Yes... a small sample size... of FOUR GAMES. This guy is borderline worse than Powell with the exception of four games. Hell even Powell had 127 yards the only time he was given the kind of touches Stacy had in those four games. Don't make him more than he is, thats all I ask. Saying he took the league by storm after 4 games scattered throughout his rookie season where he got absurd amounts of carries is making him out to be more than he is.
You're arguing for the sake of argument. I'm making him to be exactly what he is. A running back who is young and has flashed and absolutely took the league by storm regardless of how long. I'd just as quickly be happy for giving a 7th for denard robinson
Denard Robinson is a far better running back than Zac Stacy and actually does what we need a RB to do so yes, you're right. Four games in 14 games played is not by storm by any stretch of the imagination. That's just crazy and a lot of overhype.
Stacy came out of nowhere and was the talk of the league for a while...definition of league by storm...let's not have a semantics argument Mr gloomy pants
I'm fine on the value - this is a decent trade for a 7th. I'm more concerned that we've traded for a guy that has immediately shit himself because he has to compete for a RB position with a rookie. Surely he's got more competition for a spot on the team he's just joined?
Can't blame him...he wants snaps and he ajnt getting them behind a top 10 pick and tre mason He should be happy here he should get playing time
I'm not making him more than he is. All I said is he's far better than Stacy. He's faster, he's a better pass catcher and he's an overall better fit. That's based on a fairly equivalent sample size of both guys getting starters carries. When the hell was Stacy the talk of the league? I must have missed that portion of the 2013 season. I'm not gloomy at all. For the third time in this conversation alone, I'm fine with the trade. The overselling on your part is ridiculous. One of Ridley or Ivory would have to get hurt in order for Stacy to get more playing time than he would behind Gurley and mason.
You sure are making him more than he is...ur contradicting yourself just to argue. And you def missed something. I'm not overselling him in the least I'll say it for the 4th time. For a 7th round pick you can't ask for better value than a young rb who has shown he can do it w low mileage. You're frankly just arguing w yourself
I'm making Robinson out to be exactly what he is: better than Stacy. Does that even make him anything more than average? I don't know what's contradictory here... Does anyone else remember Stacy being the talk of the league other than during highlight packages in the four games he needed almost 30 carries to put up over 100 yards?
He has a great work ethic, at least. His ankle injury in Oct was a reaggrevation of a minor injury so hopefully that explains away his lack of productivity. He's stoked to be a Jet
Has he spoken yet? He hasn't said anything on Twitter. I can't imagine he's really that much happier here.
Stop arguing with yourself There is nothing to support Robinson being better than Stacy.. I'm also not making Stacy out to be Walter Payton. Additionally Stacy was in the roy convo for a time. Stop already...
He hasn't publicly. Hes smart enough to understand that first round picks can't be beaten in competition by a third year RB already relegated to backup. He thinks NY will give him a fair shot (and is more likely to operate as a RBBC to start the year)
Bowles just said the same thing. Said for a 7th "no big deal". Going to be some real competition this year, not like the BS competitions the last 2 years. PS - Can you imagine how long it must take Bowles and Mac to have a conversation? They are 2 ultra slow talkers!