There is evidence to contrary. Faster throws and ease in catching certainly not small. Besides being of questionable correctness, this statement has no relevance. A rapist is only a rapist if he was caught. If not, he is an outstanding citizen. Brady was caught, he is guilty, everyone else are honest players until proven otherwise. At this point this is just your opinion. Opposite one - that Brady would never achieved HOF status without cheating - is also plausible. Again, that's your opinion. I (and it seems most other fans, most of whom are not Jets fans) believe the integrity is the cornerstone of the game and should be protected at all costs. If seems Goodell shares this opinion as well.
You sure act like it. Not concerned what lower rung posters on this board and reactionaries say. It would be moronic for the NFL to suspend Brady for more than 6 games. 2 should be the max for the offense he committed. It had nothing to do with Ws and Ls. If the Jets had done it (and they probably did either that or something else) you'd be defending them.
No, I wouldn't. Don't say what I would or wouldn't do because you don't know me, fake fan. View the bolded and behold the troll.
1. You have NO idea whether it effected wins and losses. But if it didn't, if it had NO beneficial effect, gave NO competitive advantage, then why do it. Because it effected wins and losses. 2. This punishment has less to do with deflating footballs than it does with systematic cheating, lying about it, obstructing the investigation and dragging the NFL shield and the integrity of the game down with him. Let's see if your simple little illogical mind can process that. _
This forum calls for FO heads when HC farts the wrong way. If Jets cheated, Florham Park would become a fucking shooting gallery courtesy of TGG posters. Do you follow anything here not related to T*m Br*dy?
As usual. If you don't get your way you get nasty. If you want to discuss the issue fine. Calling names is baby stuff and the bully act is lame.
Holy shit, Woody mentions Revis in an answer to a stupid question at a press conference and Jet fans were calling for him to sell the team. If we cheated on this scale TGG would be apoplectic. Billboards would be all over the place. _
Dude, you have just displayed some of the most illogical reasoning I've read in this thread. I can't discuss issues reasonably with you because you're extemely dense or being intentionally obtuse. This is probably the 4th or 5th thread you've home this route. It's who you are. _
Brady played without deflated balls in the second half against the Colts and kicked their ass. Which is the best evidence that deflated balls wasn't a big deal. I don't care because the Rangers just won!
When he started with this line of reasoning it hit me where I remembered his posts from. His posts where he claimed because Sanchez lost a game that there was no way McElroy, Tebow or Simms couldn't have done worse. That was his entire argument. Then there was the one about Donald Sterling and the Clippers where he was insinuating that since Sterling didn't use the "N" word it could not be that bad what he said. Here was a nice one So Tannenbaum was good at draft day deals except he picked busts, still trying to figure that one out. There is no logic involved.
Lol. He keeps defaulting to that stupid argument about how much they beat the Colts therefore the deflation didn't do anything. I've asked him a half dozen times whether that infinitesimal competitive advantage helped to beat the Ravens and he refuses to answer or acknowledge. Intentionally obtuse or naive or just plain stupid. This is the 4th or 5th thread he's been this intentionally obtuse. Or worse. _
In my opinion and that's all it is (I don't claim to know it all like you) it is infinitesimal as are a million other variables on game day. I don't think infinitesimal is a big deal. It's very very minor. I'm just trying to be honest and not prejudiced on this because it's the Patriots. There has to be punishment but it has to be reasonable.
The level of impact the deflated balls had on the game is completely irrelevant. Brady actively conspired with patriots employees by bribing them to break NFL rules in an attempt to gain an illegal advantage in the AFCCG (and other games prior). He then lied about it and refused to cooperate with the investigation. This is clear as day if you read the report. The NFL should not take that behavior lightly. I will be shocked if they do.
I believe that Tebow should have started after Mark imploded in 2012. And that he gave the Jets their best chance to win. Sterling was in the privacy of his home and was surreptitiously recorded by V Stivianno. No matter what he said it was in private and he has a right to his privacy. I'm sure the holier than thou phony NBA Commish at home isn't a choir boy, either. Not all NBA owners agreed with this including Mark Cuban. Tanny was always active on draft day and got good value in trade downs and trade ups. Even the deal to trade up so they could select Sanchez was a good value trade with Cleveland with us getting rid of more players than picks. I can't believe you actually follow what I say since you consider me to be such a moron.