quarterback refund him the $600 he allegedly used to purchase a plane ticket. Smith told Enemkpali he would reimburse him the money, but he did not. Enkempali confronted Smith today about the money and the confrontation ended in a punch and broken jaw."
  10. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    So here is another side and aren't there endless other sides? Geno sticks his finger in IK's face and says you aren't going to do anything about it. No sucker punch, no nothing...he basically called him out and was taken up on it.
    FlaJet likes this.
  11. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Which further proves nobody knows what the hell happened.
  12. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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  13. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    how does someone offer to pay someone $600, but not succeed in doing so?
    was the transaction fumbled away?
    pretty obvious that report is shaky...

    we don't know exactly what happened, but we do know that fellow teammates are not exactly jumping to Geno's defense here.
    it certainly appears this situation was not handled with the type of maturity and leadership you'd expect from a starting NFL QB.
    NYJetsO12 and FlaJet like this.
  14. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I don't listen to Boomer's show, so I have no general opinion about how he acts on it, what angle he generally takes. I see him on the CBS pre-game show, though. I guess I agree/disagree with him about the average of anybody else. So to be clear I have neither a like or dislike of his tv persona. Point being what I am about to say is not meant as a defense, and I do not intend here to speak to the part whici is what you call his tough guy talk.

    And I don't know if what I am about to say is what Boomer meant to refer to.

    But there is somethign beyond the possibility that Fitzpatrick is or is not likely to be a better Qb than Smith.

    And that is this - Smith's part in the leadup the confrontation is in my view merely the latests example of his lack of maturity and how that makes him a poor leader. If one fairly looks at this angle, the situation is good for the Jets since it I think, I hope, has made it crystal clear for the new guys Mac and Bowles that Smith is a much more shaky prospect for becoming the kind of leader the Jets need from their starting Qb than they apparently realized up until now.

    It is a good thing since it clarifies the analysis, moving it forward to a better informed conclusion. Rahter than having some future missed team bus or confrontation or other example of immaturity come up at a more inopportune time.

    The Jets now have ample time to get Fitz ready with the starters for Opening Day.

    I don't know if this is what Boomer was talking about. But imo it is a consideration.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  15. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I'm not gonna buy that version. He offered to pay ik back. So why would he say that? I've no doubt he wagged his finger in his face tho. Regardless IKs reaction is unacceptable. He was stunned and hit with pepper spray while fighting a plain and uniformed officer in college. He lacks self control.

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  16. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Please keep going, this is getting funny. So he gets his face rearranged by IK and then decides to walk out? It's a bit too late for that, you kind of want to leave before the fight breaks out. That's kind of the point of not wanting to fight. You have to avoid the fight itself. If you get into a fight and then decide to run away, that's not the same as saying you know what, I'm done here I don't want any trouble, let's be reasonable, we don't need any injuries here, you'll probably kick my ass. That's sort of what you're trying to say. But this was actually the ONE smart decision he made that day. Leaving the locker room after getting clocked. But again, too late. I still love your effort.
    FlaJet likes this.
  17. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Do you know what would make this extremely easy? Admitting you're believing one of the many unconfirmed reports but also acknowledging that it may not be true. Just do that and everyone can move on.
  18. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    And that's exactly the opinion of quite a few people that have played under Bowles in Miami and Arizona.

    I hate to think how worse this shit-show could get under another coach.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  19. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Well, if you buy he said he was going to pay it back and still didn't then why would you not buy that weeks later IK was still looking for his money and Smith said you aren't going to do anything about it? Makes perfect sense to me after that much time went by.
  20. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    I don't believe ONE of them, I look at all of them and I think they all are pretty much the same, some just have a little more background info, some are a little more detailed. For the most part they are somewhat identical in the fact that Geno did not walk away, that he put his finger in IK's face. Those are the facts. If one of the reports is saying that Geno walked away after being clocked I believe it. But that doesn't mean he tried to avoid this fight, something you and @The Waterboy kept trying to make a case for, how you should always walk away and run away before you get into a fight. I mean we're adults, right? We're civilized, we don't fight. Why didn't Geno walk away from this? Why did he get into a shouting match with IK? Why did he put his finger in IK's face? Here's more from Ryan Clark:

    "It became about the fact that geno wasn’t necessarily apologetic and being in a way remorseful about the money when saying he was going to pay i.k. back. you know, he didn’t, and he was rather smug about it. so these guys got into it earlier in camp about this money. My report says geno put his finger in his face and told the guy, well, you’re not going to do anything about it. This wasn’t the first time they had an issue over this same situation and nothing came from it the first time. you know, the first time they got into an argument, you know, words were said, disrespect thrown both ways, both guys separate and walk away. so when you have that situation happen one time, i’m sure a lot of people weren’t expecting it to get where it’s gone.”

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