I mentioned what's on page 89. If I missed anything on gratuities why don't you speak your piece. This stuff was brought up in the past before the report was out. About players smearing clubhouse personnel. It's not unusual. All teams and many players do it. And 1500 and a couple of Lakers tickets isn't outrageous but it's a big tip and probably deflating balls was a part of their job description. And that's why the Patriots org should also take a hit. Not just Brady. You said yesterday that Brady was bribing these two guys. Bribing would be paying them for not talking. If that's in the report please give me the page number because it would be making a great point and bribing would be major.
So wait, you've been saying for pages now that it was just Brady only and not Kraft and Belli but now you are saying it's not just Brady, it's the whole organization that should take a hit? You are the most confused poster on this board. _
I never said it was Brady alone. If I did quote it. But the only thing about punishment for the organization is that in the report only 3 guys are named who were personally involved in Deflategate: Brady and the two attendants. To me it's clear it was also an organizational thing. But the report specifically said that there is no evidence that Belichick and Kraft were a part of it. I would love to see the NEP org get heavily fined and lose picks. Again if someone doesn't agree with you you rip them. I've never once seen you back off a statement or at least acknowledge a different point of view.
read the fucking report! stop relying on keyword searches and what other people pulled out. read it so you can understand it for yourself. your arguments are fucking stupid.
Brady should be suspended for a year for systematically manipulating footballs (likely for years), lying about it, bribing ball boys to do the deed for him, sullying the league and impeding the investigation. Belli should get suspended for encouraging this type of cheating and for being the boss. Whether the report exonerates him or not, that paranoid freak knows very thing that goes on in that building. He knew. Kraft should be suspended because the buck stops there. And because of his indignant demand for an apology. They should forfeit draft picks and have the largest fine in the history of the league. Because this is a pattern of cheating with this franchise. Not an isolated incident. But to you, not a big deal. _
You're making a claim that Brady bribed both attendants. I couldn't find anything other than gratuities on page 89. So please cite the page no. and paragraph where you found this information. I'd love to see Belichick and Kraft suspended. But not for a year, for two games. Same with Brady. Loss of draft picks. Plus a considerable fine: all three of them are fined. But doubtful Belichick and Kraft will be suspended because of the report. I'm not trolling or protecting NEP. I'd just like to see the league make a logical decision on this: a season esp. for Brady is overkill and not warranted.
Integrity<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------->Brady Never the twain shall meet
If you want to discuss the report, read the report. I'm not your Cliff Notes. Holy crap, this isn't about Brady deflating 12 footballs in one game. What part of this are you not understanding? Other than all of it. _
How's about a citation. I did read part of it, and checked via the index but not the entire report. I can't see why anyone would want to read a 240 plus page report of legalize. And then I googled it for bribing attendants and got an article saying that Brad Johnson bribed attendants. I think that's where you got the bribing term, it wasn't in the report. The use of that word to me is inaccurate.
I got the bribing term from the fucking English language and using reading comprehension. I refuse to enable you in your decision to remain ignorant. read the report or stfu
This shit is hysterical. It's so clear as day they were being compensated. It's right in the texts between McNally (listed as Bird, which is his nickname around there) and jastremski. Like clear as day. Only a pats fan would willfully ignore this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Read an interesting article that suggested if Brady gets 2-4 games, he accepts his punishment quietly and goes home, but if it's 5+, he'll appeal and then it will get nastier. I hope it's 6 and he appeals and then we get even a truer sense of his depravity. Let's get his text messages, let's see the ballboy/lockeroom attendants dragged back out for us all to see. Force the NFL to force him to cooperate. He can't. Get nasty. Can only make it more enjoyable. _
In other words you made it up. There was no mention of bribery in the report. Bribery is a whole different kettle of fish. If true and bribery (in other words he paid them to keep silent) then it's much more serious. Giving gratuities (which is even legal in Congress) isn't bribing someone.
It was only a "gratuity", not a "bribe". Completely unrelated to deflating footballs. Like a Christmas tip. _
I don't think it was actually bribery. It was more of "payment for services rendered" ie deflating balls to the way Brady wants them.
Normally I'd say yes. And I'm fully aware that these guys are always given jerseys and shit like that. There was one text in particular tho where he wanted an envelope. We all know what that means. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk