I'm more than willing to talk about it. Likely scenarios: 1) The Patriots filled the ball with helium 2) The Patriots filled the ball to 20 PSI 3) The Patriots filled the ball with helium and to 20 PSI Thoughts? Can someone do an analysis on Ryan Allen's average punt in high school, college, and since he has been with the Patriots? Can we chart the trajectories of Gostkowski's field goals pre and post the hiring of this McNally schmuck?
I was wrong. The claim was that he tried to pass this ball off to the official responsible for the kicking footballs, not the offensive footballs. This is an entirely different claim from the deflating claim. It's tough to keep track.
Exactly go back to pats fags, pplanet 3 ring circus**** they are talking about it heavily and every other place where they can defend the cheating. This amount of support to help diminish really shows they'll defend cheating no matter what. More and more this story might be uncovering the tip of the iceberg.
Tip of the iceberg mate, you know in your moral fiber if you and your fans have one that they're dirty as a back bay whore
You have to admit for that to happen in same game as the deflated balls doesn't look good? Now it could had been a honest mistake.
But continue to ignore the logic of the story, how it doesn't fit the existing narrative (Grigson notified the league, according to the NFL), or the fact that it makes no sense.
It wasn't deflated. People don't read Here we have an unofficial on field Kraft employee, non pats employee trying to pass an unofficial K ball to nfl official How did he brings these balls to the field This opens Pandora's box for Teds investigation If this guy is he bathroom guy, the razor is burning baby even more so, if he isn't. We have a covert cheating program with all game balls
Belichick is a nerdy guy who just happens to be brilliant at game analysis and to give him credit coaching players even though he was only a small college player himself. He's been doing the same thing for years and apparently gets his rocks off by trying to pull fast ones on opponents and the NFL. The only thing is that little Billy gets caught with his hands in the cookie jar. This is the second time he's brought his team and the NFL major embarrassment. This time just before the Super Bowl. For a guy whose brilliant on many levels not too smart.
Makes plenty of sense, we will see how these dots connect when the official report comes out I suspect they were checking no matter what at halftime due to grigsons ask prior to game and then this thing occurs on top. Sends the nfl operations guy over the edge and he assists at halftime Red handed x10
Don't no if its been reported on here yet but another patriots locker room attendant has come under suspicion http://www.nj.com/giants/index.ssf/2015/02/new_england_patriots_cheating_unapproved_special_t.html
So are you saying that Belichick has never been found guilty of cheating. Or are you denying all of his previous indiscretions. As for the Wells Report where the hell is it!
How many honest "mistakes" until they add up to a systematic, methodical and highly organized scheme to cheat? _
Nice deflection. What about a more likely scenario? The Patriots like to fuck around with footballs to gain some type of competitive advantage that is against the rules? _