Yeah it wasn't a big deal in that particular game but like with Spygate (when they killed us before and after the video) it wasn't about one game, it was about a systemic attempt to game the system they've perfected over YEARS. And if it didn't help Brady, why would he do it? It's like people trying to say PED's don't really help you hit or throw a baseball....if they don't help why are hundreds of players using them?! Not to mention the brazen attempt to obstruct the investigation is even worse than the deflating of the footballs itself.
Look, it's just one small thing in a multitude of variables. A part of the Patriots mantra to get any kind of advantage. It backfired on them again. It isn't capital C cheating. It's small c and you got a lot of that. Little things that mostly don't get caught. As a Jets fan I hope they are punished: esp the organization. Lose picks, steep fines, but I don't think suspending Brady for half or the entire season makes sense. The crime doesn't fit the punishment.
You are making less and less sense which is bad considering how little sense you started with. MangoldenShowers was right. You're a fake fan. _
Maybe I missed it but I didn't see anything on Brady bribing those guys although I wouldn't be surprised if they got very nice Christmas presents. I did see where Brad Johnson admitted he bribed employees to tamper with balls.
you have not read the report. read it.
Hard to believe you'd read 240 pages of that crap but in your case no surprise. I saw page 89 where they mention gifts to Jastremski including 2 Lakers tickets, money from a holiday pool put together by Patriots players and possibly a $1500 tip. It's not a big deal. All teams give generous tips to clubhouse attendants and players sometimes on their own. Not that it doesn't mean Brady tipped him for helping to deflate balls but it's not that unusual esp when guys are making multi-millions and other guy hundreds. I think you're as usual making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Where does trolling come into play. I'm a Jets fan. I despise NEP. But it's not a partisan issue. I don't think it's egregious. In that Brady should get a half season or more. Punishment for lying, embarrassing the league and breaking the rules. I would give the bulk of it to the Patriots org but the study exonerates Kraft and BB. It was still under their watch so they should lose some picks. To me the AH case was a lot more significant than this.
Only a myopic idiot would say "well they still blew the Colts away" ..... yet they barely beat the Ravens the week before and who have a history of beating over the years and nearly lost to had Lee Evans not dropped a TD pass. We don't know how long the systematic cheating has taken place but it's safe to assume based on the report and the fact that they got caught in the AFC title game that they also cheated in the Ravens game, it should also be pointed out that the temp at KO of the Ravens game was 31 degrees colder than it was for the Colts game and Brady threw for 141 more yards in that game than he did in the Colts game. The fact that Bellichicken was willing to unveil some crazy (now illegal) formation to beat the Ravens proves he was willing to pull out all the stops to win that game against Baltimore.
Pretty sure it was in the text messages between Jastremski and McNally where they talk about McNally getting new shoes (even asking for his shoe size), signed footballs, game worn jerseys, etc. I think one even specifically stated that Jastremski would leave a needle for McNally and also some new shoes and stuff. Which seems like payment to me: here's the needle to do the job and the shoes in payment.
Based on what I've read (and who would want to read that entire report) it's business as usual between NFL players giving autographs etc to Equipment Managers and clubhouse personnel. Brady orchestrated the deflated balls with those 2 guys. That's for sure. It's nonsense to think they would do it on their own. It seems like he took care of them. Maybe an extra Christmas envelope. In Patriots land it was a part of their job. Hard to believe Belichick knew nothing about it.