Yeah I've been out all day and haven't read the banter but it appears he's confused himself once again. _
Bottom line is this.... If it is any less severe than the Saints Bounty scandal, then the Pats got off cheap. The bounty scandal was...untoward, but deflategate calls into question the integrity of the game, MORE than Pete Rose betting on baseball. They cheated their way thru the playoffs, to a Lombardi. (Forfeiting their wins would also be appropriate) Except..the NFL has no integrity.
So you guy The deflated balls were no big deal as weren't any of the other shenanigans they've pulled off over the years. I know you want to strip them of their rings or say they won because of cheating but it's horseshit. Stop with the sour grapes already. They won 4 rings and we didn't. Deflategate is no big deal. Bountygate was. I liked what Roger tried to do. In those cases year long suspensions fit the crime. In this case it doesn't. End of story!
if it was no big deal why would the league spend so much time, money and effort investigating whether there was a violation?
Don't you think a 4 month investigation for deflated balls is a joke. When they could have done it in a week.
I think it took as long as it did because they wanted to cover all their bases and didn't want another boondoggle like the Rice case.
Scuffing baseballs... Pete Rose betting on his own team. The Black Sox. A football travels at 60 mph, and 600 rpm...the deflated ball makes a difference. Then you have Brady lying to the investigators, and refusing to cooperate. then you have Kraft doubling down, and lets face facts... this is not the first time they have been caught in flagrante delicto
just a hunch, but having goodell rule on brady, after the way kraft, his dad, his agent, and everyone with a pats and brady bias spoke about him publicly, is probably REALLY bad for brady here. i just cant see goodell going lightly on him after he did everything he could to not cooperate, and then had everyone around him bash goodell publicly. im not saying hes gonna do something irrational, but if hes on the fence about lets say, 4 games or 6, hes gonna think about all that and go 6. i could totally be wrong, but this wouldnt surprise me at all
Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter 17m17 minutes ago Adam Schefter retweeted Mike Reiss Then there's this. Patriots making Monday headlines. And the biggest one is yet to come here in next 24 or so hours.
It's like NotSato said it's a political football. And Roger routinely hasn't shown good judgment on these issues. I don't think he's going to sock it to them because of NEP's defiance. I think he won't give him more than 6. And btw how's about fixing procedures on game balls (and other game day situations) so cheaters don't have a clear path to breaking the rules. Kraft demanded an apology. Well, how's about this one: he can go fuck himself!
Or better yet why do it at all? It was obviously a big deal or Brady wouldn't have reacted the way he did to the ball boys following the Jets game
andrew brandt.....listen to him carefully. Decision looms
There are several reasons this is very, very big. One is that the deflating of balls goes beyond helping the performance of a single player. It helps out every skill player on the offense. Brady is able to make more accurate throws. Receivers are more likely to make a catch on any given throw. Both receivers and running backs are less likely to fumble. The amount it influences any given play is small but added up over a game or over an entire season it becomes very significant. More catches and less fumbles equals less stalled out drives and more touchdowns. Potentially a few close games were won due to this advantage. Perhaps enough games to get home field advantage or perhaps some close playoffs games were won. It also potentially goes back further than 2006, at least for home games. Furthermore even though Brady directly benefitted from Spygate. He was made aware of the defenses being used by the other team. He was there when the Patriots were punished for breaking the rules and he continued to flagrantly violate other rules. In sum the penalty for Brady and the team should be harsh. The Patriots legacy has been tarnished beyond repair. Asterisks in the official NFL record book should be applied to every team or individual accomplishment that occurred in seasons that it is known that cheating occurred.
Here is a great fan synopsis on the severity of the action of deflating balls. The deflating of the football did not just aid it helped him get a better grip, as well as holding on better......... when he got hit. It helped the center get a better grip........... It helped the RB's get a better grip.........less fumbles. It helped the WR catch a softer ball. It helped the WR get a better grip.......when running after the catch...........less fumbles. It helps the ENTIRE team during cold weather........... It helps the ENTIRE team during wet weather........... You can say stats can be contrived in many ways to try and distort the truth.......... You can also say Stats don't lie......... Now that we know that they have been deflating balls..............for some time. The stats and charts in this the reasonable doubt left town. One turnover in a game is huge........can decide a win or a loss. One win or loss can be the difference in a team getting into the playoffs. Whether it be the Pats...or a team that had the Pats number...but missed the playoffs. One win or loss can decide home field advantage or not. Repeat, repeat offenders. If the commish reasoned that "Ignorance is no excuse" for Sean Payton.......... Well then Belicheat should feel the same punishment.......... After all.....his whole dog and pony Scientific presentation should be replayed and replayed as Exhibit his cover-up debacle. He is guilty. He is a repeat offender. But the mastermind on continually figuring out new ways to put a foot up integrities ass.......and tarnishing the NFL shield........should no doubt be suspended. Krafts a clown...... The Pats legacy of cheating...............will be attached to their legacy forever. Forever. For-Eh-ver.