Six games would include the jets game. They don't count bye week for suspensions. I'd love if he was out for that game.
It's one of Peter King's lackeys telling the media world that you better stick up for the poor, poor Patriots in the hard times or they won't give you anymore of the many hard hitting interviews they have become so well known for
Brady learned from one of the best (in terms of lying), Kraft. Not Belichick because he is inarticulate. You know he's lying. Kraft is believable: he was the prosecution's best witness against his own player AH. The jury listened to and believed his self righteous and self serving testimony. They at it up. They loved him. Best liar of all time: no contest, Dick Cheney.
6-8 is too short. I had a tiny bit of respect for Brady because of how good he was, but now we know that he's absolute scum. Anything short of a year in my eyes is a friggin joke. The Patriots cheated their way to another SB. We all know it's gonna be the least amount of games possible since Kraft and Goodell are butt buddies.
Yeah, we're keeping score too. Any sportscaster that sucks up to the Pats and gives cover for Brady in this instance is piece of garbage. At least Cimini is critical.
Bellishit has to go down here, there isn't a single tiny thing that goes on there that he doesn't control. To say he wasn't aware when it happened week after week is just crazy. Mike Pettine Blasts Tom Brady After Browns GM Suspended For Textgate Read more at: Mike Pettine learned from the best about putting his foot in his mouth. Pettine, the Cleveland Browns head coach who served under Rex Ryan with the New York Jets for four years, spoke out about DeflateGate and the Wells Report on Friday, labeling Patriots quarterback Tom Brady a cheater. “I’ve always had a lot of respect for him,” Pettine said via’s Mary Kay Cabot. “But I lose a lot of respect for guys who cheat.” Sorry, Ray Farmer, I guess that includes you, too. Farmer was suspended four games in 2015, and the team was fined $250,000 after the Browns general manager admitted to texting members of the organization on the sideline during games. Read more at: _
Hate this tool but he's right. Keith Olbermann Wants Tom Brady Suspended For A Year For Deflategate ESPN's Keith Olbermann didn't hold back while airing his grievances against Tom Brady Thursday, saying the Super Bowl-winning quarterback should be suspended a year for his role in Deflategate and his mishandling of the scandal. "They need to suspend Tom Brady for a year -- one day for the inflation, 364 days for everything else," he said in his commentary during his ESPN2 program. Olbermann said an apology from Brady was in order, concluding, "The real inflategate tragedy here is Tom Brady blowing this whole thing up from comparative trivia to the needless destruction of his own reputation." Olbermann earlier zeroed in on the "innocent until proven guilty" defense of Brady's father. "In a courtroom you're innocent until proven guilty. Everywhere else, like in a private company like the National Football League, or even in a government, 'probable' is plenty. Ask Richard Nixon. Ask Dan Rather. Ask Pete Rose." Brady said at an appearance on Thursday night that he had yet to digest an NFL-commissioned report which determined that, "more probable than not," team workers deflated footballs for the Patriot's AFC Championship victory over the Indianapolis Colts on Jan. 18. As for Brady's role in the scheme, the report stated that he was probably "at least generally aware" of it. Watch Olbermann's full commentary above. _
If this was the other way around and it was Geno Smith who was accused of cheating (it still wouldn't help him) we'd be begging Roger to give him a life time ban. Please Roger, you know Geno was cheating, too.
A lot of people becoming very vocal on this which is great because you can only guess the columns that will be written if they don't end up coming down hard. Chris Simms thinks Tom Brady will be suspended six games for Deflategate It took 108 days for the Ted Wells report to conclude "that it is more probable than not that [Tom] Brady was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities" of two Patriotsemployees who were deflating footballs. On Friday, Former NFL quarterback Chris Simms, who was on the Patriots' coaching staff in 2012, said that Brady should be suspended for his role in Deflategate. During an appearance on Tiki and Tierney on CBS Sports Radio, Simms said that Brady was the only NFL quarterback "I know that goes below the legal limit. ... The one thing I'll say -- I played in the NFL eight years, my dad (Phil Simms) played 15 -- never have I heard the conversation, 'Let's go below 12.5 (psi).'" Back in January, days after Deflategate broke, Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers said thathe likes to throw footballs above the maximum allowable limit. More from Simms: "Every game that I was ever on the sideline for -- whether it be Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady -- the opposing team's ball boys are always over there. I always would ask (about) the footballs. How does Peyton like his footballs broken in? ... Never at one point did i say, 'Hm, that's questionable air.' So, to me, do (quarterbacks) probably take it to the minimum? Sure, (but) I have never heard of it going below." So is Brady guilty of cheating? "Of us being able to pin that to Tom and saying, 'Did we hear the quotes out of Tom's mouth, let's go below 12.5 (psi)'? You and I both know that equipment guys do not do anything without getting the green flag from the quarterback or the head coach," Simm said. ... "Listen, we don't have anything definitive right now but to me, all signs point towards guilty." And to Simms, that means Brady should get suspended. "I don't see how you don't suspend him," he said. "This is the face of the NFL, one of the all-time great quarterbacks. He tried to get a tactical advantage. It's against the rules. There's no denying that and, yeah, I think he's in big trouble. I think he's going to lose a number of games this year. ... I'd think it's going to be a six-game suspension and it's cut down to four. ... I think he's got to make a stance here, Roger Goodell, because of his relationship with (Patriots owner Robert) Kraft." Simms adds that this also tarnishes Brady's legacy. "There's going to be a semi-asterisk next to Tom Brady's name forever now," he said. "(And) I do think he cares because he wouldn't have taken the air out of the balls if he didn't care. ... He takes the air out of the balls for whatever reason -- he has a little insecurity about his throwing -- he wants to win that fourth Super Bowl so bad. Yes, I do think he cares how he's viewed in that limelight. Joe Montana's his idol growing up in that era. Is it going to ruin his life? No. He's got a great family, wife and a ton of money." On Thursday, Brady said he didn't "really have any reaction" to the Wells report, and his agent went on Anderson Cooper to explain why Brady didn't cooperate fully with the investigation. For now, Brady remains the Patriots quarterback, but if he's suspended -- and one reportsays it could be for a year -- that means the 2015 season opener between the Steelers and Patriots will be without the Pats' future Hall of Famer and running back Le'Veon Bell, who will miss three games stemming from a marijuana arrest last year. _
And it also blunts that naivette displayed by some fans that say no one cares or this won't taint his legacy. These aren't Pats haters or jealous fans. This is EVERYONE. _ Silverman: Goodell Should Suspend Brady, Belichick 4 Games Each The verdict is in on “Deflategate,” and the Patriots and Tom Brady are guilty. Ted Wells’ report offered no declarative statement about the teams’ activity from a criminal perspective, but it did say that it was “more probable than not” that Brady “was at least generally aware” of the deflation that team employees engaged in to give the quarterback the type of footballs that he preferred gripping and throwing in games. The underinflated footballs were found as the Patriots routed the Indianapolis Colts in the AFC championship game. You may remember that the Pats got the best of the Colts, 45-7, in that game. Nobody, including the Colts (and No. 1 fan David Letterman), believes the outcome of that game would have been changed no matter how the footballs were inflated on that particular day. The Patriots were the better team, and by a wide margin. But that has nothing to do with the sneaky and illegal behavior that all parties engaged in to give Brady a football that he could expertly handle. More than 40 years ago, a president named Richard Nixon was held liable for a break-in at the Watergate Hotel on the Democratic National Committee. The goal was to help Nixon win the 1972 Presidential Election over George McGovern, which he did in a rout, by discovering Democratic Party strategy. Nobody has ever suggested that Nixon and his cronies with the committee to re-elect the president needed to steal information to win that election. While the Wells Report does not indicate that Bill Belichick had any culpability in the deflation, it seems more certain than not that he knew something was going on. After the incident came to light last January, Belichick was front and center with his explanations about the “Ideal Gas Law.” He was trying to confuse and obfuscate, which was another popular tactic during Watergate. Additionally, Belichick is perhaps the game’s No. 1 control freak, and nothing in his organization goes on that he doesn’t know about. While Nixon resigned and left office as a result of the scandal, nobody is advocating that Brady’s career should be over or something similar should happen to Belichick. However, Roger Goodell has been the commissioner who loves to impose his brand of justice. He is coming off a bad year in which his leadership has been questioned for the foolish and inconsistent way in which he adjudicated the Ray Rice situation. His handling of Adrian Peterson’s domestic discipline case was also shoddy. Goodell can help resuscitate his image by coming down on Brady and the Patriots with a fair form of discipline, which means a suspension that will show this is a serious manner. Here’s why he needs to take action. Deflated footballs worked to Brady’s advantage because they are easier to catch and harder to fumble. Brady also seems to find them easier to throw, although Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers goes in the opposite direction and likes to throw overinflated footballs. To each his own. But the stats say the Patriots fumble far less than other NFL teams. An article in Slate pointed out that New England fumbled once in every 187 snaps, while other NFL teams fumble once every 105 snaps. That’s significant, and it shows the system has been manipulated. Prior to the 2012 season, Goodell came down hard on the New Orleans Saints for the “Bountygate” scandal. Four players were suspended, including Jonathan Vilma for the full season and Anthony Hargrove for eight games. Head coach Sean Payton was made to sit out the entire season even though he claimed that he didn’t know a thing about the cash inducements that were offered to players for injuring opponents. Defensive coordinator Gregg Williams was the alleged architect of the scheme, and he too was suspended. We will make a value judgment here, and say that deflating footballs is not as bad as intentionally trying to injure opponents. But we are not going to whitewash it either. Deflating footballs has given the Patriots a competitive advantage. Goodell needs to take action and suspend Brady and Belichick for four games each. As was the case with Payton, ignorance is no excuse, and Belichick needs to pay for what has been done. Goodell can also take away money and draft choices from the organization. That will help show that he is not owner Robert Kraft’s toady. It needs to happen sooner, and not later. It’s the right thing to do. Belichick, Brady and the Patriots are not above the rules of the game. _
They can suspend him for eight if they want, I remain skeptical it'll hold up on appeal. Brady's gonna go all Johnathan Vilma and make the NFL look silly on court appeal once again, they already have the heavy artilery lined up.
I don't really think that Brady or Belichick give a fuck what Pettine thinks. They consider him to be just another insect flying around making noises. Considering the number of beat downs over the years they inflicted on his teams. When he was with the Jets he was considered to be Rex's main leak.
I didn't post that giving a half baked crap about what those two pieces of shit think or care about. That was for the idiots who think no one else cares or that it's not a big deal or that only Pats haters or jealous fans think that Brady's legacy hasn't been tainted. EVERYONE other than Pats fans or Pat apologists or the naivette believe that Brady's legacy has been shit on for all time. _