I work for a landscaping company, have two guys besides myself in my crew and we just took over the lawncare for an apartment complex. So everything is going good, the place hadn't been mowed in over a month and was looking like shit (grass is out of control, garbage everywhere, typical shithole in nc). We start to mow, weed eat and all that bullshit. Then when everything is finished I start to blow off the complex when this bitch comes storming out of her front door cursing at me. Its not everyday I have some 50+ hag yelling fuck you so I turn off the blower to catch some of this abuse I was not expecting. Apparently one of my guys blew some grass onto her car and she is pissed. Don't blame her as I would be pissed to, imagining her car got sprayed and caked with grass. I walk over to her car as she is bitching about how she just paid $25 bucks to get it detailed and how the fuck could we be so stupid. I am apologizing the whole way until I see her car. Here sits a broken down, rust bucket old ass Saturn. It is covered in mud ( not from us) and there is a few grass clipping on the hood. I stand there for a few seconds trying to compose myself and say that we didn't do anything to her car and I proceed to take the blower and blow the few clippings off the hood. She freaks the fuck out, says how she wouldn't be treated like trash and she is going to get me fired. She then proceeds to say that she thought only a ni**er could be this stupid but apparently your just a white ni**er in disguise. At this I tell her to stick it where the sun don't shine, never been called that before and being irish this shit sort of pissed me off. I tell her to go eat a dick and walk away surprised I let an old racist bitch get to me. Best part is she called my company and talked to my boss. When my boss called me about it I told him what she said he laughed and said fuck that bitch I would have done the same thing. Point being, has anyone else here been called a white ni**er, shit actually bothered me and I don't know why.
Is there anyway you could break that up into 2-3 sentence paragraphs? I can't feign indignance if I can't get through the story. _
It's an insult any way you slice it. I was called 'The Bue Eyed Devil' many years ago in Manhattan when a child's mother saw the kid waving at me. Shit pissed me off
Meh. Don't be so sensitive. As a Muslim from Turkey I have been called terrorist many times in friendly and sometimes non friendly ways. And I was called white nigger once by a few black guys when we were bitching about white Americans. They told me I was their brother and called me white nigger in a friendly way.
I've been called "the whitest black man I've ever met" before and thankfully it didn't feel like being called a nigger like I have been called a number of times in my life. Either way the word Nigger is a useful word for people that get angry and cant deal with their emotions and try to hurt people as much as possible with out using their brains. And hey don't feel so bad, 200 years ago the Irish in the northeast were regularly called green niggers when they were the lower class just to try to lower them to the level of slaves, nobody can use that connotation these days
I have never heard the expression White N*****, but I have heard of Wigger. Usually referred to a caucasian person wearing gold chains, snap backs and low riding pants. That lady must have had a bad night shift at the waffle house.
I have to agree with TN on this. I've heard the term "wigger" before usually associated with White kids playing really loud obnoxious rap music talking like a hybrid between Vanilla Ice and Justin Bieber. Either way, it sounds like you caught her coming down off a meth high. If her car was a bonifide hoopty, dumb bitch shouldn't have wasted $25 buks on a wash and wax anyway. That sort of thing only works when you still have paint on the car...
I've been called the N word so many times, especial being the only black person on my class for years growing up. I just say, "How original, is that the best toy can do?" They usually shut up after that our say something so incredible stupid, like adding a suffix to it. For example...."n****rling". What ever the fuck that is.