She should be careful, on the internet a lot of people don't understand hyperbole's, saying "I would rather sign an Isis flag" is gonna get her in some shit.
while our most hated team fans are reading articles about how great the super bowl was, we're reading shit like this. life sucks as a jets fan
She looked way better before getting her boobs inflated. People can complain, but this thread has brightened up what would otherwise have been an uneventful two minutes of my life and I'm grateful for that. When's the draft?
I've seen much more cumtastic porn bunnies than her. She's aight, but definitely seen hotter and nastier.
She is by far the most overrated under attractive woman in porn in a long time. Her "new" boobs are horrific and she looks like a dude. Why is this even a thread?
if jameis gets drafted to the jets, she will offer bjs to everyone on the jets if they make the playoffs