No. YOU give it up, Smith Hater: 31 NYJ -1.68 -46.7 35 180 66 58 -1.04 -0.63 -27.7 -19.1
I said dropped passes were not the reason for Smith's high interception total. Reading comprehension seems a problem for you.
What's cherry-picked about the stat? In virtually every pass-oriented metric the NYJ offensive line is ranked bottom 5 in Expected Points Added by Football Outsiders, precisely what Gaines' is saying and what many of us saw. You only gave PFF as your source so your source is as "cherry-picked" as Gaines.
First of all Gaines's source shows an overall 31st percent ranking, not a ranking of pass protection as i quoted. If you look at the stats the OL ranking on his site for run protectoin was much lower htan for pass protection. Since we are talking about pass protection, right off the bat the 31st ranking Gaines cites is inaccurate and misleading. He doesn't even know how to read his own source. Second the glossary page where that site supposedly explains their categories is not accessible. So why should we take their measure of 26th, not 31st, as the appropriate OL ranking rather than PFF's 8th? As for other rankings, I don't think Football Outsiders is helpful since it is too dependant on sack totals, whcih in turn is too much a function of how long the Qb holds onto the ball ( consistent criticism of Smith, so it is a highly relevant consideration). I dont know what other rankings you are referring to since you don't mention them. But even if you split the difference between PFF's ranking an Analytics, which is purely for argument sake, you come out 17th, or mid pack. Hardly one of the worst in the league.
I get it a few of our fans really love Geno. That's good for you but please look beyond the few good things and and see how much the bad things he did (on the field) hurt his team as well as himself. I won't even get excited even if he has a good camp. He has to REALLY prove himself to be a NFL QB let alone our starting QB. PS my lil genie says if Mariotta is available when we pick there will be a trade with Philly.
Obviously, if you're weak on substance you'll resort to personal attack. I'm bored with you and your mom.
You have your interpretation of the ranking, 31st. And I and the rest of the nose-breathing public has another. And, really, you dispute the overall ranking, but you don't, and can't, dispute the individual rankings of the OGs or dispute your own group's perception of the declining play of the LT, the meh play of the RT, and penalty proclivities of the "good" OG. Newsflash: the sum was NOT greater than the parts. Which the Jets certainly recognized as evidenced by their Free Agent signings. Smith is not the second coming of Namath, but the OL and WRs aren't making anyone forget Dan Alexander, Wesley Walker, et al. either.
protection was pretty good on this play not hard to read the fan girl's lips at :19 mark of video
And not so good on this play: We can do this all day...
Even if you are pro Geno, he clearly is not good enough to be a championship QB. at best he is an average player. at worst he is the worst starter in the NFL. either way he isnt the awnser and should not see the field. his decision making is awful and he doesnt have any elite attributes.
I like Geno. I really do. I think he is a good kid, probably even nice too. He's an athlete and has an arm. However, he is probably dumber than a box of rocks. Playing in the NFL isn't easy and you have to have a degree of mental capacity to grasp a playbook and read a defense. Take college ball and multiply it by 3, thats how much harder the NFL is at the very minimum. Geno played ball at a school in WVU that accepts 86% of its applicants.. He just doesn't have it mentally. Hopefully Mr. Harvard can be at the minimum average because Geno at his maximum is hovering right about there. 1st article is Demario Davis questioning how the Jets are practicing....he backtracked his comments 1-2 days after but probably did it to try and put out the fire created.
Our pass protection wasn't top 10 this year lol. You're telling me a declining Dbrick, Colon, Giacomni, Aboushi/Winters and Mangold manned the 8th best Pass protection o line? I don't believe it. Only one great Olineman on our line last year, Dbrick was Ok but he has taken a drop. I can probably believe colon maybe, but dude is such a penalty machine. Giacomni, and Winters Blow. Aboushi was meh.
Heh. Watch this.